Load ui web Load Testing Open source Performance Testing tool Learn Load UI Web Tutorials



Load UI Web PPT Created by: Milind Rupchandani Vishal Parekh Elveera Menezes Chirag Shah Harsh Bhartiya Sayli Pawar

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Performance Testing using LoadUI Web

What is LoadUI Web ?


LoadUI Web - Pre-requisites and Installation

LoadUI Web - Plan and Prepare

Exploring recorded scripts

Customizing Scripts-Parameterization and Correlation

Creating and Running Load Test

Monitoring the Load Test

Result Analysis

Comparision of LoadUI Web and LoadUI Web PRO

License Cost 2013-2014

Recording and Customization of web browser scripts

Text Validation

LoadUI Web is a free desktop tool for testing web applications: - Performance Stress Scalability Load testing

It works with both traditional HTML web sites and with Rich Internet Applications using modern web technologies like AJAX, ASP.NET, Flash, Flex and Silverlight.


What is LoadUI Web?

Pre-requisites: System requirements for LoadUIWeb Software

Microsoft Windows (Service Pack 2 or later), XP, 2003, Vista 32 and 64 bit versions Hardware

2 GB of RAM on Windows 7, Windows Vista and later operating systems.

700 MB of hard disk space for installation.

1-2 GB of free disk space to run large projects.

1280 × 1024 or higher display resolution. Installation: While the basic version is free, it requires license to be used for LoadUI Web

PRO. Please use the link provided below to download the freeware tool http://loaduiweb.org/downloads/download-loaduiweb.html

Then follow the instructions provided on the site.


Install the .exe file downloaded from the link and follow the onscreen instructions provided the to complete the installation.



Pre-requisites, Installation and Running


LoadUIWeb – Pre-RequisitesIf your computer is connected to the network via a proxy server, modify LoadUIWeb’s options to allow it to access the web server under test:

Select Tools | Options from LoadUIWeb’s main menu.

Select Engines | HTTP Load Testing from the tree in the Options dialog that appears.

Select the This computer is connected to the Internet via proxy option.

Specify the address of the proxy server that LoadUIWeb uses to access the server under test. If the proxy server requires authorization, enter your login and password.

LoadUIWeb must be added to the list of trusted applications of your firewall and antivirus


LoadUIWeb – Plan & Prepare

1. Create a Test Project

2. Record a User Scenario

3. View the Recorded Scenario

4. Verify Recorded Scenario

5. Create a Load Test

6. Run Your Load Tests

7. Analyze Results

Steps to create and run a performance test in LoadUI Web

Start with Create New Project Wizard

Select File | New | New Project


Creating a Test ProjectPrepare for an new load test through New Project Wizard

Enter a Project name and click next

As of now subsequent pages of the wizard will not be needed and can be skipped

Click Finish


Creating a Test ProjectCreate your load test with LoadUIWeb

LoadUI Web will automatically generate the path for the project file and display it in the Location field.

The project folder is used to store all information generated for or by the project: scenarios, tests, test log files and so on.

You can change the project’s folder in the Location box.


Creating a Test ProjectTest Project

Click  Record User Scenario on Test Engine toolbar to open Record User Scenario Dialog

Enter the name of the single-user load test to be recorded Provide the URL to be recorded and browser to be emulated


Recording Scripts - Contd…Next step is to record scenarios. To do this..

After LoadUI Web has started the recording, it will display the recording toolbar..

LoadUI Web will also launch the web browser you have selected in the Record User Scenario dialog

Perform the application actions in a simple sequence of expected actions as by end-user

Once recording finishes click  Stop on the Recording toolbar to stop the recording.

LoadUI Web will process the recorded requests, generate the scenario and display it and the created website load test in the Workspace panel.


Exploring recorded ScriptRecord traffic and Generate the scenario

Right-click the scenario in Project Explorer

Select Verify Scenario


Verify User Scenario…Once finishing the recording, verify the scenario runs successfully without errors for single virtual user


Successful VerificationOnce verification is successfully completed you are ready to create a load test simulating multiple users

Create a data selector that will extract the needed data from a server response to a variable, and

Define a validation rule that will compare the variable value with the desired data.


Text ValidationChecking the Textual Response on a Webpage


Parameterize and Correlate as needed…Parameterize requests or send various data for request parameters to

make virtual users behave like real-life users with different parameter values.

Double click on Scenarios(Project Explorer)

Specify the variable name and click on Next.

Select Variable type as LoadUI variable


Parameterize and Correlate as needed…Parameterize requests or send various data for request parameters to

make virtual users behave like real-life users with different parameter values.

Specify the type of variable to create.


Parameterize Cont…Set parameters specific for each variable type..

Generate the items of the variable to create.


Parameterize Cont…Set parameters specific for each variable type..

Select the access type of the variable.

LoadUIWeb can correlate some dynamic parameters automatically correlated..

The parameter is contained within common HTML requests and responses

For same parameter name and value in both the response and subsequent requests.

Parameter is used in at least one subsequent request within the same scenario.


CorrelationLoadUIWeb detects correlated parameters in server responses and client requests and automatically creates rules for extracting data

Manual Correlation Right Click the scenario in the project

explorer panel and chose edit Create data correlation rules Insert as parameter into subsequent



Correlation - ManualCorrelate results with responses by extracting data from the server responses and insert into subsequent request

Make LoadUIWeb to use extracted sessionID from the response Insert the extracted Parameter Session ID into subsequent requests


Correlation - Manual Correlate results with responses by extracting data from the server responses and insert into subsequent request


Create a Load TestCreate a new test or modify the single-user test by adding more virtual users to it and provide necessary data.


Create a Load Test .. ContLoad Profile - Select the workload profile for virtual users: steady, stepwise ramp-up or custom.


Run the Load TestOnce done with load test configuration, Run This Load Test from the test editor tool bar or from navigation pane


Monitor the Load TestProvides with information on the number of simulated virtual users, the number of errors and warnings that occurred during the run.


ResultsFull test results are displayed automatically in the Workspace panel after the test run is over


ResultsPage Load Time of Top 10 slowest pages


Compare LoadUIWeb Free Vs Pro Supported Technologies

Creating and Running Load Tests


Compare LoadUIWeb Free Vs Pro Server Performance Monitoring

Test Results


LoadUI Web PRO LicenseLoad UI Web PRO

Node-Locked -License for a single computer (node). Can run Load test only on a single computer.

Floating User -License supports concurrent work of several LoadUIWeb Pro instances on more than one computer in the network.

LoadUI Web: Quick Start

Guided by: Hemant Lal

Created by:

Milind RupchandaniVishal ParekhElveera MenezesChirag ShahHarsh BhartiyaSayli Pawar