New Billion Beats Jan 2009 Issue 4 V3


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We are witnessing today that our Indian We are witnessing today that our Indian We are witnessing today that our Indian We are witnessing today that our Indian

youth is passionate about extending their youth is passionate about extending their youth is passionate about extending their youth is passionate about extending their

helping hand to the underprivileged and helping hand to the underprivileged and helping hand to the underprivileged and helping hand to the underprivileged and

the havethe havethe havethe have----nots. There are many novel and nots. There are many novel and nots. There are many novel and nots. There are many novel and

creative initia-creative initia-creative initia-creative initia-

tives pio-tives pio-tives pio-tives pio-

neered by the neered by the neered by the neered by the

i nd i v idua ls , i nd i v idua ls , i nd i v idua ls , i nd i v idua ls ,

groups and groups and groups and groups and

organizations organizations organizations organizations

which are which are which are which are

aimed at im-aimed at im-aimed at im-aimed at im-

proving the quality of life of the people proving the quality of life of the people proving the quality of life of the people proving the quality of life of the people

and are silently operating in a particular and are silently operating in a particular and are silently operating in a particular and are silently operating in a particular

way in many places of India. Those who way in many places of India. Those who way in many places of India. Those who way in many places of India. Those who

have that kind of development spirit are have that kind of development spirit are have that kind of development spirit are have that kind of development spirit are

contributing to their might in their respec-contributing to their might in their respec-contributing to their might in their respec-contributing to their might in their respec-

tive regions. We could tive regions. We could tive regions. We could tive regions. We could

witness the islands of witness the islands of witness the islands of witness the islands of

success in all these initia-success in all these initia-success in all these initia-success in all these initia-

tives. But how to tie all tives. But how to tie all tives. But how to tie all tives. But how to tie all

these islands of success these islands of success these islands of success these islands of success

and make a garland and make a garland and make a garland and make a garland

out of it for the out of it for the out of it for the out of it for the

Bharat matha. Bharat matha. Bharat matha. Bharat matha.

That is ex-That is ex-That is ex-That is ex-

a c t l y a c t l y a c t l y a c t l y

what what what what

has happened on 17 Jan 2009 at Chennai, has happened on 17 Jan 2009 at Chennai, has happened on 17 Jan 2009 at Chennai, has happened on 17 Jan 2009 at Chennai,

what is called “Action 2020: Unconference” what is called “Action 2020: Unconference” what is called “Action 2020: Unconference” what is called “Action 2020: Unconference”

organized by Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, In-organized by Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, In-organized by Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, In-organized by Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, In-

dia Vision Group. In this conference, hun-dia Vision Group. In this conference, hun-dia Vision Group. In this conference, hun-dia Vision Group. In this conference, hun-

dreds of young leaders representing 35 dreds of young leaders representing 35 dreds of young leaders representing 35 dreds of young leaders representing 35

youth organiza-youth organiza-youth organiza-youth organiza-

tions (backed tions (backed tions (backed tions (backed

by more than by more than by more than by more than

10,000 young 10,000 young 10,000 young 10,000 young

students and students and students and students and

professionals) professionals) professionals) professionals)

working on working on working on working on

500 rural pro-500 rural pro-500 rural pro-500 rural pro-

jects covering more jects covering more jects covering more jects covering more

than 1.50 lakh peo-than 1.50 lakh peo-than 1.50 lakh peo-than 1.50 lakh peo-

ple with the funds ple with the funds ple with the funds ple with the funds

outlay of nearly outlay of nearly outlay of nearly outlay of nearly

Rs. 50 lakhs in Rs. 50 lakhs in Rs. 50 lakhs in Rs. 50 lakhs in

education and education and education and education and

rural devel-rural devel-rural devel-rural devel-

opment opment opment opment

joined joined joined joined

t o -t o -t o -t o -

gether and shared their vision, mission gether and shared their vision, mission gether and shared their vision, mission gether and shared their vision, mission

and action towards the societal transfor-and action towards the societal transfor-and action towards the societal transfor-and action towards the societal transfor-

mation. mation. mation. mation.

Addressing the gathering of youths tele-Addressing the gathering of youths tele-Addressing the gathering of youths tele-Addressing the gathering of youths tele-

phonically at 3.00 PM, Dr. APJ Abdul phonically at 3.00 PM, Dr. APJ Abdul phonically at 3.00 PM, Dr. APJ Abdul phonically at 3.00 PM, Dr. APJ Abdul

Kalam said youth can only bring sustain-Kalam said youth can only bring sustain-Kalam said youth can only bring sustain-Kalam said youth can only bring sustain-

able development in the country. He pro-able development in the country. He pro-able development in the country. He pro-able development in the country. He pro-

pounded the methodology for eradicating pounded the methodology for eradicating pounded the methodology for eradicating pounded the methodology for eradicating

corruption in the society and has asked corruption in the society and has asked corruption in the society and has asked corruption in the society and has asked

I can do it, we can do it, and India can do it


Unconference by the ignited minds of the youth leaders resolved to work for developed india vision

Monday, January 26, 2009


Vol. 2, Issue : 4

When the child is empowered

by the parents, at various

phases of growth, the child

transforms into a responsible

citizen. When the teacher is

empowered with knowledge

and experience, good young

human beings with value

systems take shape. When

individual or a team is

empowered with technology,

transformation to higher

potential for achievement is

assured. When the leader of

any institution empowers his

or her people, leaders are

born who can change the

nation in multiple areas. When

the women are empowered,

society with stability gets

assured. When the political

leaders of the nation empower

the people through visionary

policies, the prosperity of the

nation is certain. The medium

f o r t r an s f o rm at i o n t o

developed India is the

empowerment at various

leve ls wi th power of


“Courage to travel into an unexplored path”


India Vision Group

Trans-form through inter-vention

I can do it, We can do it

the youths to take oath to fight societal evils in the

society. The entire youth assembled in the Rama-

krishna Mission Higher Secondary School South

campus at T Nagar, Chennai, took the oath from

Dr. Kalam “I will lead an honest life free from

all corruption and will set an example for

others to adopt a transparent way of life”.

Dr. Kalam made them to repeat his inspiring slo-

gan “I can do it; we can do it and India can do it”.

The entire hall was reverberated with the ener-

getic voice of the 100 youths which symbolized

the success of the programme which ignited the

minds of the youth leaders in turn they are com-

mitted to bring transformation in the society.

In the morning at 11 AM, Dr Y S Rajan (Co-author of the book India 2020 with Dr Kalam) interacted with the participants over phone. He has inspired the participants on the role of youth towards achieving Vision 2020.

Siva Narayanan, one of the coordinators

of the India vision 2020 said that they are

working on basic education, healthcare and

rural development. Final year engineering stu-

dent R. M. Nagappan, one of the coordinators

of an organisation 'Young Helping Minds,' is

determined to start a school for rag-pickers

and work towards improving the spirit of en-

trepreneurship among youths. The Vision India

group is one of the largest online groups with

around 2300 members focusing on

the strategy for developing the

nation. R.Natarajan, an IT profes-

sional who is one of the members,

said the objective of the unconfer-

ence was to provide a common

platform for service organizations

of college students and young pro-

fessionals for national develop-

ment. The focus is activity based

and not on mere discussion, he

said. Many eminent people like Mr

T S Krishnamoorthy (Former Chief

Election Commissioner of India), Dr

Santhosh Babu IAS (Mg. Director,

Elcot), Mr Jayachandra Naidu, MLC

(a well known social worker from

Andhra), Mr Sureh Kamath (MD,

Laser Soft), Mr S S Rajasekar (Mg.

Trustee, National Agro Founda-

tion), Dr K S Subramanian (Former

Executive Director, Asian Develop-

ment Bank), Mr Ramachandran

(Director, Youth Services, Rotary

Club) and many others shared their

views and experiences and encour-

aged this youth to act more vigor-

ously to bring the societal transfor-

mation as envisioned.

Unconference by India vision group: Action 2020...

2 E-Paper

India vision group mem-bers activated their network to extend a helping hand to revive the life of Mr. Muru-ganandam based on the email reference from Dr. Kalam. Even though the medical challenge faced by him is a topic for research. It is the wish of Mr. Muru-ganandham and that is his intention of his writing to Dr. Kalam. While the efforts to find out the cure for the disease is on, the life intervention is the

immediate response.

billion beats

January 26, 2009

India vision group inter-

vention in the life of

Mr. Muruganandham

WWW.ABDULKALAM.CO 3 billion beats

The next day of the conference, we got an email from Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, explaining about an incident that had happened immediately after Dr. Kalam addressed the Unconference: Action 2020 through tele-phone. He says, “I could not resist sharing the following incident that has happened during Action 2020 - UnConference. The Event was held in Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School (South) at T Nagar. The School was working for half a day. Dr Kalam was scheduled to address the participants over phone after 2.30 PM. Few of the students who came to know that Dr Kalam would be speaking over phone, stayed back and ere waiting to listen to Dr Kalam. Dr Kalam came online over phone at 3 PM and in-teracted for nearly 22 minutes. At the end of the interaction session, he wanted the participants to repeat along with him - "I can do it; We can do it; India can do it". The enthusiastic participants repeated this mantra along with Dr Kalam three times and ended with Jai Hind. One of the 10th standard student Mr Venkatraman, who was present there listening to Dr Kalam's in-teraction session, came to us and asked us whether there was any student group amongst the partici-pants. Immediately, we connected him to Kalam Nagappan, Founder of Young Helping Minds, a group of nearly 500 students. Immediately, the student told us,"Sir, I have in my hundi around five thousand rupees, saved out of the pocket money given by my parents. Now the entire money, i want to spend to the society and to the Nation. I do not want to spend lavishly." It was so exciting to see how the mantra, "I can do it, We can do it, India can it" administered by Dr Kalam could change the mind of an young boy to-wards National development.

This incident has proved one important aspect. We

have lot of youth amongst us with commitment and

fire. What they need is only proper guidance and

opportunity. There is a great task ahead of us.”

This unconference initiative has enabled partnership This unconference initiative has enabled partnership This unconference initiative has enabled partnership This unconference initiative has enabled partnership

between various social organizations with a long term between various social organizations with a long term between various social organizations with a long term between various social organizations with a long term

goal of having sustainable working models. Mr. Prime goal of having sustainable working models. Mr. Prime goal of having sustainable working models. Mr. Prime goal of having sustainable working models. Mr. Prime

Point Srinivasan informed that the membership is vol-Point Srinivasan informed that the membership is vol-Point Srinivasan informed that the membership is vol-Point Srinivasan informed that the membership is vol-

u n t a r y a n d y o u t h s c a n c o n t a c t u n t a r y a n d y o u t h s c a n c o n t a c t u n t a r y a n d y o u t h s c a n c o n t a c t u n t a r y a n d y o u t h s c a n c o n t a c t and and and and

for participation. for participation. for participation. for participation.

I want to donate my pocket money -

10th std student

Power of networking individuals bring transformation in one’s life - a case study

One day, Dr. Kalam received a mail from Mr. Muraganan-One day, Dr. Kalam received a mail from Mr. Muraganan-One day, Dr. Kalam received a mail from Mr. Muraganan-One day, Dr. Kalam received a mail from Mr. Muraganan-dam, a differently abled person, who had written from dam, a differently abled person, who had written from dam, a differently abled person, who had written from dam, a differently abled person, who had written from Samayapuram, Trichy, Tamilnadu. Till his first year of Samayapuram, Trichy, Tamilnadu. Till his first year of Samayapuram, Trichy, Tamilnadu. Till his first year of Samayapuram, Trichy, Tamilnadu. Till his first year of higher secondary he was ordinary person. Then he higher secondary he was ordinary person. Then he higher secondary he was ordinary person. Then he higher secondary he was ordinary person. Then he started developing weakness and eventually restricting started developing weakness and eventually restricting started developing weakness and eventually restricting started developing weakness and eventually restricting his movement laterally his movement laterally his movement laterally his movement laterally ---- both hands & legs. The indomita-both hands & legs. The indomita-both hands & legs. The indomita-both hands & legs. The indomita-ble spirit in him had learned computers, even though he ble spirit in him had learned computers, even though he ble spirit in him had learned computers, even though he ble spirit in him had learned computers, even though he had to discontinue his studies. The issue is also sort of had to discontinue his studies. The issue is also sort of had to discontinue his studies. The issue is also sort of had to discontinue his studies. The issue is also sort of genetic with his parents & now him. He was very unhappy genetic with his parents & now him. He was very unhappy genetic with his parents & now him. He was very unhappy genetic with his parents & now him. He was very unhappy with situation, he mustered confidence & wrote a mail to with situation, he mustered confidence & wrote a mail to with situation, he mustered confidence & wrote a mail to with situation, he mustered confidence & wrote a mail to Dr. kalam. Dr. Kalam has forwarded the mail to Mrs. Ka-Dr. kalam. Dr. Kalam has forwarded the mail to Mrs. Ka-Dr. kalam. Dr. Kalam has forwarded the mail to Mrs. Ka-Dr. kalam. Dr. Kalam has forwarded the mail to Mrs. Ka-lama and to Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, India Vision lama and to Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, India Vision lama and to Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, India Vision lama and to Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan, India Vision Group for extending necessary help and support to him. Group for extending necessary help and support to him. Group for extending necessary help and support to him. Group for extending necessary help and support to him. India vision group took upon this task as a mission and India vision group took upon this task as a mission and India vision group took upon this task as a mission and India vision group took upon this task as a mission and spread the message among its members for the neces-spread the message among its members for the neces-spread the message among its members for the neces-spread the message among its members for the neces-sary help. India Vision group members from Trichy visited sary help. India Vision group members from Trichy visited sary help. India Vision group members from Trichy visited sary help. India Vision group members from Trichy visited

Mr. Muruganandam in his home. Mr. Muruganandam in his home. Mr. Muruganandam in his home. Mr. Muruganandam in his home.

Their first task was to take a medical advice on condition Their first task was to take a medical advice on condition Their first task was to take a medical advice on condition Their first task was to take a medical advice on condition and the cause. Mr. Prime Point Srivasan's contacted Dr. and the cause. Mr. Prime Point Srivasan's contacted Dr. and the cause. Mr. Prime Point Srivasan's contacted Dr. and the cause. Mr. Prime Point Srivasan's contacted Dr. ManivannanManivannanManivannanManivannan---- MD, Kaveri Hospital, Trichy and he person-MD, Kaveri Hospital, Trichy and he person-MD, Kaveri Hospital, Trichy and he person-MD, Kaveri Hospital, Trichy and he person-ally sent his team to examine, to find out the status. ally sent his team to examine, to find out the status. ally sent his team to examine, to find out the status. ally sent his team to examine, to find out the status. The next step was to confirm the ground reality. The part-The next step was to confirm the ground reality. The part-The next step was to confirm the ground reality. The part-The next step was to confirm the ground reality. The part-ner groups of India Vision group did not hesitate one mo-ner groups of India Vision group did not hesitate one mo-ner groups of India Vision group did not hesitate one mo-ner groups of India Vision group did not hesitate one mo-ment. They had sent the teams to visit him and gave the ment. They had sent the teams to visit him and gave the ment. They had sent the teams to visit him and gave the ment. They had sent the teams to visit him and gave the first hand report immediately. Seeing all the feasible op-first hand report immediately. Seeing all the feasible op-first hand report immediately. Seeing all the feasible op-first hand report immediately. Seeing all the feasible op-tions, considering his skills, based on the cost analysis tions, considering his skills, based on the cost analysis tions, considering his skills, based on the cost analysis tions, considering his skills, based on the cost analysis and the existing business potential India vision group and and the existing business potential India vision group and and the existing business potential India vision group and and the existing business potential India vision group and its partner organizations decided to set up Internet centre its partner organizations decided to set up Internet centre its partner organizations decided to set up Internet centre its partner organizations decided to set up Internet centre for him. It was agreed by all & they plunged into further for him. It was agreed by all & they plunged into further for him. It was agreed by all & they plunged into further for him. It was agreed by all & they plunged into further action.action.action.action. After exploring all the options they decided to get second After exploring all the options they decided to get second After exploring all the options they decided to get second After exploring all the options they decided to get second hand system. For multiple reasons mainly to test out wa-hand system. For multiple reasons mainly to test out wa-hand system. For multiple reasons mainly to test out wa-hand system. For multiple reasons mainly to test out wa-ters and give Muruganandam the confidence in running ters and give Muruganandam the confidence in running ters and give Muruganandam the confidence in running ters and give Muruganandam the confidence in running the show. Mr.Suresh Kamat (CEO, Laser Soft) readily of-the show. Mr.Suresh Kamat (CEO, Laser Soft) readily of-the show. Mr.Suresh Kamat (CEO, Laser Soft) readily of-the show. Mr.Suresh Kamat (CEO, Laser Soft) readily of-fered 2 Systems from laser Soft. Muruganandam did his fered 2 Systems from laser Soft. Muruganandam did his fered 2 Systems from laser Soft. Muruganandam did his fered 2 Systems from laser Soft. Muruganandam did his part by registering for Internet, then searching for old cab-part by registering for Internet, then searching for old cab-part by registering for Internet, then searching for old cab-part by registering for Internet, then searching for old cab-ins, getting network router installed. Now Mr. Muruganan-ins, getting network router installed. Now Mr. Muruganan-ins, getting network router installed. Now Mr. Muruganan-ins, getting network router installed. Now Mr. Muruganan-dam is a PROUD owner of an Internet Centre!! His well dam is a PROUD owner of an Internet Centre!! His well dam is a PROUD owner of an Internet Centre!! His well dam is a PROUD owner of an Internet Centre!! His well wishers/friends in Samayapuram helped him a lot. The wishers/friends in Samayapuram helped him a lot. The wishers/friends in Samayapuram helped him a lot. The wishers/friends in Samayapuram helped him a lot. The main idea for sustainable progress is establishing local main idea for sustainable progress is establishing local main idea for sustainable progress is establishing local main idea for sustainable progress is establishing local support structure. We were able to establish this in better support structure. We were able to establish this in better support structure. We were able to establish this in better support structure. We were able to establish this in better way! It was reviewed and continuously monitored for his way! It was reviewed and continuously monitored for his way! It was reviewed and continuously monitored for his way! It was reviewed and continuously monitored for his sustainability. sustainability. sustainability. sustainability. This one single incident shows the power of networking This one single incident shows the power of networking This one single incident shows the power of networking This one single incident shows the power of networking the people working in different parts of the country. India the people working in different parts of the country. India the people working in different parts of the country. India the people working in different parts of the country. India Vision 2020 partner groups worked together to benefit an Vision 2020 partner groups worked together to benefit an Vision 2020 partner groups worked together to benefit an Vision 2020 partner groups worked together to benefit an energetic youth Shri. Muruganandam (Trichy, Tamilnadu). energetic youth Shri. Muruganandam (Trichy, Tamilnadu). energetic youth Shri. Muruganandam (Trichy, Tamilnadu). energetic youth Shri. Muruganandam (Trichy, Tamilnadu). This is an excellent example of team work. This is an excellent example of team work. This is an excellent example of team work. This is an excellent example of team work. The following members involved in this mission, in a coor-The following members involved in this mission, in a coor-The following members involved in this mission, in a coor-The following members involved in this mission, in a coor-dinated way with the leadership provided by Mr. Prime dinated way with the leadership provided by Mr. Prime dinated way with the leadership provided by Mr. Prime dinated way with the leadership provided by Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan. Point Srinivasan. Point Srinivasan. Point Srinivasan. SIAGM,SIAGM,SIAGM,SIAGM, Dream India 2020Dream India 2020Dream India 2020Dream India 2020, , , , India SudarIndia SudarIndia SudarIndia Sudar, , , , YHMYHMYHMYHM, , , , Team Ever-Team Ever-Team Ever-Team Ever-estestestest “Not one partner showed hesitation at any point in “Not one partner showed hesitation at any point in “Not one partner showed hesitation at any point in “Not one partner showed hesitation at any point in time which I believe was hugely responsible for the com-time which I believe was hugely responsible for the com-time which I believe was hugely responsible for the com-time which I believe was hugely responsible for the com-pletion” India vision group member Mr. K. Ravikumar pletion” India vision group member Mr. K. Ravikumar pletion” India vision group member Mr. K. Ravikumar pletion” India vision group member Mr. K. Ravikumar

proudly says. proudly says. proudly says. proudly says. ————————---- Report by V. PonrajReport by V. PonrajReport by V. PonrajReport by V. Ponraj

Billion Beats

No: 10, Rajaji Marg

New Delhi - 110016

Phone: 011-23015522

Fax: 011-23793601

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Mario Capecchi had a difficult and challenging childhood. For nearly four years, Capecchi

lived with his mother in a chalet in the Italian Alps. When World War II broke out, his

mother, along with other Bohemians, was sent to Dachau as a political prisoner. Anticipat-

ing her arrest by the Gestapo, she had sold all her possessions and given the money to

friends to help raise her son on their farm. In the farm, he had to grow own wheat, har-

vest; take it to miller to be ground. Then, the money which his mother left for him ran out

and at the age of four and half years, he started sometimes living in the streets, some-

times joining gangs of other homeless children, sometimes living in orphanages and most

of the time hungry. He spent the last year in the city of Reggio Emelia, hospitalized for mal-

nutrition where his mother found him on his ninth birthday after a year of searching.

Within weeks, the Capecchi and his mother sailed to America to join his uncle and aunt.

He started his 3rd grade schooling afresh over there and started his education, interested

in sports, studied political science. But he didn’t find interesting and changed into science,

became a mathematics graduate in 1961 with a double major in Physics and Chemistry.

Although he really liked Physics, its elegance and simplicity, he switched to molecular biol-

ogy in graduate school, on the advice of James D Watson, who advised him that he should

not be bothered about small things, since such pursuits are likely to produce only small


His objective was to do gene targeting. The experiments started in 1980 and by

1984, Capecchi had clear success. Three years later, he applied the technology to mice. In

1989, he developed the first mice with targeted mutations. The technology created by Doc-

tor Capecchi allows researchers to create specific gene mutations anywhere they choose

in the genetic code of a mouse. By manipulating gene sequences in this way, researchers

are able to mimic human disease conditions on animal subjects. What the research of

Mario Capecchi means for human health is nothing short of amazing, his work with mice

could lead to cures for Alzheimer’s disease or even Cancer. The innovations in genetics

that Mario Capecchi achieved won him the Nobel Prize in 2007. Noble laureate Capecchi life

indeed reveals: -

When you wish upon a star, Makes no difference who you are”

Birth of Creativity in a difficult situation


Small Aim is a crime Small Aim is a crime Small Aim is a crime Small Aim is a crime

APJ Abdul KalamAPJ Abdul KalamAPJ Abdul KalamAPJ Abdul Kalam

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chief Editor:

Editorial board:

To publish into billion beats:

Send your articles, success stories,

innovations, cartoons, poetry into

Along with photographs and evidence

documents if any