Journalism 4242 Portfolio


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Seijen TakamuraJournalism 4242Creative Briefs Portfolio


Why are we advertising?In an increasingly eco-conscious society, consumers have finally realized the severity of the Earth’s eco-problems and want to help. The challenge lies in awareness and how they can help in big ways, not just small ones.

What is our advertising trying to do?To introduce how people can take their eco-efforts to the next level.

Who is our target?Upper Socio Eco Advocates (USEA)

InsightsOur society is more eco-conscious than they ever before and the opinions and activities once reserved for tree-huggers and hippies have become mainstream. Environ-mental issues like drilling in ANWR and carbon-emissions standards are at the front of political discussions. Movies like “An Inconvenient Truth” and “The 11th Hour” have penetrated the popular culture and helped to intensify the awareness and urgency of the Earth’s environmental crisis. The internet has also increased the speed and ease of communication between like minds and has given rise to new advocacy groups and eco-watchdogs that have forced major corporations to become more socially respon-sible. Even traditional energy companies like BP have begun to brand themselves as eco-friendly or eco-innovative.

The motto, “Reduce, Reuse, Recyle” has also maximized market penetration and society is trying to make a difference in small ways. Despite the increasing eco-conscious-ness, people are not taking the next step. Little changes may have big implications, but big changes can make an exponential impact. The scary truth is it will take much more than recycling bottles and cans to reverse our planet’s fateful course.

The USEA is very conscious of his image and likes to live “green” not only because it is socially responsible but also because of the image it conveys. Their upper-socio eco-nomic lifestyle means they value quality and style of products. Since being green is the hip thing to do these days, paying a little more to let the world know he is green is not too serious to the USEA. The USEA drives a hybrid, recycles at home, and may donate to environmental charities but he is not willing to stand on front steps of the capitol with a sign and a megaphone. He would rather let his actions and image do the talking than actually talk.

Natural Built Home’s products are by nature more expensive than those of other retailers because they are ensured to be sustainable. This certification may cost money, however, it also adds to the prestige to the product. In order for Natural Built Home to succeed mainstream it must be popularized by the social influencers. The USEA is a social influencer in his network and likes to show off new things. Natural Built Home sells revolutionary products that not everyone can buy quite yet. This is what gives the USEA his sense of taking the big step.

Natural Built Home:

Let’ s show the world how to re-build the Earth.

Creative Executions

Creative team: Carrie Bender and Nikki Paulson


Why are we advertising?The average Scotch Lint Roller user has a very specific purpose for the roller. He does not see the opportunity to utilize the Scotch Lint Roller to its full capability.

What is the advertising trying to do?To present the Scotch Lint Roller as a simple solution which can ensure the best possible everyday image at work, a play, or at home.

Who is the target?The upwardly-mobile young professional (UMYP)

Insights3M’s Scotch Lint Roller is the simplest of products to remove unwanted “fuzzies” from every type of material. A fuzzy can entail anything from the little balls on wool sweat-ers, to cat or pet hair, to one’s own hair, to dandruff, to dust and beyond. The image of the fuzzy is ambiguous, yet, undeniably annoying.

Despite their annoyingness, not everyone takes the time to attack these invading fuzzies from their invasion of clothing, furniture upholstery, vehicle fabric, and other materials. The Fuzzies’ often subtle, and people may not recognize their presence until they are effectively removed. This poses a challenge to the Scotch Lint roller: many people simply don’t even recognize the problem.

Additionally, people only use the Scotch Lint Roller on special occasions, to ensure their black suits or dresses are fuzz free or to clean a couch before company arrives. The truth is, however, that fuzzies attack on a daily basis. Fuzzies are everywhere and serve only to make colors dull, clothing musty, and households sick. In the technology and medical industries, lint can pose serious problems. Computer chips are developed in “clean rooms” which are lint free. If so much as a speck of lint falls onto a circuit of a computer chip, it can be ruined. In the medical industry as well, lint, which can carry bacteria, poses a serious threat to anyone undergoing surgery or a major medical procedure. Although lint may seem harmless, it the fuzzies are not as innocent as their name makes them out to be.

Although most of our daily lives are generally not filled with the production of expensive technology nor the pressure of saving lives, first impressions do count and can make the difference between job or no job, date or no date. UMYPs are generally in their late to mid 20’s or early 30’s and are seeking to establish themselves on the social echelon. They have probably not yet established a lifetime career path and are always looking to impress, network, and take advantage of given opportunities. They con-sider themselves middle to upper socio-economic and have graduated from college.

Why put the effort into everything else just to let a little fuzzy ruin it for you?

Scotch Lint rollers:

A fuzzy image is not funny business.

Creative Executions

Creative: Monika Frech

Creative Executions

Creative: Monika Frech


Why are we advertising?In Hale County, Alabama, one in four household is not connected to a municipal water system. Without this service, families cannot receive safe drinking water and must

resort to water sources that may be contaminated with sewage. Considering America’s elevated state of wealth this is an inexcusable deficiency.

What is the advertising trying to do?To spark action to donate money toward the purchase of bringing water to a low income household in Hale County, Alabama.

Who are we talking to?Households who make $50,000 +


Take a shower Flush the toilet Wash your hands Do the dishes

Make some coffee Brush your teeth Wipe the table Mop the floor

Wash your face Quench your thirst Clean your clothes Stay alive

The average person uses 87 gallons of water per day.A family of four uses 348 gallons of water per day.That means this same family uses 10,440 gallons of water per month.That’s 125, 280 gallons per year.And his water costs .0035 cents per gallonAnd chances are, you probably never think about it.

But in the richest country in the world, some people do think about it.And if you live in Hale County, Alabama, 1 in 4 people think about it.And if you think about how to get clean water… what else do you think about? :

Is the United States third world?

Creative Executions

Creative team: Carrie Bender and Nikki Paulson

Creative team: Carrie Bender and Nikki Paulson

Creative Executions
