Marko Njavro social media summit Bucuresti 2012




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Social media & StarBev

Bucharest, February 2012





…to create relevant content for our consumers.

Digital world challenges

1. Figure out how your brand can fit in Social Media

2. Relationship with clients is real-time. Get geared up before going in digital marketing

3. Be consistent and in line with what you are communicating in traditional media

4. Allocation of communication investments is now more driven by “touchpoints” rather then classical media

5. Where does the traditional owned website fit into this emerging landscape?

6. Consumer decision journey is no longer liniar – significant consideration and social communication takes place post purchase (the evaluate and enjoy stages)

7. What is the ROI compared with traditional media?

Key take aways

Rapidly evolving world

We must be flexible and adapt

Try, learn, move forward

Leverage paid media to connect people to owned media and generate high value earned (brand ambassadors)


December 2011

About the campaign

Our goal was to keep the audience alive, to increase our engagement rate on Facebook.

We did that using Facebook best assets: making users to share willingly our message inviting their friends in the chosen “gang”.

We started from Unfiltered vs. Fresh campaign!

After the viral campaign we wanted to see how will our fans react to a new challenge linked to the previous one.

This time they needed to gather their friends also!

Facebook App & Website visual

“Is your gang with you” Performance

~7.500 New organic Likes

20.000 New Likes (paid Ads)

30.000 fans in total

14.000 “people talking about us” reached just before Christmas.

Our engagement rate increased and indicator went from almost zero up to

Website traffic for Dec 15 – Jan 24:

19.970 visits

70% new visitors.

37% bounce rate

27.169 unique visitors

4.8 average page views per user

3:53 average time spent on site

Facebook results

BECK’SThe Wall

January 2011

Zidul Rezolutiilor – The Wall

Zidul Rezolutiilor – The Wall

Application Description:

Insight:At the beginning of the year we all have big plans, goals that we don’t want to forget.

Idea:For this reason, we created an application that allows you to set your goals for this

year and get reminders for it when you want.

Mechanism:- Select one of the default resolutions, or write a personalized one

- Select a reminder for a certain date when we can e-mail you to make sure you haven’t

forgot your goal for this year.

- Save it

- Get votes for your resolution, and win an inspirational prize.

For the first 3 resolutions with the most votes, we offered the following prizes:

-1st place: a famous book “Design your Self” + 48 cans of Beck’s

-2nd place: 48 cans of Beck’s

-3rd place: 24 cans of Becks

Zidul Rezolutiilor – The Wall

Participation Results (17th – 31st of January)

9.071 new fans

1.767 registered users

243 default resolutions

Social ads campaign:

9.956 generated clicks6.450 new fans64.78% conversion rate (the average medium conversion rate is 30-40%)

2012 – the year we plan to dive

deeply into social media

So what would be first step?

We have a website …

…and an underused international facebook page

Start having a localized Facebook face …

… and lots of action happening there

February 2012 –launch of Staropramen 1L PET

March 2012 – dedicated Facebook contest

Campaign draft visual

So what should be next?

Na zdravi!