Investigation 8 2b


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What factors determine the rate at

which a population can increase in size?

Reproductive Reproductive PotentialPotential

What might happen to the populations of

walkingsticks and birds in the bush environment over


Limiting FactorsLimiting Factors•Besides predation by birds, what other factors might limit the walkingstick population?

•Are these factors biotic or abiotic?

Migrating Birds

Webbed Feet

Swimming Upstream

Long Legs

Nocturnal Hunting

How would you describe these organisms?

FEATURE• Any general

structure, characteristic, or behavior of an organism– Wings, fur, pattern,

color and migration– ALL have this

TRAIT• The specific

expression of a feature in an individual– Wing length, number

of spots, thickness of fur, intensity of color, timing of migration

– SOME have this

VARIATION• When there are several traits for the

same feature in a population– One example are the 3 different colors

exhibited by walking sticks

• Allows a population to survive even if the environment changes

Reflection page 68

Draw and color an illustration of an organism or organisms and identify

the feature, trait and variation included in your

