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Facebook & Learning…?

Liz Kolb, Ph.D.University of MichiganMadonna

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Blogging Is Out, Facebook Is In, Study


PEW Research Center and American Life Project, 2010

Blog V. Facebook

• 14% of online teens now say they blog, down from 28% of teen internet users in 2006.

• 73% of wired American teens now use social networking websites, a significant increase from previous surveys.

• 52% of teen social network users report commenting on friends’ blogs, down from the 76% who did so in 2006.

• By comparison, the prevalence of blogging within the overall adult internet population has remained steady in recent years.

Why Schools need to start educating

students and parents on facebook

Student’s Lack of concern over privacy and permanent record

• Research shows that issues of privacy and safety are not at the forefront of younger users' minds.

• 41% of children aged 8 to 17 who had a visible profile had them set so they were open and accessible to anyone. (Office of Communications in GB)

• Younger adults and children are much more likely to share sensitive information• After weeks of butting heads with his coaches, Taylor, 17,

logged on to Facebook from home Jan. 3. He typed his frustrations for the online world to see: "I'ma kill em all. I'ma bust this (expletive) up from the inside like nobody's ever done before.”

• (USA Today, Jan 2010)• Taylor's profile was public, so there were no restrictions on

who could view it.

Parents need education too!

Taylor’s family argued that students and parents aren't properly educated or warned that what they write online can have consequences in the classroom.

Your Media is NEVER deleted!

Cambridge researchers posted pictures to sixteen websites, noting the direct URL to the image, and then deleted the original.

They reopened the URLs over a period of 30 days to see whether the pictures were accessible and found that images were still visible on five sites at the end of that month. This is possible because the files remain in photo server caches of the underlying content delivery network (CDN) after they have been cleared from indices that provide data for dynamic pages (such as profiles) and search results. The terms of service for these sites indicate that deletion may not be immediate, with Facebook likening the process to putting a file in the Recycle Bin.

Underage On Facebook

• 750,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 12 have set up a profile on the big social-networking sites

• “On Facebook, fithock2ylover lists his graduation year as 2014, which, considering the photos, appears to be when he'll be leaving high school. That puts him in Grade 6 today, and 11 or 12 years old — just shy of most social network's minimum age requirement of 13.”

Underage Problem

"It's a problem that isn't going away. The older generation has this engrained fear of the Internet. But these kids, and the generation that will follow, haven't been brought up with that … these sites are just as real as the school hallways.”

-Nexopia receive hundreds of reports daily directing them to suspected underage users. Angry calls from parents asking how their children were able to build profiles are frequent, said Chris Webster, the company's spokesman.

Lower Grades?

2009 Ohio State Study found:

• Typically, Facebook users in the study had GPAs between 3.0 and 3.5, while non-users had GPAs between 3.5 and 4.0.

• Users said they averaged one to five hours a week studying, while non-users studied 11 to 15 hours per week.

• Students who spent more time working at paid jobs were less likely to use Facebook, while students who were more involved in extracurricular activities at school were more likely to use Facebook.

• Science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and business majors were more likely to use Facebook than were students majoring in the humanities and social sciences.

Future JObs

53% of Employers Screen job candidates

via Social Networks

Of those hiring managers who have screened job candidates via social networking profiles, 34% reported

they found content that caused them to dismiss the candidate from


Why Employers Disregarded Candidates After Screening


53% Candidate posted provocative or inappropriate photographs or information

44% Candidate posted content about them drinking or using drugs -

35% Candidate bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-workers or clients

29% Candidate showed poor communication skills

26% Candidate made discriminatory comments

24% Candidate lied about qualifications

20% Candidate shared confidential information from previous employer

The POSTIVE side of Digital Footprints!

On the other hand, social networking profiles gave some job seekers an edge over the competition.

24% of hiring managers who researched job candidates via social networking sites said they found content that helped to solidify their decision to hire the candidate.

Why Employers Hired Candidates After Screening

Online50% Profile provided a good feel for the

candidate’s personality and fit

39% Profile supported candidate’s professional qualifications

38% Candidate was creative

35% Candidate showed solid communication skills

33% Candidate was well-rounded

19% Other people posted good references about the candidate

15% Candidate received awards and accolades

Prosecutors Search Social Networking Sites!

Prosecutors use Facebook, MySpace photos

Students who made light of drinking received jail sentences for DUI

Defense attorneys also use social networking sites to dig up dirt on witnesses

PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (AP) -- Two weeks after Joshua Lipton was charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a

woman, the 20-year-old college junior attended a Halloween party dressed as a prisoner. Pictures from the party showed him in a

black-and-white striped shirt and an orange jumpsuit labeled "Jail Bird.”

Have You read Facebook’s Policies???

Facebook is public

“When you access Facebook from a computer, mobile phone, or other device, we may collect information from that device about your browser type, location, and IP address, as well as the pages you visit.”

What is automatically public?

• Certain categories of information such as your name, profile photo, list of friends and pages you are a fan of, gender, geographic region, and networks you belong to are considered publicly available, and therefore do not have privacy settings.

• You can limit the ability of others to find this information on third party search engines through your search privacy settings.


“We use "cookies" (small pieces of data we store for an extended period of time on your computer, mobile phone, or other device) to make Facebook easier to use, to make our advertising better, and to protect both you and Facebook.

We also use them to confirm that you are logged into Facebook, and to know when you are interacting with Facebook Platform applications and websites, our widgets and Share buttons, and our advertisements. You can remove or block cookies using the settings in your browser, but in some cases that may impact your ability to use Facebook.”

Facebook Collaborates with 3rd party sites to store YOUR information

We may institute programs with advertising partners and other websites in which they share information with us:

- We may ask advertisers to tell us how our users responded to the ads we showed them. This data sharing, commonly known as “conversion tracking,” helps us measure our advertising effectiveness and improve the quality of the advertisements you see.

- We may receive information about whether or not you’ve seen or interacted with certain ads on other sites in order to measure the effectiveness of those ads.

FB collects Information from your friends about you!

“We may collect information about you from other Facebook users, such as when a friend tags you in a photo or video, provides friend details, or indicates a relationship with you. You can limit who can see that you have been tagged in a photo or video – which we refer to as photos or videos “of me” – in your privacy settings.”

How Facebook Shares your information

• When you make a payment.

• When you invite a friend to join

• When you choose to share your information with marketers.

• To help your friends find you.

• To give search engines access to publicly available information.

• To help improve or promote our service.

• To provide you with services.

• To advertise our services.

• To respond to legal requests and prevent harm.

• To offer joint services.

When you Delete

Removed and deleted information may persist in backup copies for up to 90 days, but will not be available to others.

“We may retain certain information to prevent identity theft and other misconduct even if deletion has been requested.”

Facebook Says: No Security is Perfect

• We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share your information.

• We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information.

• We cannot ensure that information you share on Facebook will not become publicly available.

• We are not responsible for third party circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures on Facebook.

• You can reduce these risks by using common sense security practices such as choosing a strong password, using different passwords for different services, and using up to date antivirus software.

How do we start helping students build

positive and safe experiences in


Clean Up Social Networking Site

1. Take control of your photos. Your personal and professional life are becoming one, largely due to Facebook. Go through what you have on your social network & untag yourself in photos that an employer might find inappropriate.

2. Set privacy settings. You have less reason to worry if employers can’t access your digital life.

3. Post photos that promote you as a professional. If you have photos from volunteering, studying abroad, working a job, giving a presentation, or any other semi-professional event, post them. They go a long way to help counteract other photos that might negatively impact your image.

4. Put up a clean profile photo of yourself. Even if you got a lot of compliments on your stripper Halloween costume, a profile picture that isn’t associated raucous college partying means a lot to people in hiring positions.

5. Stay active online. By commenting on blogs and forums, updating your profiles, and even creating your own site you can become much more visible and credible online. This gives the people who search you a much more comprehensive picture of who you are and allows you to highlight the good and bury the bad

6. Be mindful of who you accept as a “Friend.” Poor choices could reflect badly on you as a professional. Make sure to monitor their comments on your sites as well

7. Create and join professional groups and fan sites: Students can develop groups around academic interests

Vanish Posts

• Vanish•

why should Teachers use Facebook in


Why Social Networking in learning?

• Creating Positive Digital Footprints• 53% of Employers Check Social Networking Sites

For Potential Job Candidates

• Showing students “how to set up or clean up profiles”

• Communicate with MOST students

• Communicate with SOME parents

• Engage students by using a student technology “toy” and turning it into a learning “tool”!

Engage the girls!

Social Benefits

• The opportunity to learn and practice their social skills (future networking skills)

• Facebook can be especially good for shy kids

• Facebook creates a "less scary" scenario than talking on the phone or socializing in person. For example, the chat feature gives your child time to think when talking and expressing

• Increase child's confidence when socializing in person

Interaction and Active learning

“Many schools have pushed teachers to have their own websites, with syllabi, unit samples and topical web links. But the missing piece with this type of design is the lack of interaction for the user. Facebook forces interaction and active learning. It has speed and multi-tasking wrapped into one page.”

--Matt Levson at

Connect Authentic life to school life

“If schools block Facebook use on campus, students have no opportunity to integrate social networking into their learning environment, and are instead left to swim alone in what can be treacherous waters. When problems arise, often after hours and even late into the night, schools face the fallout in the hallways. Students carry the burdens of unhealthy Facebook exchanges with them throughout the school day.”

---Matt Levinson,

Opportunity to teach about permanent record of FB

“I know I swear on Facebook, but everyone I know swears on Facebook. My friends are not offended by my posts.”

---Student on Facebook, from

Facebook & MyspaceMost popular social networking sites amongst Teens

Students in low-income are connected


Getting Started: Hints and tips

• Set up a special class Facebook Profile (separate from your personal space), Fan Pages are also a good option

• Let them know how having a positive FB profile can help them in the future (digital footprints)

• Tell students that you are required by law to report them.• Ask them to clean up profiles

• Take down inappropriate picts or videos or posts• Focus on positive posts and images (ie church groups, volunteer

activities, after school jobs)• Profile pict should be clean (okay for Grandma to see)• Avoid “friends” they don’t know in person• Ask friends to de-tag them in inappropriate pictures

• Ask students to “Friend” your profile

• You can also have students set up a separate account just for class

Examples of Use

• 11th Grade

• English

• Facebook

• Everyday Life Connects with Classroom Concepts

Larry Liu Tells Students

“Schools are not obligated to censor student use of Facebook, especially when Facebook is not accessible on many campuses, but schools do have a responsibility to alert parents, when the school becomes aware of student mis-steps on Facebook.”

Facebook FanPages in Social Studies

Facebook FanPages in Social Studies

Student’s Reaction

Examples of Use

• English 10

• Great Gatsby

• Facebook

• Profiles that are characters from novel

Examples of Use

• AP English

• Facebook

• Reading Response

Examples of Use

• Language Arts

• Class Homepage

• Office Hours

Examples of Use

• Western Civilization

• 10th grade

• MySpace

• Medieval Spaces

• Historical Figures

Authors on Facebook

Professionals on Facebook

Study Groups

Discussion Groups


Support hotlines

Teachers on Facebook

MAC Alum Facebook Prof. Network

UofM Secondary MAC Professional Networking Group

Applications on FB for Learning


Connect with Native Speakers in Languages or Language Exchange with Other FL Students

Manage Books that students read

Create Flash Cards

Citation help

Organize class work or Study group Organization

Learn about Middle Ages with Knighthood

Math challenge

Conduct online courses

Homework Help Group


Record Class Lectures and Post to FB

Make a Quiz
