Modern Project Toolbox


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Modern Project Toolbox

@everzetcommunication designer



Decision Making

Individuals & Interactionsover

Processes & Tools


Chair taming sessions



Deliberate Discoveryover

Pre-project Discovery



General tips

4 Unconstrained space, Sticky Notes, Sharpies

4 Enforce conversation through Sticky Notes

4 Diverge / Converge

4 Collab artefacts & documentation

Decision Making Framework

1. Surface Context

2. Expose Constraints

3. Explore Options

4. Form Strategy to Deliver

1. Context

Stakeholder Mapping

Making it work

1. Invite stakeholders you know

2. Draw the layout

3. Name everyone worth naming

4. Arrange names accordingly

5. Decide engagement strategies

Metric Modelling

Making it work

1. Invite department owners or skilled reps

2. Brainstorm metrics that drive people (using color-coding)

3. Arrange metrics into hierarchy

4. Drive connections between meters

5. Prioritize and decide on monitoring

Strategic Event Storming

Making it work

1. Invite department owners or skilled reps

2. Blue-tack the roll of paper onto the wall

3. Describe the flow of events

4. Put the first event in the center

5. Ask people to fill the gaps

Honourable mentions

4 Stakeholder Interviews

4 Persona Development

4 Analytics & Data Mining

4 Feature Mapping

4 Brand workshops

4 User Journey Analysis

2. Constraints

Risk Discovery Workshop


4 Red - catastrophic outcome

4 Yellow - scenario

4 Gray - root cause

Making it work

1. Invite department owners or skilled reps

2. Brainstorm catastrophic outcomes

3. Brainstorm scenarios

4. Identify root causes

Business Goal Definition

Making it work

1. Invite Product Sponsor

2. Bring the Metric Map

3. Draw the layout

4. Ask people to move metrics into the layout

5. Limit metrics to 3-5 per milestone

6. Add readings

Skills Mapping


4 0 - What is it?

4 1 - Can Read

4 2 - Can Write

4 3 - Can Teach

Making it work

1. Invite department owners or skilled reps

2. Define the initiative or milestone you're working on

3. Brainstorm skills required to deliver it

4. Ask teams/employees fill their level

Honourable mentions

4 Initiative Mapping

4 Value Stream Mapping

4 Integration Mapping

4 Budget Workshop

3. Options

Impact Mapping

Making it work

1. Invite Product Owner, allow stakeholders to dip in

2. Put the initiative or milestone in the center

3. Brainstorm actors

4. Brainstorm impacts

5. Prioritise actors/impacts

6. Explore capabilities enabling impacts

Event Storming


4 Yellow - event

4 Blue - command

4 Purple - rule

Making it work

1. Choose area to focus on

2. Invite department owners or skilled reps for that area

3. Blue-tack the roll of paper onto the wall

4. Storm events

5. Identify commands

6. Explore rules

Honourable mentions

4 Platform demos

4 Prototyping

4 Wire-framing

4. Delivery Strategy

User Story Mapping


4 Blue - topic

4 Green - activity

4 Yellow - sticky note

Making it work

1. Invite Product Owner, allow stakeholders to dip in

2. Brainstorm activities

3. Arrange activities into the timeline, fill the gaps

4. Highlight topics

5. Brainstorm capabilities on the board

6. Plan the first release

Example Mapping


4 Yellow - story

4 Blue - rule

4 Green - example

4 Red - question without answer

Making it work

1. Ask Product Owner to prepare stories for the workshop

2. Invite three amigos (and UX and integration partners)

3. Ask Product Owner to map rules he is aware of

4. Start writing examples in "The one where ..." format

Honourable mentions

4 Demand Mapping

4 Estimation

That's a lot of time spent talking!

Costs of rewriting codeover

Costs of doing workshop

Feedback loops define

software costs

Workshops are a cheapest way to close particular

feedback loops

Thank you!
