MW2011: D. Birchall + M. Henson, Gaming the museum



Why, with the vast resources, and fundamental human subjects at our disposal, have museums failed to make more than a handful of really compelling games? Are we too wedded to the idea that games must be educational? Do we lack the in-house skills to make subject matter and game engines gel, or are we simply trying to enter an overcrowded marketplace with too few resources? Should we leave making games to the professionals?At Wellcome Collection, we are beginning the process of making games for our website that put compelling gameplay at the centre of the experience, building our subject matter and resources around that experience. Games have their own logics and structure, and there's no reason these should be subjugated to narrow educational aims any more than the physical layout of the museum should determine the information architecture of our websites. The playful and exploratory impulses that draw gamers towards great games are still largely untapped as a means of engagement.Using the mini-workshop format, we will present our progress to date and open up a discussion of other museums' experience, sharing our ideas and understanding of games. We will use simple exercises to look at matching our available resources (narratives, photography, object databases) to modes of gameplay, as well as investigating reusable game engines, game syndication, and building enthusiasm for games inside the organisation.A presentation from Museums and the Web 2011 (MW2011).

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Gaming the Museum

Martha Henson and Danny BirchallWellcome Collection, London



Friday 8 April 2011

Museums and the Web, Philadelphia

Approaching games


Real content



You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to be effective

There’s a bigger audience on other websites

Social media doesn’t necessarily spread games

People will think and talk about your game in unexpected ways


Replicating success

Extent of collaboration

Sharing/learning from each other

Gameplay beyond ‘gamification’?

Goals for this workshop

Testing our ideas

(Re)using what works

Sparking collaboration

Sharing knowledge & experience

Brainstorming exercise

Groups of 3-6

Random game types

Select a collection, aspect, mission

Bring the two together

Present your game, and issues


Share and reflect
