Introducing Lucidata Informatics, Analytics Products and Services


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Lucidata Introduction

Geoffrey Clark | 2016-04-04 | US-WA-SEA

copyright Lucidata 2016

How to address this imbalance?

What is our Vision?

• We help customers wrangle their data– Schema-less solutions are fundamentally incomplete.– Schema (i.e. metadata) is required for solid and sustainable data analysis and

management.– Only an enterprise view of data assets can complement an enterprise business

strategy.– Frequently, market intelligence data is also desired to enrich, integrate and

contextualize corporate data.

• We provide consulting services– Technical services to manage data and metadata.– Business management to change culture. – Training services to build you own FTE data science team.

• We provide Data-as-a-Service analytics products– Keep your investment in data schemas up to date and ready for strategic

questions, especially the ad-hoc and unexpected.

copyright Lucidata 2015

Who is Lucidata?

• Geoffrey Clark, Principal and CEO

– Data Modeler: logical and rational DW

– Solution Architect: analytics

– Strategy : risks, what-if, sims, wargames

• Associates at Lucidata

– Senior Data Modeler, requirements expert

– Advanced Analytics experts

– Senior GIS analysts and FOSS4G development

copyright Lucidata 2015

Who are our partners?

Partners• MicroStrategy• Actian• Datamorphosis• SimaFore• The Dupuy Institute• Air Transport Research

Society• Tamr• SpaceCurve• ...others

Customers• GM• Chrysler• Con-way• Takata• NEC• LLamasoft• INFORMS• Classmates• Hilton Worldwide• ...others

Independent Consultants

• We are technology agnostic, we do not profit by any technology preference or recommendation.

• We recommend evaluating open sourcetechnology whenever possible.

• We do form partnerships with companies with superior products that we frequently recommend.

• We prefer to have direct relationships with ourcustomers, but this is not always possible.

• We are frequently sold as “senior talent”, re-branded by consultancies to impress customers.

copyright Lucidata 2015

What is our Vision?

• We help customers wrangle their data– open source software, automation and “big data techniques”

have dramatically lowered the costs for integrating data and democratizing analytics.

– if you have not integrated your data, your competitors are working on it, and they want to eat your lunch.

• We provide consulting services– Technical services to manage data and metadata.– Business management to change culture. – Training services to build you own FTE data science team.

• We provide Data-as-a-Service analytics products– Keep your investment in data schemas up to date and ready for

strategic questions, especially the ad-hoc and unexpected.

copyright Lucidata 2015




Derive (data mining)

Summarize & Describe (statistics)


Join & Filter (data warehousing)

Measure & Store (source systems)

Entities & Relationships (data modeling)









... rest upon this foundation

What is Analytics?

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The universe of Data

Where did you get your information ?D







Generated insights $$$

Try Titan, our analytics kickstarter




Lucidata Titan

Standard BIFormal, Trusted, Shared, Public

Data Exploration

Ad-hoc, AgileExperimental

individualsPower Users

Clean, Load & Join Data

Form New BI Questions


Find New Data

Analytics User Segments


Your Data


Ad-Hoc Data Playground

Standard, Industry DataIndustry


Executives, Managers

Analysts, KnowledgeWorkers

Technical Challenge, Data Integration Cultural Challenge, User Integration

How Unique is your data?*

* is that a source of advantage, or confusion?

Global Omni-Mode Trip Planner

Examples – intelligence projects from Lucidata, using Titan geoserver

Flights that traverse volcanic ash clouds risk damaging their engines, and risking the safety of passengers

and crew. Are ATC and airline procedures adequate to avoid this risk?

Let’s run a “what-if” simulation with the new procedure proposal ...

Competitive Intelligence for LTL trucking on Network Terminal Capacity, as defined by “door pressure” average loaded or unloaded pounds per door

per shift. This was done with “mechanical turk” labor as business

process outsourcing.

Example - Sales Performance Management, market share by ZIP

copyright Lucidata 2015

Examples - military projects from Lucidata, using Titan geoserver

Where were US Navy assets when China declared the

East China Sea ADIZ?

How to connect to the world of SupplyChain, Logistics and Transportation?

Oracle Transportation Manager

Magic Quadrant #1 TMS system.

Purchased from G-Log, evolved since then, a massive set of tables and columns.

Better automate data integration.

Example - data enrichment for a trucking cloud software provider

copyright Lucidata 2015

Let’s automate adding NOAA weather data into your analytics environment

copyright Lucidata 2015

Standard NOAA data model, by Lucidata available in Titan

Data Architecture for Retail Chain

copyright Lucidata 2015

Example Sensor Data Model



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