Line following robot.pptx joy



line following robot

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Line Following Robot

Submitted by

Joy Debnath


Sec: A

Introduction A line tracker mostly consists of an infrared

light sensor and an infrared LED. It functions by illuminating a surface with infrared light; the sensor then picks up the reflected infrared radiation and, based on its intensity, determines the reflectivity of the surface in question. Lightly colored surfaces will reflect more light than dark surfaces; therefore, lightly colored surfaces will appear brighter to the sensor. This allows the sensor to detect a dark line on a pale surface, or a pale line on a dark surface.

ComponentsHigh power LED

(5mm) - 2 to 4LDR's -2 to 4Preset 20k -2 to 4220 Ohm Resistors -2

to 4L293d -1Geared motors -24.8V NiMh

rechargeable battery

Circuit diagram on breadboard

IC Configure

Line Tracking

AdvantagesRobot movement is automatic.Fit and Forget system.Used for long distance applications.Defense applications.Used in home, industrial automation.Cost effective.

The end
