Lipid disorder


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Lipid disorder

脂蛋白之測量需禁食 12h

Lipoprotein: = Lipids (cholesteryl esters + TG) + phospholipids + proteins 包括 : chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL, HDL, Lp(a)

LDL - 計算 TC= LDL + HDL + (TG/5) - 直接測量 LDL (if TG >400) The massachusetts GH 4th handbook


≥ 3 ffg

1. 腰圍 男 ≥ 40” ; 女 ≥ 35”

2. 血脂異常 TG ≥ 150;

3. HDL 男 < 40, 女 <50

4. 高血壓 ≥ 130/85

5. 高血糖 空腹 ≥ 100

Circ 2009;120:1640

2° dyslipidemia

分類 疾病內分泌病變 T2DM (↑TG, ↓HDL)

甲狀腺低下 (↑TG,↑LDL), 甲亢 (↓LDL)Cushing’s synd & 服用類固醇 (↑TG)

腎臟病 腎衰竭 (↑TG); Nephrotic synd (↑LDL)

肝病 Cholestasis, PBC (↑LDL); 肝衰竭 (↓LDL); 急性肝炎 (↑TG)

生活方式 肥胖 (TG, HDL); 長時間坐著 (HDL); 酒 (↑TG, H↑DL); 菸 (↓HDL)

藥物 Thiazide (↑LDL); Beta-blocker (↑TG, ↓HDL), Estrogen (↑TG, ↑HDL), protease inh. (↑TG)

Physical exam findings

• Tendon exanthomas (Achilles, elbows, hands) (imply LDL >300)

• Eruptive xanthomas (pimplelike 丘疹樣 lesions on extensor surfaces) (imply TG >1000)

• Xanthelasma ( 眼瞼處之淡黃色 streaks) (in various dyslipidemia)

• Cornea arcus ( 老年人常見 ; 年輕人 imply 高血脂症 )

身體檢查發現imply Sites

Tendon exanthomas LDL >300 (Achilles, elbows, hands)

Eruptive xanthomas TG >1000 pimplelike 丘疹樣 lesions on extensor surfaces

Xanthelasma in various dyslipidemia ( 眼瞼處之淡黃色 streaks)

Cornea arcus ( 老年人常見 ; 年輕人imply 高血脂症 )

Tendon exanthomas

Eruptive xanthomas

Xanthelasma 黃斑瘤

Cornea arcus


- 好處 : 每 ↓ 1mmol (39 mg/dL) LDL --> ↓ 21% major vascular events


藥物 ↓LDL (%) ↑HDL (%) ↓TG (%) 副作用 /NOTE

Statins 20-60 5-10 10-25 - 肝功能異常 in 0.5-3%; Check LFTs before/ at 8-12wk/ q6m, risk dose-dependent - 肌肉 :Myalgias < 10% (CK not always↑), myositis 0.5%, rhabdo < 0.1%, risk dose-depend.- 劑量加倍 6% further ↓LDL.

Ezetimibe 15-20 (-) (-) 耐受佳 , 常併 statins

Fibrates 5-15 5-15 35-50 - 肌肉病變 , risk ↑with statins-GI: dyspepsia, gallstones

Niacin 10-25 ~30 40 -flushing (Rx with ASA), 癢 , 高血糖 , gout, 噁心- 嚴重肝炎 (rare)

Resin 20 3-5 ? ↑ -GI: bloating- 與它藥結合

Ω-3 FA >5 3 25-30 -GI: dyspepsia, 瀉
