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Mood Board

Gaz is a 19 year old lad from Warrington. He goes to Chester University, and works part time at Gladstone Brookes. This means that he has plenty of money to spend on his spare time. When he is not playing the piano or editing music to put on sound cloud, He likes to visit gigs. He loves most of the popular Indie bands around at the moment, such as Arctic Monkeys and Bastille. Visiting gigs is a big part of life, and when he is unable to get tickets to see big bands, he likes to visit smaller gigs. As far as watching TV is concerned, he doesn’t do it often, due to having a PS4, he likes to watch sit-coms. Friends and Only fools and horses are his favourite, and also likes to watch The Big Band Theory. He keeps in touch with his friends of social networks, Facebook and Twitter. He arranges to go around Warrington town with them, once a month. His favourite thing to drink are Budweiser's. The rest of his spare money is usually spent onto music magazines, reading his favourites such as NME and Q, he likes to keep up to date on the music scene.