Managed services. preparing for market convergence (mswc 2011)



Presented at the Managed Services World Congress (Informa Telecom) 2011

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0Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales S.A. / Telefónica España S.A.Título de la ponencia / Otros datos de interés / 26-01-2010

Preparing for Market Convergence

5th Managed Services World Congress

Berlin, September 22th


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About myself and the company I work for…


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Where do we come from?The changing role of the IT services


Operational Cost savings Spesialisation


The new technologic wave will deliver its fruits under this managed services paradigm



Source: Michael Corbett, 10 years of outsourcing

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The operators of today and challenges ahead

Huge customer base

Unending products and

services portfolio

All possible Channels

Customer services The capabilities

Networks, Systems and Processes

Macroeconomic environment

Competitive landscape

High demanding customers

The opportunity

The challenges

Technology landscape(Cloud, M2M…)

Huge Data consumptiongrowth

Differentiation New digital businesses

Pace of change only achievable by means of strategic outsourcing


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Operators offering managed services.

Who will succeed in Managed Services (survey perfom ed to 300 MSPs)

src. Channel Insider (2009)

src. Channel Insider (2009)

Size of companies consuming Managed Services

Src. Savvy to IT deprmts (2010)

Why don’t you outsource all of your IT?


The channel effect

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But, this is not new, what are last years learnt le ssonsin delivering Managed Services in the Telco space?


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Business models and the consultative approach

The pressures… The best practices

Don´t mess up, put your numbers right

Always keep the right balance

«All you can eat» Ask for and provide clarityBeware of black boxes

Complexity In case of doubt, simple comes first

Signing upWrite, write, write it down

and share it


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Trial, training and ongoing operationAccelerate learning phases and improve as you walk

Designing phase

Operating phase

Meet the standards

Managed services are above all services, and they’r e alive!

Trial yourself before going all-in

Choose the right people

Train regularly

And makeimprovements

Customer Satisfaction

Measure constantly

Survey, asking for feedback


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Customer Services challenges for OperatorsOperators are the only entry point for a myriad of service s


Complex and dynamicOffer

More Sophisticated Customers

Massive inquiries and unpredictable

Cost Control

Customer Satisfaction

Help vs Sell

Multilayer vsMultiskill?

Own resourcesVs Externalised

Network failures Big events

Form factors, apps, smartphones, data bundles

Social lifes, professional made easy, consumerisation

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Operator’s Customer Services evolution


Self care done right

Human Digital Assisstant

One to many support(Twitter & Webchat)

CS as another selling channel


Source: Ovum / Genesys Survey 2009, “Consumer Prefer ences in Contract Centre Interactions”

And old plain IVR based support ain ´t working anymore…

Partners need to understand this change and adapt

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Few ideas to take away…


Don’t forget the basics, there is plenty of documentation out there

Understand our strategy, have your own ready to take over and show us where they meet, constantly!

Think big and long term for a healthy marriage

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Thank you!


