Introduction to dart par Yohan Beschi



Part 1 - Introduction à Dart Dart s'inscrit dans la mouvance des frameworks JavaScript (Node.js, Backbone, AngularJS, etc,) et des langages compilés en JavaScript (CoffeeScript, TypeScipt, etc.) dans l'objectif de faciliter le développement Web. Les applications Web sont depuis quelques années le type d'application privilégié des développeurs. Néanmoins, les outils que nous possédions jusqu'à très récemment n'étaient absolument pas adaptés au monde professionnel. Dart offre la possibilité de développer, dans un langage structuré et objet, des applications clients et serveurs, et ceci en un temps record. Mais Dart n'est pas seulement un langage c'est aussi tout un écosystème au service de l'industrialisation. Au cours de cette présentation nous verrons : • comment Dart permet de développer des applications clientes aussi bien que serveurs, • quelques éléments du langage, • mais aussi les outils permettant un développement industrialisé et une productivité accrue Durée : 45min/1h Part 2 - Live Coding - Développer une application à page unique en Dart Bien que la version finale de Dart ne soit pas encore disponible (pour cela il faudra attendre cet été), il est utilisable dès aujourd'hui. Et c'est ce que nous verrons au cours de cette deuxième partie en nous appuyant sur une application simple. Durée : 45min/1h

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2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 1


Yohan BESCHI – Java Developer


+Yohan Beschi

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 2

Building UIs - Javascript ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 3

Building UIs - Java ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 4

Building UIs with Java - But how ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 5

Programmatic Components with GWT

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 6

CellTable<User> table = new CellTable<User>();

TextColumn<User> idColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {




TextColumn<User> firstNameColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {

return user.firstName;



TextColumn<User> lastNameColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {

return user.lastName;



TextColumn<User> ageColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {

return user.age;







table.addColumn(idColumn, "ID");

table.addColumn(firstNameColumn, "First name");

table.addColumn(lastNameColumn, "Lats name");

table.addColumn(ageColumn, "Age");

ListDataProvider<User> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<User>();


List<User> list = dataProvider.getList();

for (User user : USERS) {



ListHandler<User> columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<Tester.User>(list);


new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? : 1;


return -1;




new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? o1.firstName.compareTo(o2.firstName) : 1;


return -1;




new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? o1.lasteName.compareTo(o2.lasteName) : 1;


return -1;




new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? o1.age.compareTo(o2.age) : 1;


return -1;





Programmatic Components with GWT

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 7

CellTable<User> table = new CellTable<User>();

TextColumn<User> idColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {




TextColumn<User> firstNameColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {

return user.firstName;



TextColumn<User> lastNameColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {

return user.lastName;



TextColumn<User> ageColumn = new TextColumn<User>() {


public String getValue(User user) {

return user.age;







table.addColumn(idColumn, "ID");

table.addColumn(firstNameColumn, "First name");

table.addColumn(lastNameColumn, "Lats name");

table.addColumn(ageColumn, "Age");

ListDataProvider<User> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<User>();


List<User> list = dataProvider.getList();

for (User user : USERS) {



ListHandler<User> columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<Tester.User>(list);


new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? : 1;


return -1;




new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? o1.firstName.compareTo(o2.firstName) : 1;


return -1;




new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? o1.lasteName.compareTo(o2.lasteName) : 1;


return -1;




new Comparator<Tester.User>() {

public int compare(User o1, User o2) {

if (o1 == o2) {

return 0;


if (o1 != null) {

return (o2 != null) ? o1.age.compareTo(o2.age) : 1;


return -1;





The Dart Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 8

Table<User> table = new Table (sorting:true)

..addColumn('ID', new TextCell((User o) =>

..addColumn('First name', new TextCell((User o) => o.firstName))

..addColumn('Last name', new TextCell((User o) => o.lastName))

..addColumn('Age', new TextCell((User o) => o.age))


The Dart Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 9

Table<User> table = new Table (sorting:true)

..addColumn('ID', new TextCell((User o) =>

..addColumn('First name', new TextCell((User o) => o.firstName))

..addColumn('Last name', new TextCell((User o) => o.lastName))

..addColumn('Age', new TextCell((User o) => o.age))


6 lines

Dart is the winner

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 10

Once upon a time…

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 11

Programmer productivity

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 12

Application scalability

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 13

Raw execution speed

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 14

Startup performance

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 15

And here we are!

⦿Open Source (BSD)



⦿Same goals as new Javascript frameworks

⦿The goal is to not break the web

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 16

Dart Ecosystem

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 17




Dart Editor









Virtual Machines

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 18


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 19


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 20


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 21


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 22


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 23


⦿Target HTML5

⦿Tree Shaking



2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 24


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 25


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 26

name: pacifista_rocks

description: The best application in the whole world

version: 0.0.1


great_lib: any



2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 27

/// This is a single-line documentation comment.


* This is a multi-line documentation comment.

* To generate the documentation:

* $ dartdoc <filename>


void main() {



2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 28

Dart – The Language

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 29

Entry Point

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 30

void main() {



2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 31

void main() {

// This is a single-line comment.


* This is a

* multi-line

* comment.



Types - Boolean

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 32

var boolean1 = true;

var boolean2 = false;

bool boolean3 = true;

bool boolean4 = false;

Types - String

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 33

String singleQuotes = 'Single quotes.';

String doubleQuotes = "Double quotes.";

// String interpolation

print('Hello $singleQuotes ${doubleQuotes.toUpperCase()}');

// Multi-line String


triple simple quotes

I can define

a string

over multiple


// Raw String

print(r'Hello \n $singleQuotes ${doubleQuotes.toUpperCase()}');

Types - Numbers

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 34

num integer = 30;

print('integer is num: ${integer is num}'); // true

print('integer is int: ${integer is int}'); // true

print('integer is double: ${integer is double}'); // false

num intgerToo = 3.0;

print('intgerToo is num: ${intgerToo is num}'); // true

print('intgerToo is int: ${intgerToo is int}'); // true

print('intgerToo is double: ${intgerToo is double}'); // false

num doubl = 1.1;

print('doubl is num: ${doubl is num}'); // true

print('doubl is int: ${doubl is int}'); // false

print('doubl is double: ${doubl is double}'); // true

Types - Numbers

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 35

int realInt = 3;

print('realInt is num: ${realInt is num}'); // true

print('realInt is int: ${realInt is int}'); // true

print('realInt is double: ${realInt is double}'); // false

double realDouble = 1.1;

print('realDouble is num: ${realDouble is num}'); // true

print('realDouble is int: ${realDouble is int}'); // false

print('realDouble is double: ${realDouble is double}'); // true

Types – Lists

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 36

List realList = [1, true, 'String', 5.6e5];

// Creating an extendable list

List dynamicList = new List();

//dynamicList[0] = 1; // throws an exception





// Creating an empty fixed size list

// List fixedList = [null, null, null, null];

List fixedList = new List(4);

//fixedList.add(1); // throws an Exception

fixedList[0] = 1;

fixedList[1] = true;

fixedList[2] = 'String';

fixedList[3] = 5.6e5;

Types – Maps

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 37

Map realMap = {'key': 'value', '1': 1};

Map newMap = new Map();

newMap[1] = true;

newMap['1'] = false;


print('${newMap[1]} ${newMap['1']}');

Map<String, int> genericMap = new Map();

genericMap['one'] = 1;

genericMap[2] = '2'; // Warning, but doesn't really matter


Conditionals – if/else

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 38

if (/* condition */) {


} else if (/* other condition */) {


} else {



Conditionals – switch

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 39

switch(variable) {

case 1:

case 2:



case 8:

case 9:







Loops – For in

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 40

void main() {

List<int> list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];

int sum = 0;

for (int element in list) {

sum += element;


assert(sum == 45);


Functions – Top-level functions

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 41

void main() {

int squaredNum = square(2);

assert(squaredNum == 4);


int square(int i) {

return i * i;


Functions – First-class functions

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 42

void main() {

List operation1 = ['+', '5', '2'];

num result1 = compute(operation1);

assert(result1 == 7);


num compute(List operation) {

Function operator = findOperator(operation[0]);

double left = double.parse(operation[1]);

double right = double.parse(operation[2]);

return operator(left, right);


Functions – typedef

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 43

void main() {

List operation1 = ['+', '5', '2'];

int result1 = computeList(operation1);

assert(result1 == 7);


typedef int Operator(num left, num right);

int computeList(List operation) {

Operator operator = findOperator(operation[0]);

int left = int.parse(operation[1]);

int right = int.parse(operation[2]);

return operator(left, right);


Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 44

abstract class Validatable {


Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 45

abstract class Validatable {

List<Object> valuesToValidate();


Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 46

abstract class Validator<T extends Validatable> {


Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 47

abstract class Validator<T extends Validatable> {

bool validate(T object) {



Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 48

abstract class Validator<T extends Validatable> {

bool validate(T object) {

for (Object obj in object.valuesToValidate()) {




Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 49

abstract class Validator<T extends Validatable> {

bool validate(T object) {

for (Object obj in object.valuesToValidate()) {

if (StringUtils.isEmpty(obj.toString())) {





Classes abstraites

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 50

abstract class Validator<T extends Validatable> {

bool validate(T object) {

for (Object obj in object.valuesToValidate()) {

if (StringUtils.isEmpty(obj.toString())) {

return false;



return true;



Classes concrètes

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 51

class User {


Classes concrètes

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 52

class User implements Validatable {


Classes concrètes

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 53

class User implements Validatable {

String username;

String password;


Classes concrètes

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 54

class User implements Validatable {

String username;

String password;

User(this.username, this.password);


Classes concrètes

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 55

class User implements Validatable {

String username;

String password;

User(this.username, this.password);

List<Object> valuesToValidate() {

return [username, password];



But there is more…

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 56


⦿Optionally typed

⦿Top level functions

⦿Mono process

Dart Reference API




⦿ IO





⦿TU et Mocks


⦿ Logging


⦿ I18N


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 57


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 58


⦿Single-page Web Apps

⦿Client and server side applications

⦿HTML Games

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 59


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 60

Today : M3 ?? : M4 Summer 2013 : V1 !


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 61

Objectives <ul>

<li>School 1</li>

<li>School 2


<li>Grade 2.1</li>

<li>Grade 2.2


<li>Person 2.2.1</li>

<li>Person 2.2.2</li>





<li>School 3


<li>Grade 3.1</li>



<li>School 4</li>


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 62


2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 63

class School {

String schoolName;

List<Grade> grades;




class Grade {

String schoolGrade;

List<Student> students;




class Student {

String firstname;

String lastname;




The Old-Fashioned Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 64

The Old-Fashioned Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 65

void main() {

String tree = '<ul>';

for (School school in schools) {

tree += '<li>${school.schoolName}';

// Grades

tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';

query('body').insertAdjacentHtml('afterBegin', tree);


The Old-Fashioned Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 66

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

for (Grade grade in grades) {

tree += '<li>${grade.schoolGrade}';

// Students

tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


The Old-Fashioned Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 67

var students = grade.students;

if (students != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

for (Student student in students) {

tree +=

'<li>${student.firstname} ${student.lastname}</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


The Old-Fashioned Way

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 68

void main() {

String tree = '<ul>';

for (School school in schools) {

tree += '<li>${school.schoolName}';

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

for (Grade grade in grades) {

tree += '<li>${grade.schoolGrade}';

var students = grade.students;

if (students != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

for (Student student in students) {

tree += '<li>${student.firstname}



tree += '</ul>';


tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


.insertAdjacentHtml('afterBegin', tree);


Introducing reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 69

Is there a pattern here ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 70

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

for (Grade grade in grades) {

tree += '<li>${grade.schoolGrade}';

// Students

tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


Is there a pattern here ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 71

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

tree += '</ul>';


Is there a pattern here ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 72

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

tree += '</ul>';


for (Grade grade in grades) {

tree += '<li>${grade.schoolGrade}';

tree += '</li>';


Is there a pattern here ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 73

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

tree += '</ul>';


for (Grade grade in grades) {

tree += '<li>${grade.schoolGrade}';

tree += '</li>';


// Do the same with children

Recursive Pattern

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 74

String doSomething(/* parameters */) {

String tree = '';

var grades = school.grades;

if (grades != null) {

tree += '<ul>';

for (Grade grade in grades) {

tree += '<li>${grade.schoolGrade}';

tree += doSomething(/* parameters */);

tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


return tree;


Side note – Functions & sugar syntax

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 75

int length(String s) {

return s.length;


Side note – Functions & sugar syntax

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 76

int length(String s) {

return s.length;


int length(String s)

=> s.length;

Easy use of reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 77

void main() {

final Tree tree = new Tree(...);


Easy use of reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 78

void main() {

final Tree tree = new Tree(...);


tree.addTo('body', 'afterBegin');


Easy use of reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 79

void main() {

final Tree tree = new Tree(

[new TreeConfig((School s) => s.schoolName,

(School s) => s.grades),

new TreeConfig((Grade g) => g.schoolGrade,

(Grade g) => g.students),

new TreeConfig((Student s) =>

'${s.firstname} ${s.lastname}')]



tree.addTo('body', 'afterBegin');


Easy use of reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 80

class School {

String schoolName;

List<Grade> grades;




class Grade {

String schoolGrade;

List<Student> students;




class Student{

String firstname;

String lastname;




Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 81

typedef dynamic Accessor(dynamic data);

class TreeConfig {

Accessor _value;

Accessor _children;

TreeConfig(Accessor this._value,

[Accessor this._children]);

Accessor get value => _value;

Accessor get children => _children;


Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 82

typedef dynamic Accessor(dynamic data);

class TreeConfig {

Accessor _value;

Accessor _children;

TreeConfig(Accessor this._value,

[Accessor this._children]);

Accessor get value => _value;

Accessor get children => _children;


Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 83

typedef dynamic Accessor(dynamic data);

class TreeConfig {

Accessor _value;

Accessor _children;

TreeConfig(Accessor this._value,

[Accessor this._children]);

Accessor get value => _value;

Accessor get children => _children;


Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 84

typedef dynamic Accessor(dynamic data);

class TreeConfig {

Accessor _value;

Accessor _children;

TreeConfig(Accessor this._value,

[Accessor this._children]);

Accessor get value => _value;

Accessor get children => _children;


Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 85

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

String tree;


String setData(final List data) {

// Build tree


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentHtml(where, this.tree);



Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 86

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

String tree;


String setData(final List data) {

// Build tree


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentHtml(where, this.tree);



Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 87

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

String tree;


String setData(final List data) {

// Build tree


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentHtml(where, this.tree);



Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 88

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

String tree;


String setData(final List data) {

// Build tree


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentHtml(where, this.tree);



Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 89

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

String tree;


String setData(final List data) {

// Build tree


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentHtml(where, this.tree);



Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 90

String buildOneLevelTree(final List data,

final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

String tree = '';

if (data != null && !data.isEmpty) {


return tree;


Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 91

String buildOneLevelTree(final List data,

final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

String tree = '';

if (data != null && !data.isEmpty) {


return tree;


final TreeConfig treeNode = treeNodes[depth];

tree += '<ul>';

for (dynamic element in data) {


tree += '</ul>';

Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 92

String buildOneLevelTree(final List data,

final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

String tree = '';

if (data != null && !data.isEmpty) {

final TreeConfig treeNode = treeNodes[depth];

tree += '<ul>';

for (dynamic element in data) {


tree += '</ul>';


return tree;


tree += '<li>${treeNode.value(element)}';

tree += '</li>';

Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 93

String buildOneLevelTree(final List data, final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

String tree = '';

if (data != null && !data.isEmpty) {

final TreeConfig treeNode = treeNodes[depth];

tree += '<ul>';

for (dynamic element in data) {

tree += '<li>${treeNode.value(element)}';

tree += '</li>';


tree += '</ul>';


return tree;


if (treeNode.children != null) {

tree += buildOneLevelTree(treeNode.children(element),

treeNodes, depth + 1);


Implementing a reusable components

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 94

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

String tree;


String setData(final List data) {


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentHtml(where, this.tree);



this.tree = buildOneLevelTree(data, this.treeConfigs);

return this.tree;

String buildOneLevelTree(final List data,

final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

// Implementation


Getting ride of Strings

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 95

Element buildOneLevelTree(final List data, final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

Element tree; // String tree = '';

if (data != null && !data.isEmpty) {

final TreeConfig treeNode = treeNodes[depth];

tree = new UListElement(); // tree += '<ul>';

for (dynamic element in data) {

final LIElement li = new LIElement(); // <li>;

li.text = treeNode.value(element); // ${treeNode.value(element)}

if (treeNode.children != null) {

final UListElement ulChild = //

buildOneLevelTree(treeNode.children(element), treeNodes, depth + 1);

if (ulChild != null) { //

li.append(ulChild); // tree += buildOneLevelTree(...)

} //


tree.append(li); // tree += '<li>${treeNode.value(element)}';



return tree;


Getting ride of Strings

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 96

class Tree {

List<TreeConfig> treeConfigs;

Element tree; // String tree;


Element setData(final List data) {

this.tree = buildOneLevelTree(data, this.treeConfigs);

return this.tree;


Element buildOneLevelTree(final List data,

final List<TreeConfig> treeNodes,

[final int depth = 0]) {

// Implementation


void addTo(String selector,

[String where = 'afterEnd']) {

query(selector).insertAdjacentElement(where, this.tree);




2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 97


⦿Based on HTML5 Web Components Spec

⦿Syntax and uses similar to JSP tags

⦿Template Engine – Compilation needed

⦿Reusable components

⦿CSS encapsulation


⦿Complex for real life use-cases

⦿Doesn’t solve layouting problems

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 98

web_ui and Single-Page Webapps

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 99

<!DOCTYPE html>






<script type="application/dart" src="01_web_ui.dart">


<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>



web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 100

<!DOCTYPE html>





web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 101

<!DOCTYPE html>







web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 102

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter">




web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 103

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter" constructor="CounterComponent">




web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 104

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter" constructor="CounterComponent" extends="div">




web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 105

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter" constructor="CounterComponent" extends="div">






web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 106

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter" constructor="CounterComponent" extends="div">



<button>Click me</button><br />

<span>(click count: {{count}})</span>






web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 107

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter" constructor="CounterComponent" extends="div">



<button>Click me</button><br />

<span>(click count: {{count}})</span>






web_ui - The template

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 108

<!DOCTYPE html>



<element name="x-click-counter" constructor="CounterComponent" extends="div">



<button>Click me</button><br />

<span>(click count: {{count}})</span>



<script type="application/dart" src="xclickcounter.dart"></script>




web_ui – Extending WebComponent

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 109

class CounterComponent {


web_ui – Extending WebComponent

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 110

class CounterComponent extends WebComponent {


web_ui – Extending WebComponent

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 111

class CounterComponent extends WebComponent {


int count = 0;


web_ui – Extending WebComponent

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 112

class CounterComponent extends WebComponent {


int count = 0;

void increment(Event event) {




web_ui – Extending WebComponent

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 113

class CounterComponent extends WebComponent {


int count = 0;

void increment(Event event) {



void inserted() {




web_ui and Single-Page Webapps

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 114

<!DOCTYPE html>




<link rel="components" href="xclickcounter.html">



<script type="application/dart" src="01_web_ui.dart">


<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>



web_ui – The application

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 115

void main() {


web_ui – The application

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 116

void main() {

var element = new Element.html(

'<x-click-counter id="click_counter"></x-click-counter>'



web_ui – The application

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 117

void main() {

var element = new Element.html(

'<x-click-counter id="click_counter"></x-click-counter>'


var counter = new CounterComponent() = element

..count = 25;


web_ui – The application

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 118

void main() {

var element = new Element.html(

'<x-click-counter id="click_counter"></x-click-counter>'


var counter = new CounterComponent() = element

..count = 25;

var lifecycleCaller = new ComponentItem(counter)





web_ui – The application

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 119

void main() {

var element = new Element.html(

'<x-click-counter id="click_counter"></x-click-counter>'


var counter = new CounterComponent() = element

..count = 25;

var lifecycleCaller = new ComponentItem(counter)..create();



var button = new ButtonElement()

..text = 'Update'

..onClick.listen((e) {

counter.count = 100;





A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 120

A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 121

A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 122

A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 123

A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 124

A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 125


..div({'id' : 'banner'})

..div({'id' : 'head'}, 'Dart Playground')

..div({'id' : 'controls'})

..span(null, 'Environment: ')



..end() // controls

..end() // banner



..end() // wraps


A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 126


..div({'id' : 'banner'})

..div({'id' : 'head'}, 'Dart Playground')

..div({'id' : 'controls'})

..span(null, 'Environment: ')



..end() // controls

..end() // banner



..end() // wraps


A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 127


..div({'id' : 'banner'})

..div({'id' : 'head'}, 'Dart Playground')

..div({'id' : 'controls'})

..span(null, 'Environment: ')



..end() // controls

..end() // banner



..end() // wraps


A word about Layouts

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 128


..div({'id' : 'banner'})

..div({'id' : 'head'}, 'Dart Playground')

..div({'id' : 'controls'})

..span(null, 'Environment: ')



..end() // controls

..end() // banner



..end() // wraps


The Future of Dart ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 129

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2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 130


⦿Paris JUG ⦿

⦿DevoxxFR 2013 ⦿

⦿Widgets ⦿

⦿Web Editor for Dart ⦿

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 131

What’s next ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 132

Questions ?

2013-04-10 Introduction to Dart 133