Newebe, a social network where all users are independent



Talk performed @ RMLL 2013 video :

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At the beginning of the web,social interactions were based on static websites and P2P networks.

Then arrived major social networks. With them, the data centralisation.

Soon after, federative social networks were born. It looks more familiar.

Then came the distributed social networks, each user shares directly with his contacts.

Back to the Back to the beginning ?beginning ?

No ! You keep

the centralisation benefits!

Nice and friendly UI

You can access it from anywhere.

With data easily interoperable!

GET =>[{ "doc_type": "MicroPost", "attachments": [ ], "author": "Nico", "isMine": false, "content": "Newebe c'est la vie. Yeah !", "date": "2012-06-24T12:08:10Z", "_id": "acef82a0b1673fe31c65d425cbb93a7d"},...]



a Newebe

Newebe allows you to publish messages, pictures and files to your contacts.

Every Newebe user is independent: you can leave and keep your data.

No third-parties are involved,your privacy is safe.

And by the way it's fast... No need to handle millions of connections!

On a home server (Nas, Rpi...)

Rent an online server

Ask to a friend to host it

NB : my mum use Newebe

Where to host your Newebe?

I love Newebe !


does it

work ?

Asynchronous Python server (Tornado)

Exchange through HTTP requests (JSON)

Document database (CouchDB)

Indexation managed with Whoosh (Python)

Single page-application

BackboneJS, Jquery, Stylus et Coffeescript

UI refactoring (almost done)

Define a communication protocol

Study Zmq as transport protocol

Improve security


Great !

Newebe is …

a social network that makes you independent

a libre software interoperable

and easy to use

(pass: newebe)


Photos: JoeBenjamin, ReservasdeCoches, bzhmatth, Comrade Foot, Cobalt123 on FlickrWorld icon: iconmonstr.comNewebe Illustrations: Stella Salumaa
