Open access



A presentation about open access publishing.

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May 2013Stuart Lawson

Anglia Ruskin University

growth of open access

source: Laasko 2011


• Green open access - repositories• Gold open access - journals

article processing charges?

UK funding policy

source: Lewis 2012

Open access quick glossary

APC: article processing charge. This is the charge levied by a publisher to edit an article and make it ready for publication.CC-BY: all Wellcome-funded research articles which are published under an open access APC model must be licensed using the Creative Commons attribution licence CC-BY. This means that anyone is free to copy, distribute and display the work, to make derivative works and to make commercial use of the work providing that they give the original author credit.Embargo period: the period after which a published paper can be (or must be) deposited in a repository. The Finch report recommended not less than 12 months. The final RCUK guidance is likely to take the Finch recommendations and subsequent discussions into account.Gold open access: "pay to publish" rather than "pay to read", so the journal is paid to peer review, edit and publish a paper, for example via an APC, and then it's freely available for all to read rather than only being accessible in a subscription-only journal.Green open access: parallel publishing in subscription journal and deposit into an open access institutional or subject repository route.

JISC Inform 36, Spring 2013

ReferencesDOAJ (DOAJplus). “RT @invisiblecomma: about 50% of articles indexed by DOAJ since start of 2012 are CC-BY licensed: #doaj #openaccess”. 4 April 2013, 12:53 p.m. Tweet.

Laasko, M. et al. 2011. The Development of Open Access Journal Publishing from 1993 to 2009. PLoS One, 6(6), e20961. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020961.

Lewis, D.W. 2012. The inevitability of open access. College & Research Libraries, 73, pp.496-506.

Reed Elsevier. 2013 Reed Elsevier 2012 Results., 28 February 2013. Available at: [Accessed: 13 May 2013].

Solomon, D.J. and Björk, B.-C. 2012. A study of open access journals using article processing charges. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(8), pp.1485–1495. doi: 10.1002/asi.22673

by Stuart Lawson@lawsonstupresentation available on Slideshare

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