Leadership portfolio 2


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Portfolio By Lauren Higgins

The Rainbow Fish •  !e Rainbow Fish by Marcus Phister is a children’s story about a

fish who had the most beautiful scales in all of the ocean, but

only became truly happy once he shared all but one of his scales with other fish in the ocean.


My “Scales” of Leadership 1. Strengths

2. Involvement & Service

3. Personal Code of

Inclusive Leadership

4. Collaboration &

Interpersonal Skills

5. Self-Reflection

Scale 1: Strengths Empathy

Developer Responsibility

Futuristic Strategic

Scholarship Recipient Letter

Lesson Plan


Scale 2: Involvement & Service

Scale 3: Personal Code of Inclusive Leadership

An accommodated


Scale 4: Collaboration & Interpersonal Skills

Scale 5: Self-Reflection

Lesson Reflection

Hamilton Elementary School

Lesson Evaluation Form

2003 2010 2014
