Nursing Led Implementations of tech solutions



Back in Manchester a week later for BCS Health 2014 I participated in the stream 'Fit for practice – exploring the nursing experience of the usability of clinical systems' facilitated by the Royal College of Nurses and Chaired by Dr Susan Hamer of The National Institute for Health Research. Here I discussed the implementation of a clinical system and how the success of this project was rooted in the nursing-led implementation.

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Nursing Led Implementation

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Paper is failure.

Audit results from King’s Early Warning Track and Trigger paper charts (POTTS) showed:

●80% POTTS charts completed fully●91% Associated EWS scored●90% EWS calculated correctly●49% Escalated + responded correctly to EWS

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Paper is failure.

Audit results from King's; January – June 2012:

55 separate SUIs● Failure to do obs - 25%● Incorrect EWS calculation - 16% ● Failure to recognise deterioration - 29%● Failure to follow protocol - 31%● Failure to respond appropriately - 49%

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

From this...

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

To this...

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Nursing Leadership

Engagement: Chair of the Trust Patient Deterioration Committee also IT geek!

Evidence: POTTS audit consistently showed inadequate calculation of scores and poor escalation

Engineering: Build it ourselves

Education: Iterate and learn

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Nursing Implementation

● Piloted on two wards● Ward sisters engaged and provided feedback

to improve system● Nurses LOVED IT!!!!● Adopted by Trust IT Dept and team set up for

implementation● Nursing Led Training and Roll-out … Senior PM

was a Nurse

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Trust Wide Deployment

95,000 observations a month

● Failure to do observations - 0%● Incorrect EWS calculation - 0% ● Failure to recognise deterioration - 2%● Failure to follow protocol – 3%● Appropriate escalation response – 98.7%

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Engage nurses from the start!

Nurses know the reality of practice and what is “doable”

Make systems easy, friendly, playful!

Deploy systems that make a tangible and real difference to Patient Safety (not just managers....)

Some learnings...

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

We can do better...

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Meaningful Dialogue

Nurses and Developers working together

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

This is a process

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

This is not a process

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

Localised NEWS as Process

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4


Come and see Tactix4NHS England Open Source Pavilion

Tactix4 at BCS HC2014 19/03/14

Rob Dyke, @tactix4

