MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with extbase



Starting with TYPO3 4.3, a new extension framework called Extbase will be introduced. It is the backport of the MVC concepts of FLOW3. By building extensions using Extbase now, the transition and learning curve to FLOW3 will be a lot easier.

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T3CON09 Dallas

MVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

MVC workshop for TYPO3 4.3

Oliver Hader <>Sebastian Kurfürst <>


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example


The current stateof the art

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

The current state of the art


Database tables

dispatches callsfetches data

renders outputResources


imagesextends tslib_pibase TypoScript


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

File structure

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

A new extension: Blogging with TYPO3


define features of the new blogging application

implement the business logic

define the look and feel

take a look at security issues

modify and extend the application

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Blog features

administrate blogs, blog posts and blog comments

list all available blogs

list all blog posts of a blog

list all comments of a blog post

allow users to post new comments


Comment Tag


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Blog business logic

dispatch method calls in tx_blog_pi1->main()

public function main($content, $conf) { $this->conf = $conf; $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults(); $this->pi_loadLL();

if ($this->piVars['postUid']) { if ($this->piVars['newComment']) { $this->storeNewComment(); } $content = $this->renderPost(); } elseif ($this->piVars['blogUid']) { $content = $this->renderBlog(); } else { $content = $this->renderListOfBlogs(); } return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Task 1: Output a listing of blogs

fetch available blogs from database

implement a new method „renderListOfBlogs()“

protected function renderListOfBlogs() {...

$blogs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows( '*', 'tx_blog_blog', 'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' .

$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_blog_blog'), '', 'name' );


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Task 1: Output a listing of blogs

iterate through all blogs and render themprotected function renderListOfBlogs() { $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template']); $blogElementSubpart = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT###');

$blogs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(...); foreach ($blogs as $blog) { $linkParameters = array('blogUid' => $blog['uid']); $markers = array( '###BLOG_NAME###' => $blog['name'], '###BLOG_LOGO###' => $this->cImage('uploads/tx_blog/' . $blog['logo']), '###BLOG_DESCRIPTION###' => $this->pi_RTEcssText($blog['description']), '###BLOG_MORELINK###' => $this->pi_linkTP('show blog', $linkParameters, true), ); $blogElements.= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($blogElementSubpart, $markers); } return $content;}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Task 1: Output a listing of blogs

create the template with markers and subparts

<!-- ###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT### begin --><div class="blog element"> ###BLOG_NAME### ###BLOG_LOGO### ###BLOG_DESCRIPTION### ###BLOG_MORELINK###</div><!-- ###SUBPART_BLOGELEMENT### end -->

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Task 2: Display a single post with its comments

implement a new method „renderListOfBlogs()“

protected function renderPost() { $post = $this->pi_getRecord('tx_blog_post', $this->piVars['postUid']); $comments = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows( '*', 'tx_blog_comment', 'deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' .

$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid . ' AND post_uid=' . $this->piVars['postUid'] . ' AND post_table="tx_blog_post"' . $this->cObj->enableFields('tx_blog_comment'), '', 'date DESC' );

// fill marker arrays and substitute in template// return content


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Task 3: Add a new comment to a blog post

the whole plugin is cached („USER“)

dynamic user input won‘t be handled by the rendering when cached

define uncached behavior in TypoScript

[globalVar = _POST:tx_blog_pi1|newComment = 1] plugin.tx_blog_pi1 = USER_INT[global]

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Task 3: Add a new comment to a blog post

store new comment in database

protected function storeNewComment() { $fields = array( 'post_uid' => $this->piVars['postUid'], 'post_table' => 'tx_blog_post', 'date' => time(), 'author' => $this->piVars['author'], 'email' => $this->piVars['email'], 'content' => $this->piVars['content'], );

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery( 'tx_blog_comment', $fields );}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Take a look at security issues

possibility of SQL injections

unvalidated information submitted by a user

is there really a mail address where it was expected?

are integers really integers?

malicious information submitted by a user (XSS)

is there a possibility to inject JavaScript code?

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Security: SQL injections

unescaped or unchecked values that are transferred to the database directly

$comments = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('*','tx_blog_comment','deleted=0 AND hidden=0 AND sys_language_uid=' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid . ' AND post_uid=' . $this->piVars['postUid'] . ' AND post_table="tx_blog_post"' .$this->cObj->enableFields('tx_blog_comment'));

with &postUid=1; INSERT INTO be_users SET ...; SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE 1=1

SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE post_uid=1;INSERT INTO be_users SET ...;SELECT * FROM tx_blog_comment WHERE 1=1 AND post_table=“tx_blog_post“ ...

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Security: SQL injections

always escape or cast variables from outside

' AND post_uid=' . intval($this->piVars['postUid']) . ' AND post_table="tx_blog_post"' .

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

The current state of the art

Modify and extend the blog application

store information on different DBMS (e.g. move from MySQL to Oracle)

are there any SQL statements that won‘t work in Oracle?

what about the length of the table names?

integrate spam protection for posting new comments

add validation to the arguments submitted by a user

integrate a PDF and RSS version of all blogs

implement new business logic for each new output format

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example




Core concepts

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts

Model View Controller

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - MVC

Layered architecture

Domain Model (Domain Layer)



The model is a smallrepresentation of


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - MVC

Application domain

Example: Car rental application

Application domain contains: Car, Sales Agent, Customer, Sale, Billing

defines properties and behavior of these (real world) objects

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - MVC


Object representation of data and behavior

represents the application domain in software

FLOW3: Domain Models

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - MVC

Model: Car rental example

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase



renders data for different output mediums

it‘s only about displaying data

includes all output logic

The viewrenders


The controller steersthe data flow and triggers actions




Request Response

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - MVC

Conclusion MVC

Model: stores data and behavior

View: renders data

Controller: connects model and view, reacts to user input


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Layered architecture

Application Logic (Service Layer)

Domain Model (Domain Layer)



Data Mapper

Data Source Abstraction



Data source

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Layered architecture

Application Logic (Service Layer)

Domain Model (Domain Layer)



Data Mapper

Data Source Abstraction



Data source

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Principles of Domain Driven Design

Domain describes activity or business of user.


on the


Having your domain rules in software

The Tower of Babel

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Ubiquitous language

common vocabulary is an important prerequisite to work together

you should use the same vocabulary for discussion, modelling, development and documentation

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Principles of Domain Driven Design

Domain = activity or business of user

focus on the domain

build rules of the domain in software

ubiquitous language

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Core concepts - Domain Driven Design

Example: Phone book


Not in thePhoneBook


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Why should you use DDD?

Build complexSQL queries

Implement application logic

Mix PHP and HTML templateto build a template-based


Read lots of TypoScriptand core API docs

Build frontend formswith error handling

Care about securityadapt to the coding style,structure and thinking of

different developers

Implement application logic

Flow [flō] is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example


How to build a typo3 v4 based app

Extension buildingwith Extbase

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase

File structure

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase

Hello World

Task: Output “Hello World”

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase


all controllers inherit from Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController

Controllers contain actions: *Action

Default action: indexAction

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Hello World



Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Break until 11:00

-> Start screenflow again

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Blog example

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings

You want to output the postings of a predefined blog.

// inside the BlogController:public function showAction() { $blogUid = 1; // Fetch blog with UID 1 // pass blog to view so it can be rendered}

How would you fetch a blog?

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example



Comment Tag

BlogRepository Aggregate RootBlog


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


Idea: Put your objects into a tree / hierarchical structure

Root of the tree: aggregate root

Aggregate roots are accessible through Repositories

Model classes are POPOs (almost)

POPO = Plain Old PHP Object

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Model examples

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Model examples

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Model examples

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


Encapsulate all data access

SQL is allowed only in the Repository

Magic methods: findBy*, findOneBy*

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Repositories Blog übergeben

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings

You want to output the postings of a predefined blog.

// inside the BlogController:public function showAction() { $blogUid = 1; $blog = $this->blogRepository->findOneByUid($blogUid); // pass blog to view so it can be rendered


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings

You want to output the postings of a predefined blog.

// inside the BlogController:public function showAction() { $blogUid = 1; $blog = $this->blogRepository->findOneByUid($blogUid); $this->view->assign('blog', $blog); return $this->view->render(); // can be omitted}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 1: Output a listing of blog postings

Inside the template:

<h1>Welcome to {}</h1>

<f:for each="{blog.posts}" as="post"> <h1>{post.title}</h1> <f:actionlink controller="Post" action="show" arguments="{postUid : post.uid}">read more </f:actionlink></f:for>

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post

Display a post with comments

// inside the PostController:public function showAction() { // Get the Post UID // Fetch post with UID X // Pass post to view so it can be rendered}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


/** * Action that displays one single post * * @param int $postUid The uid of a post * @return string The rendered view */public function showAction($postUid) {}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example


All arguments must be registered.

Registration of expected arguments happens through defining them as method parameters.

PHPDoc is mandatory as it is used for data type validation

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Arguments - more advanced

/** * Action that displays one single post * * @param int $postUid The uid of a post * @return string The rendered view */public function showAction($postUid = 1) {}

Default values

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Arguments - more advanced

/** * Action that displays one single post * * @param string $title Title of the post * @param string $content Content of the post * @validate $title Length(maximum=100) * @return string The rendered view */public function createAction($title, $content) {}

Do additional validation

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post

Display a post with comments

// inside the PostController:/** * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed */public function showAction($postUid = 0) { // Fetch post with UID X // Pass post to view so it can be rendered}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Aggregates - continued

Comment Tag

BlogRepository Aggregate RootBlog



Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post

Display a post with comments

// inside the PostController:/** * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed */public function showAction($postUid = 0) { $post = $this->postRepository->findOneByUid($postUid); // Pass post to view so it can be rendered}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 2: Display a single blog post

Display a post with comments

// inside the PostController:/** * @param int $postUid The post UID to be displayed */public function showAction($postUid = 0) { $post = $this->postRepository->findOneByUid($postUid); $this->view->assign('post', $post);}

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Task 2: Display a single blog post - template

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 3: Add a new comment

a new comment needs to be stored for a given post

1. Create the template

2. Add the comment in the controller

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Extension building with Extbase - Blog Example

Task 3: Add a new comment

1. The template

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Aggregates revisited

Comment Tag

BlogRepository Aggregate RootBlog



Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


adding a blog

the blog is an aggregate root

Now, the Blog is a managed object - changes are now automatically persisted!

Persistent objectsBlogRepository

Blog$blogRepository->add(Blog $blog);

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


adding a blog

the blog is an aggregate root

Now, the Blog is a managed object - changes are now automatically persisted!

Persistent objectsBlogRepository


$blogRepository->add(Blog $blog);

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Comment is no aggregate root

Thus, Comment is automatically persisted


adding a comment

Persistent objects



Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Transparent object persistence

All objects (and their child-objects) managed by a repository are automatically persisted

changes to these objects are automatically persisted

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Summary: Domain objects

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Summary: Domain objects

we start with the business logic (PHP classes)

Objects represent things in the real world, with their attributes and behavior

we don't care about the database backend / persistence layer

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Excursus: ActiveRecord

Introduced with Ruby on Rails

Starts with the data structures in the database

attributes are not explicitly in the objects - taken from the database

class User < ActiveRecord::Base


Very intransparent!

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


The current state of the art

Core concepts - MVC and DDD

Extension building with Extbase

Outlook and conclusion

Hello world

Blog example


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Availability and documentation

Extbase will be included in TYPO3 4.3

full-blown replacement for pibase

new preferred way to write extensions

futureproof, with concepts of FLOW3

Currently no documentation, but will be available with the final release

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


New kickstarter

currently ongoing project by the core development team

will be released shortly after 4.3

Domain Driven Design - Don't think in databases, think in Objects!

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase

Resources and links

Project web site:


we will provide documentation until the release of TYPO3 4.3

First release with TYPO3 4.3 alpha3:

Inspiring people toshareMVC for TYPO3 4.3 with Extbase


Greatly reusablecomponents


Easy and consistent API


Easily testable+

Needs initiallearning time


Extensionsneed proper



You willget addicted


Feel the flowin TYPO3 v4


inspiring people to share.
