Macropus sap delete client at os level


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Owner: Raghu Status:completed Draft

Revision History

Version Description of Change Date Author

1.0 Delete Client at OS level 7/10/2010 raghu

Table content

1.Overview...........................................................................................................................22. delete a cleint using the R3trans......................................................................................3

1. Overview

Login at OS level as <sidadm> and navigate to /usr/sap/trans/bin directory. Create a control file (text file), for eg., client_del.ctl with the text below

clientremoveclint=<nnn>select * where <nnn> is the client number to be deleted

Save the file and execute the below commandR3trans -w client_del.log -u 1 client_del.ctl

2. delete a cleint using the R3trans

Login at OS level as <sidadm> and navigate to /usr/sap/trans/bin directory.

Create a control file (text file)

Save client_del.ctl in D:\usr\sap\trans\bin folder

execute the below commandR3trans -w client_del.log -u 1 client_del.ctl

Open command prompt

Whenever enter above command it will generate text below that command

It Generate automatically one log file which displays log

Log file contains below text

Whenever client deletion completes log file shows below text at the bottom of log file
