More than a Plane Ticket: Leading a Project Overseas


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More than a Plane Ticket

Leading a Project Overseas

Edan Puritt

Leading a Project Overseas

Know your ABCs

A. Prepare

B. Listen

C. Do/Participate

A) What to do before each trip: PREPARE

1. Research the geography, culture and history of the destination.

What to do before each trip: PREPARE

2. Research the geography, culture and history of Canada.

What to do before each trip: PREPARE

3. Learn to say and pronounce key terms and greetings.

B) What to do during your trip: LISTEN

1. There are few cultures as rude as we are.

Listen carefully for clues. Look for pronouns.

Spoiler Alert: Success will elude you until you are part of we and not part of they.

What to do during your trip: LISTEN

2. There are few cultures as young and immature as ours.

Understand their decision making hierarchy and stay within it.

What to do during your trip: LISTEN

3. No culture is perfect for everyone.

Listen to everyone but be very careful not to judge.

C) What to also do during your trip: DOING

1. Engage your hosts as an ambassador for the 35 million Canadians

who will be judged by everything you say and do.

What to also do during your trip: DOING

2. You will remember everything you do, and only regret what you


If the locals do it, or eat it, try it.

What to also do during your trip: DOING

3. Under promise, over deliver.

ALWAYS provide multiple early drafts of the Executive Summary.

Leading a Project Overseas

Walk aways? Remember your ABCs:A. Prepare

B. Listen

C. Do/Participate

• Down the road? Landing plane? After? LinkedIn?
