Nat project 2


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How’s your day?

Great!! Wise Owl!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

This is a story about an owl who looked very Smart and Intelligent.

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

Hunting at night, owls use their extraordinary vision and excellent hearing to locate their prey. They have unique wide wings, lightweight bodies and unusually soft, fluffy feathers allow them to fly silently.

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

What’s happening here? What do owls do at night that is different from what most

other animals and people do? What do owls do during the day? How is that different

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

The other animals think he look Smart and Intelligent too.

Ooooh!! The Wise Owl really look smart and intelligent.

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

One summer , the dogs were burning hot . “What shall we do?’’asked one of the dogs. Let’s

go and ask the owl, as he look so smart and intelligent.

I feel so hot!!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

So they went to see the owl and asked, “the weather is so hot! What should we do?”

Then the owl pondered and told them, “I think you guys should take a cold bath!”

Then Do it! Do it! Do!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

One autumn, the bears saw the leaves falling from the trees. “What should we do?’’said one of the bears. Let’s go and look for the owl. He look so smart and intelligent.

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

“What shall we do?’’asked the bears “ “What do you think you should do?”

said the owl. One of the bears said, “I think we should sleep

until winter comes .”

Do it! Do it! Do!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

One winter , the Humpback whales was freezing cold. They don’t know what to do…… Luckily they saw owl flying in the sky. The whales asked the owl if the owl can help them think of a solution.

Owl! The water is cold! Help us!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

The owl asked the whales, “What do you think you should do?”

“I think we should migrate.” said the whales.

Then do it ! Do it ! Do!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

Spring finally arrives after the cold winter! The bees were so excited!

But they didn’t know what they should do during Spring time . So the bees went to ask the wise owl.

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

The owl asked the bees,”Bees, what should you do when spring comes? One of the bees said, “ we should have a new house! Our house was

damaged during the winter !” Do it! Do it! Do!

So now, the bees are busy looking for a new place to built their homes!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)

The End!!!

Done by : Lim Ying Tong Natalie (2L)
