NIPS Paper Reading, Data Programing


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Data Programming: Creating Large Training Sets, Quickly

Recruit Communications, EngineerKotaro Tanahashi

Alexander Ratner, Christopher De Sa, Sen Wu, Daniel Selsam, Christopher Ré Stanford University

NIPS 2016, reading meet up


ML model requires lots of training dataProblem:


💡Key Idea: using labeling function created by domain experts

Examples of Labeling Function

Independent Labeling Functions

λ is true λ is false λ gives no label

family of generative model

αi : probability labeling the object correctly βi : probability labeling an object

determine α, β by MAP estimation

Training of wfinal goal is training w in

optimal w is obtained by

f(x) : arbitrary feature mapping

noise-aware empirical risk


Handling DependenciesIn some cases, the dependency among labeling functions is obvious like

considering the dependency can improve accuracy

fix: whenever λ2 labels, λ1 labels when λ1,λ2 disagree, λ2 is correct

reinforce: when λ1,λ2 typically agree

Generalization of Generative Model

λ is true λ is false λ gives no label


h is a factor function

α, β → θ

Represent Dependency by h

For a fixing dependency

whenever λj labels, λi labels

λj is true and λi is false


Training procedure is same as before

Experimental Results

coverage: % of #label > 0overlap: % of #label > 1|S|: #generated label

Data Programing outperforms LSTM


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