Let's Talk About Game: Neither Evil nor Magic Box


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By Eko Nugroho

ARTICLE SERIES #2 “Let’s Talk About Game!”

Some people think of game as an evil box – whatever

comes out of it, without questions are bad things

and we need to stay away from it.

Some others think of it as a magic box; you can use it

to make life easier, to stop children from crying, stay

longer in the house, and even teach them about

math or physics.

Some of us tend to forget that game is none of them.

Game is a media, and with the right design we can use it to deliver curiosity,

bring interactivity, and make something more fun.

Game is a unique and powerful media, use it well and we may gain and share more happiness!

No matter how good we are in designing a game, it will never replace a book, a movie, and definitely

will never replace a teacher/parents.

But for sure we can design a game that bring more value on book, more value on movie, and more

values on the interactivity between us.

This is what a good game should do, bring and deliver more value. That’s one reason we love what we do!
