Migrating legacy data



A way to migrate data into your rails app

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Migrating legacy dataA way to migrate data into your rails app

About me

Patrick Hüsler

Freelance developer @ http://www.huesler-informatik.ch

Apple enthusiast

Surfing and Kung Fu















database adapter (hopefully)

add it to database.yml




define associations

RetrieveCreate corresponding AR models

Tell AR to connect to the legacy database

Use AR’s features to adjust things like table name, primary key etc

Set up associations

1 class Legacy::User < ActiveRecord::Base 2 3 establish_connection("legacydb") 4 set_table_name :users 5 6 belongs_to :login, :class_name => "Legacy::Login" 7 end

1 class Legacy::Base < ActiveRecord::Base 2 self.abstract_class = true 3 establish_connection("legacydb") 4 end 5 6 class Legacy::User < Legacy::Base 7 belongs_to :login, :class_name => "Legacy::Login" 8 end 9 10

IntegratePut models in their own namespace to avoid collisions

Put them in their own folder

1 class Legacy::Base < ActiveRecord::Base 2 self.abstract_class = true 3 establish_connection("legacydb") 4 end 5 6 class Legacy::User < Legacy::Base 7 belongs_to :login, :class_name => "Legacy::Login" 8 end 9 10

MapLet the models handle the mapping

1 class Legacy::Country < Legacy::Base 2 3 has_many :regions, :class_name => "Legacy::Region" 4 5 def code 6 abbrev 7 end 8 end

ValidateJust use Active Record

Create finders and scopes to only migrate the data you want

Use memoization to speed up retrieval (e.g. fetch only valid records)

1 class Legacy::User < Legacy::Base 2 belongs_to :login, :class_name => "Legacy::Login" 3 4 named_scope :active , :conditions => ["status = 1"] 5 6 validates_uniqueness_of :email, :scope => :status 7 validates_presence_of :first_name 8 validates_associated :login 9 end

MigrateUse migrators/importers

1 # General Importer 2 # Code removed for the sake of this example 3 class Migration::Importer 4 def initialize(_entity_to_migrate,_migrated_entity) 5 @entity_to_migrate = _entity_to_migrate 6 @migrated_entity = _migrated_entity 7 end 8 9 def migrate 10 @migrated_entity.attributes.symbolize_keys.keys.each do |attr| 11 if @entity_to_migrate.respond_to?(attr) 12 @migrated_entity.send("#{attr}=",@entity_to_migrate.send(attr)) 13 end 14 end 15 @migrated_entity 16 end 17 end

1 # General Importer 2 # Lines removed for the sake of this example 3 class Migration::Importer 4 def self.migrate_all(source_class,entity_name = nil) 5 migrate_all_from_collection(source_class.send(:all),entity_name) 6 end 7 8 def self.migrate_all_from_collection(collection,entity_name = nil) 9 entity_name ||= collection.first.class.to_s.pluralize 10 collection.each do |entity| 11 result = self.new(entity).migrate 12 result.save! 13 end 14 end 15 end

1 class Migration::UserImporter < Migration::Importer 2 def initialize(user) 3 super(user,User.new) 4 end 5 6 def self.migrate_all 7 migrate_all_from_collection(Legacy::User.valid) 8 end 9 end

TestIntegrates seamlessly with your rails test suit

A separate folder helps to organize it

1 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' 2 3 describe Migration::UserImporter do 4 5 before(:all) do 6 # setup your test here 7 end 8 9 it "should map email address" do 10 @migrated_user.email.should equal(@user_to_migrate.email) 11 end 12 13 it "should map login to old login" do 14 @migrated_user.old_login.should == @user_to_migrate.login.login 15 end 16 17 it "should not have an empty salt" do 18 @migrated_user.salt.should_not be_blank 19 end 20 21 end

AutomateRake to the rescue

Let it deal with dependencies

1 namespace :legacy do 2 namespace :data do 3 desc "import data from legacy schema" 4 task :import => :environment do 5 Rake::Task['legacy:data:import:users'].invoke 6 end 7 namespace :import do 8 task :fields_of_study do 9 puts "Migrating Fields of study" 10 Migration::FieldOfStudyImporter.migrate_all 11 puts "Done migrating fields of study" 12 end 13 14 task :universities do 15 puts "Migrating universities" 16 Migration::UniversityImporter.migrate_all 17 puts "Done migrating universities" 18 end 19 20 task :users => [:fields_of_study,:universities] do 21 puts "Migrating users" 22 Migration::UserImporter.migrate_all 23 puts "Done migrating users" 24 end 25 end 26 end 27 end

DeployJust put in deploy.rb and let capistrano handle the rest

1 namespace :deploy do 2 desc "Migrate data" 3 task :migrate_legacy_data, :roles => :app do 4 # Actual one liner that would not fit 5 # on a presentation screen 6 command = "cd #{deploy_to}/current;" 7 command << "RAILS_ENV='production' " 8 command << "/usr/bin/rake legacy:data:import" 9 run command 10 end 11 end

