Mpi social media per meeting ed eventi fresh case


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Stefania  Con+-­‐Vecchi          

Social  Media  and  tech  tools  for  and  at  events  

We  will  see  today  

an  overview  of  the  FRESH  Conference  social  media  strategy  and  the  ReFRESHing  Social  Media  Guide    Tips  and  tricks  on  how  to  use  some  of  the  main  Social  Media  Channels  available  on  the  market    PracBcal  examples  of  The  FRESH  Conference  case  to  be  immediately  applied  to  your  event  

Social   Media   for   meeBngs   and   events   are   very   important  communica+on  channels…    


To  recruit  parBcipants,  speakers  and  sponsors  

To  create  a  community  and  a  buzz  around  your  event  

To  keep  your  followers  updated  and  to  interact  with  your  audience  in  real  Bme    

…especially   if   the   event   you  are   organizing   is   a   Hybrid  one….    as  it  was  FRESH  in  2013  


Social  Media  for  mee+ngs  and  events  

The  Fresh  Conference  is  an  annual  conference  dedicated  to  mee+ng  professionals.  

The  FRESH  Conference  

The  FRESH  Conference  themes  

2012 Process, tech tools and techniques

2014 Human tools, the professionals

2013 Conceptual tools (meeting formats, concepts etc.)

The  FRESH  Conference  in  2013  

FRESH  in  2013  was  focused  on  meeBng  formats  

The  biggest  fear  of  meeBng  professionals  is:    

the  +me  and  budget  needed  to  manage  this  channels    

How  to  help  them  to  solve  this  problem  and  to  be  connected  with  us?  


Social  Media  for  mee+ngs  and  events  

The  reFRESHing  Social  Media  Guide  

The  guide,  published  on  Slideshare,  is  freely  downloadable  and  it  is  an  interac+ve  pdf,  so  you  can  scan  QRcodes  and  click  all  the  links  you  find  in  it.­‐social-­‐media  

Valuable  content  =  examples  and  Bps   for  MeeBng  professionals  on  how  to  set  up  their  own  conference  social  media  strategy.  

Purpose  of  FRESH  Social  Media  Guide  

To   give   instrucBons   on   how   to   use   social  media  for  and  at  the  Fresh  Conference    

To  drive  visits  to  our  website  and  our  social  media  channels   sharing   “valuable”   content   in   order   to  create  buzz  around  it.  

 Our  target  

Who  is  The  FRESH  Conference  Community?    Skilled  and  passionate  internaBonal  team  

InfluenBal  thought  leaders  as  speakers    

The   most   innovaBve   companies   connected   to   the   meeBng  industry  as  sponsors  

A  tribe  of  meeBng  and  event  professionals  

The  structure  of  the  Guide  

Introduc+on   about   the   strategy   and   3   sec+ons   dedicated   to  every  social  media  channel:    

1.  Linkedin  for  conference  -­‐  How  can  you  use  it  +  Steps  to  take  2.  Our  SM  profiles    3.  Tips  to  facilitate  the  interacBon    

Linkedin for conference

How can you use itLinkedIn is the most important social network for meeting professionals. With 85 million LinkedIn users, we can assume that virtually the majority you want to connect with in the Meeting Industry is there. For conferences Linkedin is a superb tool.

Steps to take1. Set up a Linkedin profile for the meeting owner and create a community

connecting with the target audience of your conference.

2. Set up a company page for the meeting owner and promote it posting an update about it even throughout other social media.

3. Create a product for your conference in your company page. You can link the website, add a promotion with a discount code or a prize and do not forget to ask for a recommendation by your speakers, sponsors, previous year attendees or team and supporter. Visit ours:

4. Join Linkedin groups focused on topics related to your conference and joined by the target you selected as your future attendees (remember to respect the etiquette of not posting promotional updates in groups. Share only valuable information of interest for the specific group).



Interact with us!Scan the QRcode or simply click the links to connect with us or follow us.

You can connect with the Meeting Support Institute Linkedin profile here:

And follow the Meeting Support Institute company page here:

scan & connect

scan & follow

Linkedin tips:

Connect with our Linkedin profile or follow our business page: there you will find some of the most important updates and news we share.

Suggest and re-share all the contents that are valuable for you or for your network.

Recommend to us interesting meeting and event professionals to connect with and introduce Meeting Support Institute to those meeting professionals you think can be interested in what we do.

If you think it is useful, in the business page of the Meeting Support Institute recommend the Fresh Conference, you can find it in the products section.

We are part of many Linkedin groups related to the Meeting Industry. Support us by sharing the news or commenting our discussions in your specific groups.

Useful  content  drives  viewers  

ReFRESHing  Social  Media  drummed  up  a  great  interest  and  it  has  been  shared  and  reshared  several  +mes.      

More  than  1000  views  in  7  Days  

Facilita+ng  the  interac+on  

Sugges+ons  for  your  conference  

Create    a    website,    a    blog    or    a    landing    page    for    your  conference.  

Add  the  social  media  buVons  in  a  visible  place  of  the  main  page  to  facilitate  your  visitors  to  like,  follow  or  share  your  conference.  

Set   up   all   the   social   media   profiles   according   to   your  audience  preferences  and  your  conference  objecBves.  

Differen+ate  the  content  as  much  as    possible    and    share    it    in    different    moments  of  the  day,    according    also    on    the  different  Bme  zones  of  your  audience.  

Linkedin  for  your  conference  

Million  LinkedIn  Users  

LinkedIn  is  the  most  important  social  network  for  mee+ng  professionals  

With   200   million     LinkedIn     users,     we     can    assume    that    virtually    the    majority    you    want    to  connect    with    in    the    MeeBng    Industry    is    there.    For    conferences    Linkedin     is    a  superb  tool.  

Linkedin  for  your  conference  

Linkedin for conference

How can you use itLinkedIn is the most important social network for meeting professionals. With 85 million LinkedIn users, we can assume that virtually the majority you want to connect with in the Meeting Industry is there. For conferences Linkedin is a superb tool.

Steps to take1. Set up a Linkedin profile for the meeting owner and create a community

connecting with the target audience of your conference.

2. Set up a company page for the meeting owner and promote it posting an update about it even throughout other social media.

3. Create a product for your conference in your company page. You can link the website, add a promotion with a discount code or a prize and do not forget to ask for a recommendation by your speakers, sponsors, previous year attendees or team and supporter. Visit ours:

4. Join Linkedin groups focused on topics related to your conference and joined by the target you selected as your future attendees (remember to respect the etiquette of not posting promotional updates in groups. Share only valuable information of interest for the specific group).

Linkedin  for  your  conference  

Linkedin tips:

Connect with our Linkedin profile or follow our business page: there you will find some of the most important updates and news we share.

Suggest and re-share all the contents that are valuable for you or for your network.

Recommend to us interesting meeting and event professionals to connect with and introduce Meeting Support Institute to those meeting professionals you think can be interested in what we do.

If you think it is useful, in the business page of the Meeting Support Institute recommend the Fresh Conference, you can find it in the products section.

We are part of many Linkedin groups related to the Meeting Industry. Support us by sharing the news or commenting our discussions in your specific groups.

Linkedin  tools  for  mee+ngs  and  events  

The  products  feature  on  the  company  page  

Linkedin  tools  for  mee+ngs  and  events  

How  to  create  a  community  

Linkedin  tools  for  mee+ngs  and  events  

Sharing  informa+on  within  selected  groups  

Linkedin  tools  for  mee+ngs  and  events  

Email  no+fica+ons  from  groups  

Linkedin  tools  for  mee+ngs  and  events    Use  LinkedIN  polls  to  design  the  sessions  based  on  your  audience  effec+ve  needs      

For   conferences,   Twi_er   is   today   one   of   the  most   powerful,   popular   and   effecBve   tools   in  spreading   the   message   beyond   the   meeBng  itself.    

TwiVer  for  your  conference  

It   allows   you   to   interact   with  p a r B c i p a n t s   o r   p o t e n B a l  parBcipants   in   real   Bme,   with   the  same   immediacy  of   text  messages  but  with  a  much  broader  exposure.  

Set    up    a    TwiVer    profile    for    the    conference  (3  info   are   essenBals:   date  of   the   conference,   place  and  website.    

TwiVer  for  your  conference  

Create  a  #hashtag  

Use    the    #hashtag    to    follow    what    people    say    about     your     conference     and   to   interact   with  them,   to   obtain   analy+cs   or   to   keep   your  a_endees  informed  with  a  twiVer  wall.  

Create  a  community  

Give  credits  

TwiVer  for  your  conference  

Let’s have a conversation!


Tweet   about   and   with   the   Fresh   Conference   using   the   official  hashtag   #FRESH14   and   our   accounts   @freshconference   &  @msimee+ngs;  we  are  always  available.    

Retweet  all  the  info  we  share  that  is  useful  to  you,  but  don’t  do    it    immediately,    if    you    wait    1hr    or    more    you    enlarge    the  audience  significantely  

Men+on   us   in   your   #FF   Follow   Fridays   or   create   a   list   “cool  conferences  to  a_end”  ;)  and  add  us!    

Recommend   to   us   i n t erest i ng   meet i ng   and   event  professionals  to  follow  

Use   also   other   hashtags   while   twee+ng   about   FRESH   to   engage  other   eventprofs.   Examples:   #eventprofs   #meeBngprofs   #MPI  #PCMA   #meeBngplanners   #eventplanners   as   well   as   the   event/tradeshow  happening  at  that  moment  eg.  #EIBTM  #IMEX.    

scan & tweet

TwiVer  Tips  

TwiVer  Tips  

Create lists for Speakers and sponsors

Facebook  for  you  conference  

Facebook for conference

How can you use itFor many meeting professionals Facebook is mostly a personal social media. However, for conferences, they love to use it to stay tuned with all the content to share: they also reshare useful links and they love to tag themselves in the event pictures.

Steps to take1. Set up a Facebook page and/or an event page for the conference

2. With your personal account, invite your meeting profs friends to like your page or share it as your profile status.

3. Be sure to link the social media buttons of your conference website to the facebook page.

4. Allow comments to everyone but moderate the posts of other Facebook users to your wall.

5. Share valuable content possibly different from what you shared in the other social media. Do not TAG anyone in the pictures you share, on the contrary ask them to TAG themselves. Engage!

Facebook  for  you  conference  

Facebook tips:

Support our updates liking and re-sharing them when you think they are interesting or useful.

Invite those meeting and eventprofs friends you think could be interested in what we do or in confirming their participation to the Facebook event.

Recommend to us other connections of colleagues who could be interested in attending the Fresh Conference

Post news, pictures and videos about you and the Fresh Conference on our wall.

Share your most memorable moments before, during and after the Fresh Conference and tag yourself.

Are you a speaker or a sponsor? You can post videos, abstracts and previews of your FRESH presentation or about your company.

Engage the community with quiz, polls and games.

Facebook  for  you  conference  

Engage  the  community  with  quizzes  and  games  

Google+  for  your  conference  

Google+ for conference

How can you use itFor many meeting professionals Facebook is mostly a personal social media. However, for conferences, they love to use it to stay tuned with all the content to share: they also reshare useful links and they love to tag themselves in the event pictures.

Steps to take1. With your personal account set up a Google+ page and/or an event page for

the conference and share it with your meeting profs circles.

2. A page cannot add to a circle a personal profile. Google+ has the same limits as a Facebook page; therefore be sure to link the social media buttons in your conference website.

3. Create a Community for your conference and interact with the members: open hangouts to discuss and share info and to receive useful input from meeting professionals. Keep it alive!

4. Share useful and unique content, interact with members, +1 their good posts and moderate your space.

FRESH  Google+  community  

Google+  for  your  conference  

Google+ tips:

Support our updates giving “+1” (the same as the “like” button in Facebook) and re-share them when you think they are interesting or useful.

Invite other meeting and event professionals to join the conversation adding the the Meeting Support Institute page to their circles or to be member of the Fresh Conference community.

If you are already a member of our community share your experience and expertise with the other members, keeping the conversation alive.

Post news, pictures and videos about your most memorable moments before, during and after the Fresh Conference.

Our speakers and sponsors are welcome to share content about their FRESH presentation or about their companies.

Engage the community with quiz, polls and games.

Pinterest  for  your  conference  

Pinterest for conference

How can you use itPinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Pinterest drive a lot of traffic to your conference website.

Steps to take1. Set up your conference “business profile” adding an effective description

with the date of the event, the logo, the website and the location.

2. Create well-organized and relevant “boards”; categorize them according to the needs of your conference and include descriptions with keywords. We have one board for The FRESH Conference news, one dedicated to our sponsors, one for the past edition of the conference and one for the social media posts.

3. Create a network following other meeting professionals Pinterest users or their boards and start pinning and re-pinning. See also the Pinterest etiquette.

4. You can pin (pin is a share button) a website adding a pin button to your browser bookmarks bar. Some social media content and non-html websites are not pinnable.

Pinterest  for  your  conference  

At  the  moment  we  have  4  boards    FRESH  Conference  NEWS  

FRESH  Conference  Social  Media  posts  

Fresh  Conference  Sponsors  

Fresh  Conference  -­‐  past  edi+on  (January  2012)  

Vimeo  and  YouTube  for  your  conference  

Vimeo and YouTube for conferences

How can you use itYoutube and Vimeo are powerful channels to share video contents.They have the double function to give you visibility and to enlighten the sharing of bulky content. You can embed videos in your website and share in other social media a simple link to this content.

Steps to take1. Set up your Youtube and/or Vimeo channel with logo, description and link to

your website

2. Upload your content. You can share:

Interviews with speakers and preview of their presentation before the the conference

The presentation speakers give at the conference and other video comments

Partners and sponsors promotional videos and interviews

Slideshare  for  your  conference  

Slideshare for conferences

How can you use itYou can use SlideShare to share any presentation files or documents related to the conference. You can then embed them in your event website and/or share the link in other social media.

Steps to take1. Set up your Slideshare with logo, description and link to your website

2. Collect all the slides from the speakers attending your conference, presentations from your partners and sponsors, any other useful abstracts or documents and upload them to SlideShare space.

3. Link social media channels among them. For example in your Linkedin profile you can show the slides you’ve uploaded in your Slideshare channel.

4. Embed the slides in your conference website and promote the page on the other social media channels.


The Fresh Conference will take place in Copenhagen, 13-15 January 2013 + 1 optional day of training the 16th.

If you can come, don’t miss it.If you cannot come, attend it remotely connecting to:

Thank you for downloading the guide: your prize is a 20% discount on the registration fee using this code: smc-FRESH13-buyer-20%



icon set: Jurgen Appelo

The  FRESH  Conference  in  2014  

The  next  Fresh  Conference  will  take  place  in  Copenhagen,  the  26-­‐28  January  2014  


Time  for  you  

The  importance  of  the  "human  rela+onship"  in  a  social  media  

campaign  for  events  

Be  personal  

SOCIAL  MEDIA  success  is  more  about  people  than  technology  

Human  rela+onship  

Avoid  to  share  the  same  promo+onal  message  in  every  social  media  channel  set  up  for  your  event….  

Be  smart  

Reflect  on  how  important  is  a  personal  message,  with  your  name  on  it,  instead  of  an  auto-­‐reply  machine  

Avoid  auto-­‐reply  

Make  it  personal  

Use  your  real  name  and  voice    

Interact  with  your  audience  

Some  recommenda+on  

How  did  you  solve  this  problem?  Did  it  happen  to  you?    Sharing  solu+ons  

Toolbox  Kit      

Mee+ng   professionals   need   an   integrated  toolbox   kit   of  web   and  mobile   apps   to  manage  every  aspect  of  an  event  

But  it  is  plenty  of  tech-­‐tools  and  apps  out  there  

How  to  choose  how  your  tools  

Managing  Social  Media

HootSuite    HootSuite   allows   you   to   send   and   schedule   TwiVer,   Facebook,   LinkedIn,  and   Foursquare   updates,   track   click   stats,   and   set   up   tracking   columns   to  monitor  keywords,  hashtags,  and  lists.  

You can reach more people differentiating the times of your tweets!

Project  and  event  management  Podio  Podio is the collaborative work platform where you can build your own work apps - based on your own processes and workflows - and use them instantly on your iPhone or iPad.

Event’s  social  network?  

Yammer is a private, secure social network for your company….

Scheduling  tweets  for  presenta+ons  


Backdraft Backdraft is a new free iPad app that enables you to write tweets in advance, and then releases them while you are giving a presentation.

Timer  with  hashtag  and  twiVwall  

LTTimer ~for short presentation~ LTTimer is a timer application, and can be viewed hashtags Tweet. Was made for a "Lightning Talk" (a short presentation).


 Projectorfy  PROJECTORFY   is   an   iPad   app   used   to   run   live   events   on   a   tv   screen,  projector,  or  any  output  device.  Create  live  polls  that  a_endees  can  vote  for  using  their  mobile  device  and  see  the  results  live  during  the  event.    

Tweet  wall  and  live  polls  

Project   a   tweetwall  s h o w i n g   e v e n t  specific   hashtags   or  current   trends   -­‐   look  up   #projectorfyme   as  an   example.   Display  Btle   and   body   slides  on  the  fly  making  any  event   engaging   and  interacBve.  

Webcast  the  event  

Event-Cast With Event-Cast webcasting your events is fast, easy, and inexpensive. From baseball and football to school plays and special events and more, Event-Cast allows you to webcast your local events live on the Internet. And now with the Event-Cast app, webcasting your event is even easier. Event-Cast turns your phone into a mobile broadcast studio.

Live  audio  broadcast  

Soundcloud SoundCloud is the world’s leading social sound platform, with over ten hours of music & audio posted every minute. Tap into a world of fresh new audio; f ind great new music, comedy, news and more.

Live  audio  broadcast  

Spreaker Rad io and podcast recorder With Spreaker you can record your own podcasts. Report on live events, then share all the latest news with your friends on any major social network. Now users with iOS versions 5.0 and up can access the new DJ console to mix voice, music and effects.

 Building  memories  to  share  

Remote   ShuVer   -­‐   Camera   Timer  with  Lens  filter  Remote Shutter is the best and easiest way to take a better photo when you are alone or group photo. Remote Shutter allow you to connect your iPhone, iPod, and iPad using one as camera and one as remote to see live stream preview.

 Qrcodes  contact  details  generators  



Easy QR

 Scan  it  and  add  me  to  your  address  book  

This  is  ME  

Tweets  ready  to  send  

QRcode  generator  

Scan to tweet

Stefania Conti-Vecchi

Thank you