Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Promoting User Adoption Microsoft Convergence DayONE 2010



It's common to just about every CRM implementation - the need to improve user adoption. And the need doesn't end with go-live. Join Tim Thorpe and Rick McCutcheon to share your successes and tips for improving user adoption, and learn--directly from others--how to address the user adoption challenges at your organization.

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Project owner/sponsor is from the Line of BusinessGet to know your prospective users and their rolesWork with an experienced CRM professional - A solid Microsoft Partner will speed/smooth your implementationStart with a small or finite initial CRM rolloutSpend time on the design/reengineer your processes firstWhere appropriate, use 3rd party tools to assist with integrationsFacilitate a proof of concept programClean up the data before you put it in the CRM systemProvide as much training and coaching as neededCreate some great management reportsMonitor usage & provide a solid support programCRM is Forever – Evangelize CRM across your organization – Make it part of your company cultureGet involved with Your CRM User Group

Rick and Tim’s – User Adoption Tips
