iOS Development using Swift: Enums, ARC, Delegation, Closures, Table View and more



Learn iOS development using Swift (Arabic tutorials) - Fourth session slides, which covers the following topics: - Enumerations - Auto References Count (ARC) - Delegation Pattern - Closures . The video end up demonstrating: UITableView, performing segues programmatically, passing data between screens, and access information on iOS Documentation.

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Enums, ARC, Delegation, Closures


Ahmed Ali


• Enumerations

• Automatic Reference Count (ARC)

• Delegation pattern

• Closures

• Demo:

• Table view

• Move to another screen programmatically

• Pass data between screens

Ahmed Ali


• An enumeration is a value type used to define a common type for a group of related values.

• Enumeration can have methods and computed properties.

• Also it can deal with numeric data types, strings, and characters.

• Example:

enum Direction


case UP

case DOWN

case LEFT

case RIGHT


Ahmed Ali

enum Direction : String


case UP = "Up"

case DOWN = "Down"

case LEFT = "Left"

case RIGHT = "Right"



• There are two ways to create enum instances:

• Using enum case directly.

• Create instance from a raw value. This is only available if the enum type is specified.

• Example:

//Use direct case

let up = Direction.UP

//Creating from raw value.

//fromRaw static method returns an optional type

let down = Direction.fromRaw("Down")

Ahmed Ali


• Usage example:

//The raw value may come from a user input or a web service response

let rawDir = "Left"

if let dir = Direction.fromRaw(rawDir){

//The rawDir value is one of our supported directions. Lets see which one it is

switch dir{

case .UP:

println("Selected direction is Up")

case .DOWN:

println("Selected direction is Down")


println("Selected direction is \(dir.toRaw())")



Ahmed Ali


• Enumeration in Swift are more complicated than this, they can have associated values

with each case.

• Example:

enum Shape{

case SQUARE(width: Int, height: Int)

case CIRCLE(centerX: Int, centerY: Int, radius: Int)


let shape = Shape.SQUARE(width: 50, height: 50)

Ahmed Ali


• Checking the value for associated value cases example:

switch shape{

case .SQUARE(width: let width, height: let height):

println("Square shape with dimension (\(width), \(height))")

case .CIRCLE(20, let y, let r) where r > 5:

println("Circle shape with center point (\(20), \(y))")

case .CIRCLE(let x, let y, _):

println("Circle shape with center point (\(x), \(y))")


Ahmed Ali


• A garbage collector is not a good solution for a limited resources devices.

• Automatic Reference Count (ARC) is the memory management mechanism used widely in

iOS (by Objective-C and Swift).

• ARC keeps track of how many references refer to each class instance.

• When these references become zero, the object’s memory space is deallocated.

• ARC is only applied on class instances; structs and enums are value types, they are not

stored or passed by reference.

Ahmed Ali


• Explanation example:

class Order{

var orderDate : NSDate

var product : Product

init(orderDate: NSDate, product: Product){

self.orderDate = orderDate;self.product = product


deinit{ println("Order has been removed from the memory") }


class Product{

var name : String

init(name: String){ = name }

deinit{ println("Product \(name) has been removed from the memory") }


Ahmed Ali


• Explanation example (Cont):

var product : Product! = Product(name:"iPhone")

var order : Order! = Order(orderDate: NSDate(), product: product)

product = nil

order = nil

Ahmed Ali


• All references are strong by default.

• When two instances strongly refer to each other, they will remain in memory even when

they are no more in use.

• Your app may run out of memory and crash.

Ahmed Ali


• Explanation example:

class Apartment{

var tenant : Person!

deinit{ println("Apartment has been removed from memory")}


class Person{

var apartment : Apartment!

deinit{ println("Persone has been removed from memory")}


var apartment : Apartment! = Apartment()

var tenant : Person! = Person()

apartment.tenant = tenant

tenant.apartment = apartment

apartment = nil; tenant = nil;

Ahmed Ali


• Break retain cycle example:

class Apartment{

weak var tenant : Person!

deinit{ println("Apartment has been removed from memory")}


class Person{

var apartment : Apartment!

deinit{ println("Persone has been removed from memory")}


var apartment : Apartment! = Apartment()

var tenant : Person! = Person()

apartment.tenant = tenant

tenant.apartment = apartment

apartment = nil; tenant = nil;

Ahmed Ali


• Delegation pattern allows one type to delegate some of its behaviors to an instance of

another type.

• A real-world example will be used in the demo.

• Example:

class PhotosSlideshow : UIView


func show(){}

//the rest of the implmenetation


Ahmed Ali


1. Define a protocol which wraps the needed functionality.

protocol ImagesDataSource


func numberOfImagesInSlideshow(slideShowView: PhotosSlideshow) -> UInt

func slideShowView(slideShowView: PhotosSlideshow, imageAtIndex: UInt) ->



Ahmed Ali


1. Use this protocol as weak reference in your delegating type

class PhotosSlideshow : UIView


weak var delegate : ImagesDataSource!

func show(){}

//the rest of the implmenetation


Ahmed Ali


1. Objective-c protocols allows optional requirements.

@objc protocol ImagesDataSource


func numberOfImagesInSlideshow(slideShowView: PhotosSlideshow) -> UInt

func slideShowView(slideShowView: PhotosSlideshow, imageAtIndex: UInt) ->


optional func slideShowView(slideShowView: PhotosSlideshow,



Ahmed Ali


1. Objective-c protocols allows optional requirements.

class PhotosSlideshow : UIView


weak var delegate : ImagesDataSource!

func show(){}

func userDidSelectImage(image: UIImage)


delegate?.slideShowView?(self, userSelectedImage: image)


//the rest of the implmenetation


Ahmed Ali


• A closure encapsulates a code block to be used later.

• Think of it as an function without a name.

• A closure can be used as any type, for example it can be used:

• As the type of a property.

• As a method’s parameter type.

• As a return type.

• Closures are passed by reference.

Ahmed Ali


• Example of using Closure as a property type:

var myClosure : ((param1: Int, param2: String) -> String)!

• Or define the closure type with tyepalias:

typealias MyClosureType = (param1: Int, param2: String) -> String

var myClosure : MyClosureType!

Ahmed Ali


• Assigning it a value and calling it:

myClosure = {

(firstParam, secondParam) -> String in

println("First param: \(firstParam), Second param: \(secondParam)")

return "\(firstParam) and \(secondParam)”


myClosure(param1: 4, param2: "String")

Ahmed Ali


• Using a closure as a parameter type with typealias:

typealias MyClosureType = (param1: String, param2: String) -> Void

func myMethod(param1: String, param2: Int, closure: MyClosureType){

//method body

closure(param1: "param1", param2: "param2")


Ahmed Ali


• Calling a method that takes a closure as a parameter:

//use either way

myMethod("param1", param2: 4) {

(param1, param2) -> Void in

//closure body goes here



myMethod("param1", param2: 5, closure: {

(param1, param2) -> Void in

//closure body goes here


Ahmed Ali


• Closure capture their body references.

• Can cause retain cycles if it refers strongly to the instance that refers strongly to it.

• Use weak reference to break the retain cycle.

myMethod("param1", param2: 4) {

[weak self] (param1, param2) -> Void in


Ahmed Ali


Ahmed Ali
