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Interesting facts about the desert!

Desert locations


Some of the plants in the desert are: Barrel cactus, Brittle brush, Joshua tree, ocotillo, chainfruit choola, creosote brush, desert ironwood, jumping choola, Palo verda, pancake prickly pear cactus, saguaro cactus, soap-tree yucca, crimson hedgehog cactus, triangle leaf bursage, mojave aster and the popcorn flower!

Joshua tree!The Joshua tree is very tall and looks quite prickly!Some of them are a little bit bent over because of the heat. It is one of the most recognisable trees.

Popcorn flower!

The Popcorn flower is NOT made of popcorn! It is a white flower. With a yellow middle. It looks just like a usual flower, it’s the name that fascinates people!

Animals that live in the


Some of the animals that live in the desert are, meerkat, black-tailed jack rabbit, kangaroo rat, fennec fox, spotted hyena, ostrich, road runner, blue tonged lizard and a desert toad!

Meerkat!Meerkats are very tall and can stand up on 2 feet. They are light brown and it’s body temperature is higher than the Elephants. The meerkat loses about 5% of there weight over night!

Road runner!The Road runner can run so fast it could catch a rattle

snake! It is one of the most famous desert birds. They mostly eat small birds and


The desert food chain!


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