Made in chinatown




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Made in Chinatown

Luis FernandezCultural and Visual Anthropology

Dr. Leanna WolfeSeptember 23,2013

• China Town is one of L.A’s tourist spots. Well known to the world and here is where you'll find shops caring stuff items very familiar in China and large community of Asian Americans.

This center had many elderly people. These are the locals that tend to stay here. I didn’t see many young people here. I think most left to pursue something else in life.

One of many tourist shops that appeal to many. A lot of stuff outside and plenty inside.

No space is left unused. Shelves to the top stuffed with many goods. Trinkets of all colors and sizes to entertain those passing thru.

A bag for sale that depicts Chinas once leader. Showing ties to back home. Must be hard to forget where you come from.

Being a vendor doesn’t mean sales all the time. This vendor passes the time playing a video game on her Ipad.

Locals come by the plenty to many of the shops here, to get groceries and medicinal supplies. Fruits, fish and other meats are covered in these shops.

Teas! And lots of it! This was the biggest market in China Town. Many of these containers had tea. The one in the picture is all different types of Green Tea. They had more around this one. Tea is very important to ones health. The locals try drink plenty tea.

Lunch! Chinese food in china town. How could it not get any better than this? The employees offer plenty for a low cost. I totally got some.

Throughout the many stores I entered I noticed things in common but one being Budai. This gift shop and this pet shop have the Buddha on the counters.
