Mozilla Webmaker: plans for 2012 and 2013



Presentation for the Mozilla Foundation Board prepared by Mark Surman

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July 2012 mozilla foundation board meetingvideo conference

mid-year reviewWEBMAKER

big goal for 2012

best drumbeat software and learning resources rolled into cohesive webmaker offering

january 2012

june 2012

june 2012

june 2012

june 2012

june 2012


we’ve shipped MVP of Webmaker offering

next: test and iterate on software, learning, community

what have we actually done?WEBMAKER

big picture: from goals to cohesive MVP offering now have team w/ common focus and skills to do this

hackasaurus: extended from goggles to thimble now have two tools for HTML, expanded learning model


popcorn: pivot to app that edits web media in real time pulling video, audio, pictures, maps, data, etc. from APIs into a polished video

approach: from software + learning to apps that teachthimble + popcorn ship w/ starter content that also teaches you things



programs: from ‘front end’ to lab + contributor pipelineHiveNYC, OpenNews, StoryCamp = feedback, news ideas, best contributors


engagement: from rough idea to 600+ learning eventssummer code party napkin sketched in march, delivered in june

contributors: from ~100 to ~1000 in 6 monthsclear offering / call to action = more contributors, mostly instructors

what does success look like?WEBMAKER

big goal

move 10s millions of people from using the web to making the web

but what does that look like now?how are we measuring success in 2012?


in april, we said: contributors should be our primary metric for 2012

also said we’d look at adoption, badges, media and revenue

contributor metrics

why measure contributors?

contributors = key resource for building things and reaching people

in a way that will scale

why measure contributors?

also, early proxy to evaluate if people understand and like what we’re building

three kinds of contributors

code: coders, localizers, QA (target = 150)

content: people building learning projects (target = 200)

teaching: instructors and event organizers (target = 1,000)

Webmaker contributors

april 2012 june 2012 target

code 75 150

content 50 200

teaching 200 1000

total 325 1350

Webmaker contributors

april 2012 june 2012 2012 target

code 75 223 150

content 50 55 200

teaching 200 700 1000

total 325 978 1350

Webmaker contributors

code content teaching 495

Thimble 20

Popcorn 218 30

Open Badges 5

OpenNews ? 5 30

Hive 30 160

total 223 55 700

growing + involving contributors

Canonical’s Jono Bacon says: 4 keys to involving contributors

1. on ramps2. tasks / CTAs3. documentation / training4. celebration

growing + involving contributors

Summer Code Party + Hivecover all 4 steps for instructors

this quickly grew our instructor community to 700 people in 79 countries

growing + involving contributors

now need to dive deeper with instructors, understand motivations

two immediate actions: a) 1-on-1 instructor outreach by all MoFo staff

b) REMO Webmaker special interest group

growing + involving contributors

Popcorn building strength in code contributors (200+)

popcorn.js library plus events key to this

OpenNews projects starting to produce code, could become another big source of contributors

growing + involving contributors

question: when to build Thimble / Goggles code community?

probably need slightly more advanced offering before we put significant effort into this

growing + involving contributors

learning content is least developed area

first Thimble hackfest in London produced projects like ‘Zombies’

need a way to get contributions like this on ongoing basis

growing + involving contributors

Q3+4 Thimble priority is content contributor workflow

this will be simple at first, likely just through wikis and events

will add full featured system in Q4-12 or Q1-13

growing + involving contributors

longer term, need to build contributor muscle across the org

1. messaging w/ clear CTAs2. architecture of participation3. contributor engagement staff

adoption metrics

why look at usage and adoption?

we want to build consumer grade software and experiences

Popcorn, Thimble, etc. have to be things that people *like* if we’re going to have an impact

why look at usage and adoption?

therefore: need to know who is using our offering and how they are using it

we’ve built good software team and MVP,now need to test and iterate to full offering

a challenge

we’re just starting to baseline Webmaker, Thimble, Popcorn usage

e.g.12k Thimble pages published in first 3 weeks, very basic info on which projects most popular

a challenge

e-mail list is only place we can start to see trends

reach via mofo email list






Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 projected Q4 projected

major list growthdue to SOPA

growth continues as messaging switches

to Webmaker

a challenge

e-mail list is only place we can start to see trends

need this kind of info for all our offerings to understand how

people are using them

in the meantime ...

user testing and surveys are primary source of feedback

survey of 150+ learners showed majority liked Thimble, wanted more hints and better publishing

in the meantime ...

we’re also just going out and talking to people

feedback from events, public appearances and press being actively ploughed back into product decisions

major list growthdue to SOPA

next steps

we’re adding basic dashboards for Thimble and Popcorn

we couldn’t do this until we added user accounts and a publishing gallery, neither of which made the MVP feature cut

major list growthdue to SOPA

next steps

we’re also focusing / pivoting based on user feedback from the MVP releases

issue right now is managing scope and expectations:people see big potential, we can only ship so many features

badges metrics

why track badges?

badges key to understanding and measuring learning

ultimately, need to see if people’s web skills and creativity increase -- this is a central

part of the impact we want to have

what skills to start with?

we want people to know basic web mechanics and creativity skills

our first Webmaker badges will be based on this skills grid (draft)

mozilla web literacy map 0.3

current challenge

badges implementation delayed as devs needed on thimble

result: we don’t yet have a systematic way to tracking learning

plan is to integrate Webmaker badges into Thimble in Q3 and Q4

in the meantime ...

we’re surveying Thimble users about learning outcomes

we’re also a) talking to instructors and b) tracking entry/exits stats on learning projects

early observations

90% users with no experience said they learned something43% said they learned alot

surveys also gave nuanced feedback: e.g. some users stuck on browser basics (cut and paste) and web mechanics (inks)

next steps

Thimble next rev will fix and test against basic learning obstacles

e.g. add content on web mechanics and browser basics, improve publishing workflow, do more nuanced FTF user testing

media metrics

why measure media?

test whether our message is getting through

also provides rough proxy for how widely our message is getting out

coverage so far ...

good: on message coverage of Webmaker


“Mozilla Webmaker aims to teach you to code and to change you from web consumer to creator."

coverage so far ...

also: Webmaker positioned as core Mozilla offering

TechCrunch Thunderbird coverage:

“Mozilla is ramping up its efforts with Boot2Gecko, the Thimble code editor

and Firefox Mobile."

how much coverage?

87 press mentions of Webmaker in June 2012

vs. 65 mentions of Mozilla Festival in Q4 2011

big challenge

messaging good, but call to action not getting through

also, idea that Webmaker is a big tent involving many players is not yet being reflected in the press

next steps

Webmaker press campaign in UK leading up MozFest

focus is on getting call to action plus ‘Webmaker as big tent’ concept

will use MozFest itself as major press hook

revenue metrics

why measure revenue?

proxy for public support and partner confidence in programs

of course, just need to track as part of our regular financial metrics as well

where are donations at?

donations had good Q1but weak Q2

this is almost certainly due to all engagement resources focusing on

Summer Code Party in Q2

individual donations (comparison)






Start Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

2012 YTD 2011 actual 2010 actual! 2009 actual

Q1 2012300% above

this time in 2011

But Q2 slowed dramatically due to focus on summer


next steps

Q3 returns to individual appeals, t-shirt promo + new monthly donation campaign

Q4 will prioritize year-end campaign w/ Webmaker focus

where are grants at?

grants continue to be our strong suit

projections are $4.75M, $1.5M over budget

pipeline has an addition $5M in more speculative projects

2012 grants






2012 budget 2012 secured additional pipeline

what are the challenges?

there is risk that we become too grant dependant

most grants are focused on Webmaker goals, but even these are tied to specific outcomes/ limit ability to pivot

next steps

sustainability + revenue mix topic at next board meeting

will look at major gift plus more aggressive donations

both require more investment but also offer more independence

summary and next stepsWEBMAKER


1. we’ve shipped Webmaker MVP 2. focus now: testing and iterating

3. also, building base of contributors

current challenges

1. getting good at community 2. product and learning feedback loops

3. also: product scoping / tradeoffs

on our mind for 2013

1. ‘real’ programming: ThimbleJS? 2. mobile + games + webmaking

3. new geographies, esp. UK + Brasil

July 2012 mozilla foundation board meetingvideo conference