My XML is Alive! An Intro to XAML



Extensible Application Markup Language, better known as XAML (pronounced “zammel”), is a language developed by Microsoft that is based on XML. It provides a declarative way to instantiate rich object graphs – in other words, through XAML you are able to create instances of classes, set properties, and define behaviors. Most commonly used to describe the user interface for technologies like Silverlight, WPF, and Windows 8.1, XAML provides a separation of concerns between the presentation and business logic for an app and gives the designer the flexibility to create experiences that interact with code through data-binding. This enables design-time data and true parallel workflows between designers and developers. Jeremy Likness will walk you through XAML, including how it is used by various technologies and the advantages it provides when building applications.

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Jeremy Likness

Principal Consultant


My XML is Alive! (An Intro to XAML)


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Imperative to Declare XAML Data-binding Notify Property Change Design-time Data The Visual Tree Value Converters Dependency Objects and Properties Attached Properties and Behaviors The Visual State Manager MVVM



Imperative programming is the traditional approach to writing code. You just … write it.

Declarative programming lets you focus more on structure or tasks and leaves the solution to the compiler (or interpreter, or runtime).

Imperative is more testable and gives you more control over the implementation details.

Declarative tends to be more readable and accessible to non-developers (such as designers).

Imperative to Declare


// imperative (long)

var productNames = new List<string>();

foreach(var p in Products)


if (p.Price <= 9.99)





// a little of both (short with LINQ)

var productNames =

from p in Products

where p.Price <= 9.99

select p.ProductName;

// declarative (long with LINQ)

var productNames = Products.Where(p => p.Price <= 9.99).Select(p => p.ProductName);

Example of Imperative vs. Declarative

How to filter the product

How to project the product name

What to filter

What to project


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





<binding name="myBindingConfiguration" closeTimeout="00:01:00" />




<service name="MyNamespace.myServiceType">


address="myAddress" binding="basicHttpBinding"


contract="MyContract" />





WCF can be Declarative…

What, what, and what


BasicHttpBinding myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();

EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress("myAddress");

ChannelFactory<MyContract> myChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<MyContract>(myBinding, myEndpoint);

MyContract wcfClient = myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();

…or WCF can be Imperative

How, how, how …


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>I Hereby Declare</title>

<meta name="description" content="I Hereby Declare">

<meta name="author" content="Jeremy Likness">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">



<h1>This is the Heading</h1>

<p>Can you get a sense of the structure from this?



HTML is Declarative…


<?xml version="1.0">


<to>Jeremy Likness</to>


<body>Do not forget to show the XML example.</body>


…and so is XML


eXtensible Application Markup Language

Pronounced “Zammel” (rhymes with “Camel”)

An open specification by Microsoft


Instantiates classes and initializes values and properties

Used in WPF, Silverlight (including Windows Phone apps), Windows Workflow Foundation, and the Windows Runtime

XML CLR (or WinRT) that is language independent

The same XAML can be used whether you are writing your imperative code in C#, VB.NET, or even C++





XAML instantiates classes

XAML populates properties

UI Elements can be declared with XAML

UI Elements have a special feature called “data-binding”

Data-binding can be used to view data

Anything that can be declared in XAML can be written with code!

What Did We Learn?


var page = new Page();

var grid = new Grid();

page.Content = new Grid();

var textBlock = new TextBlock();

var binding = new Binding


Path = new PropertyPath("Result")


textBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding);


grid.DataContext = new object(); // calculator here




Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextStyle}"

Text="{Binding Path=Result}"/>

Quick DecompositionCreate an instance of the TextBlock WinRT component

Set the Style property of the TextBlock

Moustaches are for markup extensions. They will instantiate the “StaticResource” class and pass the “HeaderTextStyle” parameter

This one uses a named parameter with the special Binding markup extension. Binding is what makes XAML magic for UI.



Source (Data)Target

(Framework Element)


One-Way One-Way







Simple interface to implement on your class

Whenever you want data-binding to “know” about changes (typically whenever a property is updated) you raise an event with the property name

Empty property name means “all properties are suspect”

Also similar interface and events for collections (observable collections)

Notify Property Change


Very powerful – you don’t want to “design in the dark”

You can implement this several ways, including “design-aware classes”

Visual Studio 2013 has support for data files (such as JSON)

Specify a data source and type, or an instance and “is design-time creatable”

Design-time Data


The Visual Tree


Value Converters


Helps separate the data from the information (the raw “stuff” from the presentation)

Takes in one value, spits out another value

Works equally well on primitives and complex types

Typically one way (for presentation) however can be both ways in case you want to take user input and map it back to an internal instance

Avoid things like string-formatting, data preparation, etc. in your model, instead use the built-in XAML constructs to do this in the view

Value Converters


Provides the “dependency property system” designed to compute values of properties from multiple sources (XAML configuration, animations, styles, data-binding, etc.) and provide system notification when values have changed

Properties are registered with the system and exposes as CLR properties that pass information back and forth to the underlying object

Common base for most XAML UI elements – allows them to bind to each other, to data sources, etc.

Provides inheritance, i.e. “data context” can be set at a parent level and propagate to children

Dependency Objects and Properties


Attached Properties


Used to extend functionality or apply a common behavior to existing elements

For example, an element doesn’t “know” about grid rows and columns, but attached properties extend elements to allow them to specify what cells to appear in when a grid is rendered

If you find you are performing a common operation (such as listening to text change events to update data-bindings) consider encapsulating in a behavior

Behaviors are independently testable and then reusable and can be applied across existing elements

Use dependency properties to save/recall values

Attached Properties and Behaviors


The Visual State Manager


Again helps to separate the UI from the code logic

Declarative way to map states to their visual representation

Rich support for animations

Transitions to emphasize the shift between states

Orthogonal groups

Mutually exclusive states

The Visual State Manager


Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)


At the basic level means you have a class that exposes properties for data-binding and holds the state of the presentation

Commands are a special type of data-bound “action”

Plenty of libraries but WinRT XAML has plenty to support it “out of the box”

Don’t be afraid of code-behind when it relates to the UI (presentation) piece – after all, it is just an extension of the classes that are declared by XAML

Reuse across platforms (phone, Windows 8, etc.)



Imperative to Declare XAML Data-binding Notify Property Change Design-time Data The Visual Tree Value Converters Dependency Objects and Properties Attached Properties and Behaviors The Visual State Manager MVVM



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Jeremy Likness

Principal Consultant


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