Kareem's slide story


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My Natural Hair Journey (Karrie)Hey Ladies!

This is Kareem Ferguson-Lawes a.k.a Karrie.

My decision to return to my natural hair was not intended, but subsequent to this dramatic experience my love for my natural hair grew.

Watch this video to follow “My Natural Hair Journey”.


My Before & After “the Big Chop”

November 2009

My first attempt at styling after my big chop using “Zipporah Beauty Moisturizing Hair & Body

Serum plus Eco Styling Gel Curl & Wave”

“Two strand twist out” with “Miss Jessie’s Curly Butter Cream”

5 months post Big Chop

To see full video click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB2hQ9NQUi0

My first attempt at “Bantu Knots” after 6 months post

big chop

To see full video click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa43aweUUSk

After one year of growth I started using ‘flexi-rods’ for more defined curls.

1 ½ years post Big Chop

For‘Protective Styles’ I used two strand twists,sometimes after a deep condition & deep moisturizing to protect my ends and to retain moisture

To view video click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahTC1q9dilg

Hair styles that I loved to create throughout

my growth process

Two Years post “Big Chop”

Final Thoughts

I hope my story will encourage you, if you are thinking of doing the ‘big chop’ or transitioning to

natural hair; but bear in mind that,though the journey might be challenging, the rewards are

gratifying. Remember good things never comes easy.

Good luck!!! Hope my pic below will be an encouragement for you.

Thanks for watching.
