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Activity 1

Formatting Breaks

1. Create a query using the eFashion universe showing Lines, Category , SKU desc,

Sold at (unit price) and Discount

2. Build a query filter to display values only for the lines : Outerwear and Overcoats

3. Run the query

4. Apply a break on the Lines and Category columns

5. Apply a sum on the Sold at (unit price) column and an Average on the Discount Column

6. On the break for the Lines Column, set the options :

The break header shows

The break footer does not show

The Lines Values centers across the other values in the table

7. On the break for the category column set the options so :

The break header does not show

The break footer does not show

The Category Value centers across the other values in the table

Activity 2

Creating Crosstab Report

1. Create a new document showing Quantity sold by state and Line.

2. Add crosstab template from template menu.

3. Drag State objects in vertical header and Line object in Horizontal header.

4. Add Quantity Sold in data area.

5. Apply block level filter for line (Accessories, City skirts, City Trousers, Dresses, Jackets, and Leather).

6. Show sum of Quantity Sold in table.

7. Save the document as “Activity Crosstab “

Activity 3

Enhancing the presentation of the report

1. Create a new document showing Quantity sold by State, Year and Quarter

2. Apply a break on State and Year

3. Add a sum and % to the Quantity Sold Column

4. Filter the block to show only data for Colorado

5. Format the block.

6. Create a duplicate of the table(Copy and paste) to the right of existing table and filter to show only New York

7. Save the document as “Activity Presentation “

Activity 4

Creating Sections in report

1. Create a doc showing Quantity Sold by State, Quarter and Year

2. Insert Sections on both Year and Quarter

3. Include a sum for Quantity Sold for Year and Quarter, sort ascending on Quantity Sold

4. Position the Sum to display beside the Quarter and Year section header

5. Click on View Structure

6. Save the report as “ Activity Sections “

Activity 5

Creating formulas and variables

1. Create a new doc showing Margin and Quantity Sold by Product Lines

2. Add a new column to the table

3. In the new column. Create a formula to display the ratio for Margin and Quantity Sold. (Ratio = Margin/Quantity Sold)

4. Format the column cell header to display Ratio.

5. Save the formula as a Variable

6. Create a prompted query filter on the State

7. Insert a formula in the report title cell to show the State chosen from the prompt. Refresh the doc for NEW YORK.

8. Save the doc as “ Activity Formulas”

9. Create a document showing the name of doc in the report header

10. Save the doc.

Activity 6

Creating complex Rule

1. Open the Activity Formulas doc

2. Remove query filter for the state.

3. Select the Quantity Sold

4. Create a new Rule and name it Quantity Range

5. Define the first Rule so that :

Filtered Object or cell = Quantity Sold

Operator = Less than

Operand = 15000

6. Add a sub –rule to this rule definition

7. Define the sub- rule so that :

Filtered Object or cell = Quantity Sold

Operator = Greater than or equal to

Operand = 15000

8. Define a condition on this sub-rule so that

Filtered Object or cell = Quantity Sold

Operator = Less than

Operand = 45000

9. Add a third sub-rule by clicking the Add button again.

10. Define third sub-rule so that

Filtered Object or cell = Quantity Sold

Operator = Greater than

Operand = 45000

11. Values under 15000 will be RED, Values between 15000 and 45000 will be GREEN and Values above 45000 will be BLUE.

12. Save the report as “ Activity Alerter “