Making Walking a Habit


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Making Walking a HabitNikil Viswanathan



Sally is an engineer at Dropbox and graduated from

college 4 years ago.

She loves her job and works crazy hours.

She has noticed that she has gained weight from the

constant supply of good food and has thought about

exercising but thinks that she is just too busy right now

to do that.

Sally’s Journey

Sally checks out

Sally plays around with the terminal on the site

Sally thinks it is really cool and shows her friend Katherine

Sally and Katherine both find out their walking types

Sally and Katherine both try both walking types for a day together

Sally and Katherine tell some other people in Dropbox of their new adventure and how fun it was!

Everyone in the Dropbox office uses the walking wizard and they all decide to walk at least once a day (5 days a week)!

Hackwalkrepeat.comFind your walking style!
