MISTER - Metrino PRT Alternative (Auckland AUT 2014-05-24)


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METRINO - Alternative Public

Transport for every city

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


A need for truly ‘open mind’


.. And the topics :

1. Genesis – how it all started

2. Problem of city transportation (some things may surprise you)

3. Comprehensive Solution - PRT

4. METRINO PRT as the best PRT solution

5. Eg. Of Auckland’s Transportation Problem vs METRINO PRT

6. Comparisons and conclusions


What we’ll ‘encounter’ in this Presentation…………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

Albert Einstein :

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

3 METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


How it all started …

METRINO PRT - New Public Transport for every city

2 years of enduring terrible traffic jams in California, + …. Imagination

+ …… In depth know-how and over 30 years of hands-on experience in software development, consulting, management and own business in Europe, Africa, Asia and the United States, like:

• UK – Rothschilds Merchant Bank … • South Africa – Gold and platignum mines, Siemens, Standard Bank … • New Zealand – Steel Mill, Auckland City Council … • Asia – Singapur, Indonesia, China, Vietnam … • USA – Lucent, VISA … • Design and development of approx. 100 other IT projects

Ollie Mikosza

Inventor of MISTER (MSc. in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering)


Current city transit state and solutions………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

1.Structural inefficiency

2.Exorbitant costs of development and operation

3.Population growth hence increasing demand

4.Can’t cope with aging societies

5.Economic and ecological situations

6.Natural disasters – floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and snowstorms


6 reasons why existing transit systems don’t work…………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• In August 2010, near Beijing a traffic jam stretched for 110 km, and lasted 11 days; It took 5 days to go through it

• And 2 months earlier in Sao Paulo, traffic jam stretched for 290 km and lasted 9 days

• People spend more time stuck in traffic jams, suffering from stress, aggression, road rage, effecting health and sometimes life, all impacting on the benefits of growing affluence

• By 2050 the EU will have banned combustion engines and stopped subsidises for city public transit. This has already caused increases in ticket prices by 10 – 30 per cent. Since all transit is subsidised these increases will continue, in some cities, for years

• Car accidents and traffic jams cost $hundreds of billions p/year


Do we have to continue to live this way……………… ?

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Is it easier to travel in the cities TODAY than it was 5,10, 20 years ago?

• Can you afford the helicopter to “commute” to your office in the city (as do many businessmen in

New York, Sao Paulo and other cities) ?

• If you travel by bus or metro, is it comfortable, fast and direct?

• Why people go by car, even though it may take you longer and is more expensive?

• If you had an electric “Eco” car would you reach your office quicker than by petrol car ?

• Would it take less space or cost less to park the Eco car ?

• Do you know how much it costs every day to travel and park your car ?

• Should we deny “poorer” people the right to own a car so as to reduce congestion?

• More cars > greater congestion > permanent traffic jams in cities.

• Massive resources and energy consumption.

• Is the World able to support ever more developments with an increasing population and limited

natural resources?


Questions to think about……………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Private cars

Use one quarter of its carrying capacity for 5% of the time, but it’s


Parked for 95% of the time

• Public transport (subway, monorail, buses, trams)

Expensive, lengthy development time, uneconomical (subsidised)

Uncomfortable and slow

Very inefficient


Is city transportation as efficient as we are told ?!

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• NO ! They do nothing to solve traffic jams (including self driving “Google” cars)

• Electrics are energy inefficient (only approx. 30% of power generated reaches the wheels)

Hydrogen – expensive, cumbersome (high pressure, low temperature), lack of distribution network

Electric – expensive, lack of availability of lithium mineral, low energy density, unecological (lead and other problematic chemistry)

Hybrid – expensive, complex, cumbersome (battery problems)


Are “Eco” and “Google” cars a solution to congestion .... ?

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

Relative energy:

• Cyclist = 1 • Rail = 1.5

• Aircraft = 2

• CAR = 2.2

• LRT/Tram = 2.2

• Bus = 2.5

• Metro = 3


Bikes, Metro and Buses are NOT energy efficient……………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


• PRT stands for Personal Rapid Transit

• It is a 50 year old concept, and as a result of inexpensive computing technology is now a feasible

mode of mass transport

• It consists of :

• Eleveted Guideways with small off-line Stops

• Automated Vehicles moving between stops along the guidewayas

What is PRT ……………….?

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Infrastructure consists of a light guideways suspended 10-15 meters above the ground, over city streets or along the curb side, in the central reservation or on the bridges

• Small and frequent off-line stops


PRT Guideways and Stops………..

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


Small stops – normally containing positions for 5 just pods

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Automatic small car sized vehicles transport one or few passengers in luxury and comfort

• Travel is on demand and always available (24 x 7)

• Travel directly from start to destination

• High average speed of 50 km/hr or better (fastest metro average speed is 35 km/h)



PRT Vehicles (PODS)………..



METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Time to sum it up by animation…

• MISTER video NZ 2 minute.mp4


Time for MISTER Video ………..

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Reduced traffic congestion

• Safety - personal and from accidents (safer than air travel)

• Comfort – as a private car, but a far less stressfull journey

• Resistant to earthquakes, storms, snow and flooding

• Infrastructure development : Low cost Fast Non-invasive

• Profitable operation

• Easy access for young, old and disabled

• More Ecological than current systems


What does PRT offer………..?

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Cars - terrible… killed more people than 2nd World War

• Bikes and motorbikes……..more dangerous than cars

• Aircraft - 10 km above Earth, over oceans, 900 km/h, 30.000+ parts but is …….. safest • Lifts, cable cars, rollercoasters - suspended hundreds of meters above the ground on cables or

rails ………… very safe

• Fully Automatic (no human errors)

• Moves over colisionless guideways, just 5 -10m above the ground

• Max speed 50-70 km/hr

• Carries on average 1.5 persons

• Has fewer movable parts than motorbikes


PRT safety compared to other modes of transport………..?

yet PRT is even safer than aircraft because it is………..

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Absolutely and unquestionably .............................>>

• Totally feasible, technically and economically

• Three PRT systems have been so far constructed and proven commercially

Princeton University Analysis and Report of PRT application for the entire State of New Jersey, proposed a PRT network :

• of 16.000 km (mostly one-way, based on the ULTra PRT system)

• costing $110 bilion (only 1,5 times what Auckland plans to spend)

• But ... it would replace 50% to 90%+ of cars and buses in its area of operation

• and would be self financing and profitable within 10 years


No. of stops 9 000 50 000

No. of vehicles 200 000 1 600 000

Trip capacity per hour 2 millions 14 millions

Average capacity usage 30% 6%


Is PRT realistic and self-sustaining………..? 8th April 2014, Google has for the 1st time

stated publically: "We need to have an

eye towards PRT systems ...".

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• Lightest infrastructure and fastest development

• Highest transit capacity

• Inexpensive in development and operation


Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation on Elevated Rail

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


The Prototype – actual photo in the city of Opole (Poland - 2007)

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

MISTER at COP14 exhibition (Poland - 2008)

MISTER prototype at COP14 exhibition Hall No. 5, stand 11-E, Transportation

(next to BMW) Polish Minister of Environment, prof. Maciej Nowicki autographs MISTER vehicle at COP14

"...Only the most important and most spectacular human achievements were qualified for the exhibition. ...„

( As stated on the COP14 website about


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MISTER moves……..when nothing else can………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


MISTER moves……..when floods stop everything else………

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


MISTER moves……..to the airport …. on time, every time

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city


METRINO PRT for Cities, Investors and Partners…

1. METRINO PRT can initially complement existing transport services

2. And MISTER solution offers :

a. For City authorities: new revenues and services, no upfront investment, reduced wear and tear on existing infrastructure, new job creation

b. For investors : an ROI of 3 – 5 years with 25 to 50 year operational concessions period

c. For Corporate Partners and Suppliers : attractive new business opportunities through association with a leading edge project

d. For City workers, residents and visitors : greater ease, comfort and safety while travelling, competitive fares, reduced pollution

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

Planned SUBSIDIES for Auckland over 30 years - about $60 BILLION ($2B/year) !

EACH one of Aucklanders (1,4 million) will pay $1,500 p/year (including children and retired) for transport SUBSIDIES “forever” !


Eg. – Auckland and .... Integrated Transport Plan (ITP)

Current and planned PT Subsidies :

OPEX subsidy per km-passenger $0.30+

TOTAL Investment for 30 years (PT + roads) $M $60,000 p/y $2,000

..... And .... Transport Plan (ITP) have admitted that :

“..even the fully funded programme is not able to keep ahead of traffic growth

after 2021”.

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

CUREENT: PT - 65 million trips p/year (2-3% of all trips)

~ 2.000 million trips p/year by car

METRINO PRT : Realistic 900 million trips p/year (at least 40% LESS by cars)


If METRINO PRT was to replace Auckland Public Transport ...

PRT Patronage Calculations (in M) : AKL Metro


AKL Main


PRT network length (km) 1,500 km 500 km

TOTAL No. of PT trips (ex ferry) for AKL 65 AKL Transport

Report - Feb/2014 65 33

Percentage of ALL trips by PT in relation to all car trips 2.00% 1-2% of PT vs.

Private cars 3,250 1,625

Estimated no. of car trip conversions to PRT 40.00% 50% to 90% by

Princeton Report 1,300 650

Conservative (reduced) estimate of PRT patronage 70.00% estimated 910 455

FINAL PRT Patronage estimates 900 450

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

Instead of $2 BILLION of additional taxes p/year:

• 450 to 900 million trips p/year by METRINO PRT ( 6 to 12 X more than PT)

• $800M to $1,800M PROFIT p/year + CO2 credits

• NO subsidies, no waiting, no crowding, no stress

• SAFE, fast, direct, 24x7, inexpensive (cheaper than current PT)


Financial benefits of METRINO PRT in Auckland

METRINO PRT Financials (NZ$)

PRT network length (km) 1,500 km 500 km

Estimated no. Of PAX per day per km of network London -

16,000+ 2,000 3,000

PRT network cost p/km and TOTAL COST ($M) $10 $15,000 $5,000

Cost per average trip of 15 km and 10 km respectively $3.30 /trip $2.50 /trip

Income ($M) $2,970 $1,125

Additional income from advertising and freight 50.00% expected 200%+ $1,485 $563

TOTAL PRT system Income ($M) $4,455 $1,688

CAPEX (20 year bank loan at 5% fixed on OB) + OPEX costs calc 60.00% 53.00%

TOTAL Costs ($M) $2,673 $894

EBITDA for METRINO PRT system ($M) $1,782 $793

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

• As per research by “ToughtFull Design”, Public Transport in Auckland is predicting an increase from $65 million trips p/year in 2014 to 101 million in 2021, with a “planned” traffic at the 140 million.

• The GAP of 40 million is negligable in comparison to a realistic 900 million of trips p/year by METRINO PRT (9 X more than PT), with NO subsidies.

• Cost of building Central Railway Link Tunnel ($3B+ ), which at best will increase PT usage by 10 million/y, would be enough to build 300 km of METRINO PRT covering some 300 km2 of main AKL and delivering 300+ million trips/year.


PT usage predictions in Auckland

65 101


















2014 2021

Predicted PT

Desired PT



METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

The folowing issues, identified by “ToughtFull Design” research to Auckland’s PT problems will

all become nonexistent or irrelevant if the METRINO PRT system was to be

implemented across greater Auckland region:

• 1-st timers, explorers, car addicts - no problem for either of these groups.

• Need for optimal planning of trips across the city - cost vs. sequence and time.

• Exploring the city by any PT user group - business hours or not.

• Creating positive PT movement.

• Recognising support by “loyal” customers.

• Connecting “regulars and explorers” with the world around their route.

• Enabling PT time to be productive or leisurely.

• Comparing and monitoring PT time/cost vs. Use of their cars.

• Ability to provide PT “door-2-door”, that no other PT ever can.


Other considerations................

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

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• Because we CAN and truly WANT to “Change the World” for better


– improving quality of life for billions of people

– providing huge ECO benefits for Mother Earth

– bringing latest and best technology to the public transport in cities and


– providing major social, ecological and economic benefits

– having a patented invention, experienced Management Team and know-

how to make it happen on a global scale

• And it all could start in NEW ZEALAND ….if only there is

sufficient public support, ….. because we cannot count

too much on the authorities, experts and politicians.



METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city

So far, there was not a single technical issue of PRT systems (MISTER

in particular), nor a single element of its economics and

functionality, which could NOT be explained and justified against

any rational critique.

The TRUTH is not based on “belief” or lack of it, but on the rational

foundations and METRINO PRT is built on it.

So we invite all sceptics to question and discuss this new for them

subject, as long as they are rational, with no personal agendas, to

discuss it in an open and honest manner and to inform and educate

the Public about this revolutionary transport ALTERNATIVE.

The objective is to get the best possible transport system for

AUCKLAND, other New Zealand cities and to EXPORT it around the

World !



Thank you

METRINO PRT - Alternative Public Transport for every city