Mongo db rev001


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MongoDB in C#

By Rich HeltonJanuary 01, 2015

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What is MongoDB MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database.➢ This means that it is NoSQL, not utilizing the

relational SQL commands, but utilizing JSON-like documents to query the database.

➢ The JSON-like documents are BSON, Binary JSON.

➢ MongoDB is free and open source.➢

What is MongoDB

➢ MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database.

➢ This means that it is NoSQL, not utilizing the relational SQL commands, but utilizing JSON-like documents to query the database.

➢ MongoDB is free and open source.

The Motivation

● Sometimes using a full Microsoft SQL Server installation, with maintenance for databases, may be a little overkill for something as simple as keeping track of a file history table.

● The need for access control is still needed for basic security, so something more than a File I/O is required.


● Installation instructions can be found to install the correct version by checking the OS from

● The download page of the installations for Windows, OSX, Solaris and Linux can be found at

● We can optionally move the downloaded files to “C:\mongodb\”.

Installation MSI's

● Alternately, you can just use the MongoDB MSI file to install the program into the “C:\Program Files\MongoDB” directory.

● For Win32,

● For Win64,


● An data directory needs to be created to store the database, for example “md \data\db”, which “\data\db” is the default directory for mongod.

● Running “C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe” will now create the database.

● The “--auth” argument can be used to force authentication into the server.

Running mongod.exe

There are many tools for MongoDB

➢ There are many admin tools, some can be found at

➢ One of the admin tools that supports multiple platforms and runs in Java is Umongo, found at

Viewing the new database in UMongo

After downloading Umongo, we run the applications with the default settings to see the new database:

Running as a Service

l To run MongoDB as a service, we need a config file and we will use the -install option on this config file.

l We will create a log directory in the “C:\data\db” directory.

Creating and starting the serviceRunning “mongod

--logpath=C:\data\db\log\mongo.log --install” as administrator in the command


Viewing the service

After installing the service, we can see the service running:

A recap of some of the exe's:

● mongo.exe – runs the database shell.● mongod.exe – the core database.● mongos.exe – auto sharding process.● mongodump.exe – dump/export utility. ● mongorestore.exe – restore/import utility.

Start the C#

We will create a Command program MongoDBConsoleApp1

NuGet the mongocsharpdriver

No matter the database, there needs to be a connectionstring

l Add an App.config with the “<add key="connectionString" value="Server=localhost:27017"/>”. The default port for MongoDB is port 27017.

Starting the DB connection

l We will get the connectionstring, and connect to the database.

BSON and the DB

In order to perform CRUD operations on the database, a BsonCollection is used to map to the table. The table is really a collection of documents. The documents being name/value pairs. Here, we have an insert of a document.

More on BSON

BSON is Binary JSON. It is a name-value pair, in which the value could be many different data types.

More on BSON can be found at

After the insert, verify After the insert, we can verify the data in UMongo.

Here, we see that a document was created in the FileHistory collection.

We can also export the data to a text file.

Viewing the exported file

Code to read the collection

A table is just a collection of documents. Each document has a name/value pair.

We walk through the collection reading the name-value pair.

Updating the collection

➢ To update the collection, find the value in the collection, change it, and save it in the collection.

Deleting a document

➢ To remove a document, a query has to be developed that matches a name-value pair.

Deleting a collection (table)

➢ To remove a collection, a drop need only be performed on the collection.

static void Main(string[] args) { // get the App.config Connection String string connString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString"]; // Get the client connection var client = new MongoClient(connString); // Get the MongoServer Object var server = client.GetServer();

// Gets a link to the DB, will create with first insert MongoDatabase myDatabase = server.GetDatabase("FileHistory");

// Create a BsonDocument list for the Table MongoCollection<BsonDocument> filesReceivedTable = myDatabase.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("BankFilesReceieved"); // Create an individual Table row with the fields BsonDocument filesReceived = new BsonDocument { { "DateReceived", DateTime.Now }, { "FileName", "BankFile1.txt" }}; // Insert into table filesReceivedTable.Insert(filesReceived); // Get the table collection MongoCollection<BsonDocument> updateTable = myDatabase.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("BankFilesReceieved"); // Walk through each document updating the name-value pair. foreach (var filesRead in updateTable.FindAll()) { foreach (var elements in filesRead.Elements) { if (elements.Name == "FileName") { elements.Value = "BankNameChanged.txt"; updateTable.Save(filesRead); } } }

// Get the table collection MongoCollection<BsonDocument> deletingRows = myDatabase.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("BankFilesReceieved"); // Remove on query where a name = a specific value deletingRows.Remove(Query.EQ("FileName","BankNameChanged.txt"));

// Get the table collection MongoCollection<BsonDocument> readingTable = myDatabase.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("BankFilesReceieved"); // Walk through each document reading the name-value pair. foreach (var filesRead in readingTable.FindAll()) { foreach (var elements in filesRead.Elements) { Console.WriteLine("Name :" + elements.Name); Console.WriteLine("Value :" + elements.Value); } } // Get the table collection MongoCollection<BsonDocument> deletingTable = myDatabase.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("BankFilesReceieved"); // Delecting the table deletingTable.Drop();


Mongo Shell

Mongo Shell● The mongo.exe is used to execute shell commands.

● The shell commands can be used to show databases, users, collections, and also create the same.

Adding a user

● Can be created using the “db.addUser(“user”,”password”) in the mongo shell.

In C#, adding a user would be similar to:

In C#, executing the function could be done as:

In C#, finding all users would be similar to:

In C#, finding all users would be similar to:

User Roles

● Just because a user is added, doesn't mean that the user has assigned roles.

● We can see the roles to be added in the NoSQL Manager for MongoDB.

Mongo C# Driver

The Mongo C# driver ● The documentation can be found at

● This was the nuget driver that we installed earlier as version 1.9.2.There are c-sharp community projects found


, one of which is MongoCola.

MongoCola● MongoCola is an c# open source Mongo Admin tool. ● The c-sharp source code for MongoCola can be found at

Some Admin ToolsHomepages

● MongoCola Homepage

● No-SQL Manager for MongoDB