OCO Biomedical TSI Case


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TSI #19

Dr. David D’Alise

Pre-op panograph

Intra-oral view

CBCT planning

Soft tissue reflection

Crest marked with #8 round bur

1.8mm pilot with 10mm depth stop

Pilot taken to full depth


Countersink taken to proper depth

Perfect amount of bone removed from both the buccal and lingual

Pilot is now taken to full depth of countersink

Final osteotomy former taken to length

Osteotomy completed

TSI implant on driver

Implant being seated by hand

Final torque value is >50N/cm

Driven to depth with torque driver(notice micro thread exposure)

Harvested bone used to cover microthreads

Cover screw placed

Sutured with 3.0 silk
