Lifesaving, Timesaving, Sanity-saving HOTKEYS!


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Lifesaving, Timesaving,

Sanity-saving HOTKEYS

Julie Cameron ∆ @jewlofthelotus


Hotkeys are one of the best ways to boost






What are Hotkeys?

AKA Keyboard Shortcuts


A key or a combination of keys providing quick access to a particular

function within a program.

~ Google


Command ⌘Shift ⇧

⇧ Option ⌥Control ⌃Caps Lock ⇪Fn

Hotkey Symbols


In Windows, you’ll use the ‘control’ key.

⌘ = ctrl


In Windows, you’ll use the ‘alt’ key instead of ‘option’.

⌥ = alt


Common Hotkeys

The following combos work in most operating systems and applications.








⌘+ASelect All


⌘+ZUndo Change


⌘+⇧+ZRedo Change

In Windows: ctrl + Y




⌘+HHide Application


⌘+NOpen New Window / Tab

Depends on App


Save File



⌘+WClose Tab / Window


⌘+QQuit Program


⌘+TabSwitch Apps

In Windows: Alt + Tab


⌘+,Open Preferences


Rich Text Editing Hotkeys








Basic Text Editing Hotkeys


⌘+Left Arrow

Move to the beginning of the line


⌘+Right Arrow

Move to the end of the line


⌘+Up Arrow

Move to the top of the file


⌘+Down Arrow

Move to the bottom of the file


⌥+Left Arrow

Move one word to the left


⌥+Right Arrow

Move one word to the right


Select ALL WORDS to the left or right of the cursor



Select ONE WORD to the left or right of the cursor



Select ONE CHARACTER to the left or right of the cursor



Browser Hotkeys


⌘+TOpen New Tab


⌘+RRefresh Page


⌘+⌥+IOpen Dev Tools


⌘++Zoom In


⌘+-Zoom Out


Code Editor Hotkeys


⌘+/Comment / Uncomment


⌘+[or]Text Editors: Indent / Outdent Other Apps: Switch Tabs, Go

back / forward


⌘+⇧+SSave ALL unsaved files



Via Apple Support:

To learn more shortcuts, check the menus of the app you're using.

Every app can have its own shortcuts, and shortcuts that work in one app may not work in another.


Via Microsoft Support:

Check the menus of apps for accelerator keys.

If a letter of a word is underlined in a menu, it usually means you can press the Alt key and the underlined key together instead of clicking that menu item.


Dev Tool Hotkey Practice


Google: “{thing} hotkey cheatsheet”


Dated, but helpful:


Thanks!Julie Cameron ∆ @jewlofthelotus