Karma Code Less Teach More


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HTML5 + JS: The Keys to Open Education

Karma:The Code Less, Teach MoreSoftware Framework

Bryan Willson Berryhttp://www.karmaeducation.orgbryan@olenepal.orgLicense: CC-BY 3.0

OLE Nepal

Demo First, Talk Later

Before you wade your way though these slides, please take a look at the demo. If you are a web developer, please take a look at the code.


Promise and Peril of Education Software

Educational Software has tremendous promise, but . . .

It is far to expensive to produceWe spend too much time focused on the engineering side (coding) and not enough on the education side (teaching)

Reinventing the Wheel

Most educational software packages use proprietary toolkits (flash) and the few open-source packages use heavily-customized and poorly documented libraries. As a result, it is often easiest to create your own tools, widgets, human interface guidelines, and workflows from scratch

So Let's Steal . . .

The tooling, widgets, and platform from another industry, the web development industry

There is a plethora of fast evolving web development tools that are now mature enough for virtually any educational software package and they are both free as in cost and free as in speechThe Openweb Toolkit

The Openweb Toolkit





Often used in conjuction with JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, dojo, mootools

But Flash is the Standard!

Flash is the standard for developing proprietary educational software

But the open-source Flash communityis small and not very active

That means tooling is limited for everyone whether you work on proprietary or free software

OLE Nepal

I have been developing open-source educational software at OLE Nepal for the last 3 yearsWe have a team of:7 software engineers

3 graphic designers

3 instructional designers

We primarily use Flash

Openweb Envy

We have seen explosive growth in the resources for web developers over the last five yearsMillions of tutorials

Lots of tools

Helpful text editors

Powerful free frameworks like jQuery

And Flash has not kept pace

A Statistically Insignificant Metric

At 15:43 GMT+5 on January 1st 2010The number of users in these freenode irc channels#actionscript 19#flex 45#javascript 275#jquery 394#dojo 74 there are more web related channels not listed but no more flash-related ones that I am aware of

Openweb Tools Multiplying
like Rabbits

Growth of jQuery has been amazing, now used on 30% of all websitesYou can now do everything with openweb tools that you can do with flash and soon you will be able to do moreGoogle, Apple, and others aggressively funding open-source web toolsPlease note that support and documentation for HTML5 and SVG are still quite immature

OLE Nepal's Progress

Summer 2010, hope to move all developers from flash to openweb platform

Currently, we have 2.5 developers working full-time to convert a set of legacy lessons to the openweb platform

Should have 60+ classroom-ready activities completed by end of March 2010

What is Karma?

Karma is a minimal JavaScript library and set of tools that makes it easier to manipulate HTML 5 and SVG in ways often required in learning activities. It plays very well with jQueryKarma leverages popular openweb technologies. It is not redundant to them.Karma will also include a set of administrative scripts, workflows, and user interface widgets built with jQuery UI


Check the demos: http://karma.sugarlabs.orgSee the blog http://karmaeducation.orgContact me bryan@olenepal.orgJoin the Google Grouphttp://groups.google.com/group/karmajs
