Jmeter introduction


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JMETER INTRODUCTIONApache jMeter is an Open Source testing

software. It is 100% pure Java application for load and performance testing. jMeter is designed especially for load, functional,

performance, regression, etc.


We you should have a basic understanding of Java programming language, text editor and execution of programs, etc., because you are going to use jMeter to handle all levels of Java project testing (regression, functional, load, performance, etc.,),

So it will be good if you have knowledge of software development and software testing processes.

Advantages of jMeter 1.Open source 2.Friendly GUI 3.Platform Independent Visualize test results Highly flexible Easy Installation Support multi protocol Record & Playback

How Does JMeter WorkJMeter Send Request to Target


Get Statistics information of target server

Generate test report in different format

Jmeter Installation 1.Jmeter is pure java application, it

requires JMV6 or Higher 2.First install JDK and set the path as

required 3.Download Jmeter from

4.Apache-jmeter2.9 chose either zip or tgz

5.Installation of Jmeter is easy and simple

 JMeter directories /bin: Contains JMeter script file for starting

JMeter /docs: JMeter documentation files /extras: ant related extra files /lib/: Contains the required Java library for

JMeter /lib/ext: contains the core jar files for

JMeter and the protocols /lib/junit: JUnit library used for JMeter /printable_docs:

Step 4) Launch JMeter

You can start JMeter in 3 modes GUI Mode Server Mode Command Line Mode

Start JMeter in Server Mode

Server mode is used for distributed testing. This testing works as client-server model. In this model, JMeter runs on server computer in server mode. On client computer, JMeter runs in GUI mode.

To start the server mode, you run the bat file bin\jmeter-server.bat as below figure

Use JMeter in Linux

Using JMeter in Linux is the same as in Window; you simply run the following shell script.

Run the script file jmeter (This file has no extension)- run JMeter (in GUI mode by default).

Run the script file jmeter-server - start JMeter in server mode (calls JMeter script with appropriate parameters) - very basic JMeter script with no JVM options specified. - runs the JMeter Mirror Server in non-GUI mode - Run the Shutdown client to stop a non-GUI instance gracefully - Run the Shutdown client to stop a non-GUI instance abruptly

JMS JMS supports two types of messaging − Point-to-Point messaging − Queue

messaging is generally used for transactions where the sender expects a response. Messaging systems are quite different from normal HTTP requests. In HTTP, a single user sends a request and gets a response.

Topic messaging − Topic messages are commonly known as pub/sub messaging. Topic messaging is generally used in cases where a message is published by a producer and consumed by multiple subscribers.