Making tastier code through refactoring



All we have ever worked with an application with legacy code. Refactoring is a technique that allows us to restructure and redesign our application code without changing its behavior so that it is more readable and easier to maintain. This presentation discusses the advantages and disadvantages of refactoring as well as some of the main techniques that apply during a refactoring.

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Making tastier code through

Refactoring name: 'Gabriel Ortuño',

job: 'ASPgems',

web: '',

pet_project: '',

github: 'arctarus',

twitter: 'arctarus'


1. Introduction

2. Sample

3. Conclusions


"Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of

the code yet improves its internal structure"

Martin Fowler

Code Smells

Refactoring Toolbox


Green Field

Legacy Code


1. Introduction

2. Sample

3. Conclusions

New TaskPrint nutritional report in HTML











class Recipe ... def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| this_calories = 0 # add calories by ingredient case when Food::HIGH this_calories += 5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ingredient.amount > 2 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += 1.5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ingredient.amount > 3 end # add nutritional points nutritional_points += 1 # add extra nutritional points for high food if == Food::HIGH && ingredient.amount > 1 nutritional_points += 1 end # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t" + this_calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += this_calories end # add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result end end


1º Build a solid set of tests

describe Recipe do let(:recipe) {"Lentils with chorizo") } let(:chorizo) {'chorizo', Food::HIGH) } let(:lentil) {'lentil', Food::LOW) } let(:potatoe) {'potatoe', Food::REGULAR) }

it "has a name" do == "Lentils with chorizo" end

describe "calories" do it "without ingredients are 0" it "with one regular ingredient are 1.5" it "with one regular ingredient and amount > 3 are 3" it "with one high ingredient are 5" end


$ rspec spec


Finished in 0.00742 seconds

14 examples, 0 failures

class Recipe ... def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| this_calories = 0 # add calories by ingredient case when Food::HIGH this_calories += 5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ingredient.amount > 2 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += 1.5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ingredient.amount > 3 end # add nutritional points nutritional_points += 1 # add extra nutritional points for high food if == Food::HIGH && ingredient.amount > 1 nutritional_points += 1 end # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t" + this_calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += this_calories end # add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result end end

Long Method


class Recipe ... def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| this_calories = 0 # add calories by ingredient case when Food::HIGH this_calories += 5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ingredient.amount > 2 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += 1.5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ingredient.amount > 3 end # add nutritional points nutritional_points += 1 # add extra nutritional points for high food if == Food::HIGH && ingredient.amount > 1 nutritional_points += 1 end # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t" + this_calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += this_calories end # add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result end end


# add calories by ingredientcase Food::HIGH this_calories += 5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ...when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3when Food::REGULAR this_calories += 1.5 this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ...end...

Extract Method

class Recipe ... def calories_for(ingredient) case when Food::HIGH this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 5 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 1.5 end endend

def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| this_calories = calories_for(ingredient)

# add nutritional points nutritional_points += 1 # add extra nutritional points for high food if == Food::HIGH && ingredient.amount > 1 nutritional_points += 1 end # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t" + this_calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += this_calories end # add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" resultend

$ rspec spec


Finished in 0.00742 seconds

14 examples, 13 failures

class Recipe ... def calories_for(ingredient) case when Food::HIGH this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 5 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 1.5 end endend

class Recipe ... def calories_for(ingredient) this_calories = 0 case when Food::HIGH this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 5 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 1.5 end endend

$ rspec spec


Finished in 0.00742 seconds

14 examples, 0 failures

class Recipe ... def calories_for(ingredient) this_calories = 0 case when Food::HIGH this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 5 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 1.5 end endend

class Recipe ... def calories_for(ingredient) this_calories = 0 case when Food::HIGH this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 2) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 5 when Food::LOW this_calories += ingredient.amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += (ingredient.amount - 3) * 1.5 if ... this_calories += 1.5 end endend

Feature Envy

Move Method

class Ingredient

... def calories this_calories = 0 case food.nutritional_code when Food::HIGH this_calories += 5 this_calories += (amount - 2) * 1.5 if amount > 2 when Food::LOW this_calories += amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += 1.5 this_calories += (amount - 3) * 1.5 if amount > 3 end endend

class Recipe def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| # add nutritional points nutritional_points += 1 # add extra nutritional points for high food if == Food::HIGH && ingredient.amount > 1 nutritional_points += 1 end # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t" result += ingredient.calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += ingredient.calories end # add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result endend

describe Ingredient do let(:chorizo) {'chorizo',Food::HIGH) } let(:lentil) {'lentil', Food::LOW) } let(:potatoe) {'potatoe', Food::REGULAR) }

describe 'calories' do it "with one regular food are 1.5" it "with one regular food and amount > 3 are 3" it "with one high food are 5" it "with one high food and amount > 2 are 6.5" it "with one low food are 3" endend

$ rspec spec


Finished in 0.00588 seconds

19 examples, 0 failures

class Recipe def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n"

self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| # add nutritional points nutritional_points += 1 # add extra nutritional points for high food if == Food::HIGH &&

ingredient.amount > 1 nutritional_points += 1 end # show figures for this rental

result += "\t" + + "\t" result += ingredient.calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += ingredient.calories end

# add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result endend


Feature Envy


Extract Method

class Ingredient ... def nutritional_points if food.nutritional_code == Food::HIGH && amount > 1 2 else 1 end endend

class Recipe ... def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n"

self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| nutritional_points += ingredient.nutritional_points

# show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t"

result += ingredient.calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += ingredient.calories end

# add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result endend

describe Ingredient do

describe "nutritional points" do it "is 2 if food is high and amount > 1" it "is 1 if food is high and amount = 1" it "is 1 if food is not high and amount = 1" it "is 1 if food is not high and amount > 1" endend

$ rspec spec


Finished in 0.00588 seconds

23 examples, 0 failures

class Recipe

def nutritional_report total_calories, nutritional_points = 0, 0 result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n"

self.ingredients.each do |ingredient| nutritional_points += ingredient.nutritional_points

# show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t"

result += ingredient.calories.to_s + "\n" total_calories += ingredient.calories end

# add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{nutritional_points} nutritional points" result endend

Replace Temp with Query

class Recipe


def total_calories ingredients.sum(:calories) end

def total_nutritional_points ingredients.sum(:nutritional_points) endend

class Recipe

def nutritional_report result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" ingredients.each do |ingredient| # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t"

result += ingredient.calories.to_s + "\n" end

# add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{total_nutritional_points} nutritional points" result end



$ rspec spec


Finished in 0.00621 seconds

23 examples, 0 failures

class Recipe

def nutritional_report result = "Nutritional Report for #{name}\n" ingredients.each do |ingredient| # show figures for this rental result += "\t" + + "\t"

result += ingredient.calories.to_s + "\n" end

# add footer lines result += "Total calories are #{total_calories}\n" result += "You earned #{total_nutritional_points} nutritional points" result end


class Recipe

def html_nutritional_report result = "<h1>Nutritional Report for #{name}</h1>" ingredients.each do |ingredient| # show figures for this rental result += "<p>#{} "

result += "{ingredient.calories}</p>" end

# add footer lines result += "<p>Total calories are #{total_calories}</p>" result += "<p>You earned #{total_nutritional_points} "

result += "nutritional points</p>" result end


HTML Report

More Refactoring?

Replace Method with Method Objet

Template Method Pattern

class NutritionalReport

def initialize(recipe) @recipe = recipe end

def output head body foot end

def head ... def body ... def line(ingredient) ... def foot ... end

class HTMLNutritionalReport < NutritionalReport

def head "<h1>Nutritional Report for #{name}</h1>" end def line(ingredient) "<p>#{} #{ingredient.calories}</p>" end

def foot result = "<p>Total calories are #{@recipe.total_calories}</p>" result += "<p>You earned #{@recipe.total_nutritional_points} nutritional points</p>" result endend


class Ingredient ... def calories this_calories = 0 case food.nutritional_code when Food::HIGH this_calories += (amount - 2) * 1.5 if amount > 2 this_calories += 5 when Food::LOW this_calories += amount * 3 when Food::REGULAR this_calories += (amount - 3) * 1.5 if amount > 3 this_calories += 1.5 end end

def nutritional_points (food.nutritional_code == Food::HIGH && amount > 1) ? 2 : 1 end ...end

I notice a weird smell...

Could it be envy?

Feature Envy

Move Method

Get rid of


class Food def calories(amount) this_calories = 0 case nutritional_code when HIGH this_calories += (amount - 2) * 1.5 if amount > 2 this_calories += 5 when LOW this_calories += amount * 3 when REGULAR this_calories += (amount - 3) * 1.5 if amount > 3 this_calories += 1.5 end end

def nutritional_points(amount) (nutritional_code == HIGH && amount > 1) ? 2 : 1 endend

class Ingredient def calories food.calories(amount) end

def nutritional_points food.nutritional_points(amount) endend

describe Ingredient do let(:chorizo) {'chorizo', Food::HIGH) } let(:lentil) {'lentil', Food::LOW) } let(:potatoe) {'potatoe', Food::REGULAR) }

describe 'calories' do it "with one regular food are 1.5" it "with one regular food and amount > 3 are 3" it "with one high food are 5" it "with one high food and amount > 2 are 6.5" it "with one low food are 3" end

describe "nutritional points" do it "is 2 if food is high and amount > 1" it "is 1 if food is high and amount = 1" it "is 1 if food is not high and amount = 1" it "is 1 if food is not high and amount > 1" endend

$ rspec spec/


Finished in 0.00865 seconds

32 examples, 0 failures

class Food

def calories(amount) this_calories = 0 case nutritional_code when HIGH this_calories += (amount - 2) * 1.5 if amount > 2 this_calories += 5 when LOW this_calories += amount * 3 when REGULAR this_calories += (amount - 3) * 1.5 if amount > 3 this_calories += 1.5 end end

def nutritional_points(amount) (nutritional_code == HIGH && amount > 1) ? 2 : 1 end


Replace Type Code with State/Strategy

Switch StatementsFix

class Food

... def nutritional_code=(value) @nutritional_code = value @nutritional_type = case @nutritional_code when HIGH then when LOW then when REGULAR then end end

def calories(amount) @nutritional_type.calories(amount) end

def nutritional_points(amount) @nutritional_type.points(amount) endend

module DefaultNutritionalPoints

def points(amount) 1 end


class RegularNutritional

include DefaultNutritionalPoints

def calories(amount) acum = 1.5 acum += (amount - 3) * 1.5 if amount > 3 acum endend

class LowNutritional

include DefaultNutritionalPoints

def calories(amount) amount * 3 endend

class HighNutritional def calories(amount) acum = 5 acum += (amount - 2) * 1.5 if amount > 2 acum end

def points(amount) amount > 1 ? 2 : 1 endend


1. Introduction

2. Sample

3. Conclusions

No Silver Bullet

Improve Design

Helps find bugs

Program faster

Good programmers writecode that humans can


Refactor to Win



References● Refactoring: Improving design of existing

code - Martin Fowler

● Refactoring to Patterns - Joshua Kerievsky

● Clean Code - Robert C. Martin

● Design Patterns in Ruby - Russ Olsen

● Source Making

Tools● Reek - Code Smell Detector for ruby

● Rails Best Practices

● Code Climate

● Ruby Refactoring Tool for Vim

