Interactive Presentation 2




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Writing With Web 2.0 ToolsWriting With Web 2.0 ToolsMichelle Faucher


• The Machine Is Us/ing Us– Digital text is

flexible moveable hyperlinked

– Users publish to the Web without knowing complicated HTML

– Users organize data through tagging– Web 2.0 is linking people—sharing, trading,


Presenter’s AssumptionsPresenter’s Assumptions

• Knowledge• Participation• Questions

Overview of the PresentationOverview of the Presentation

• Overview of Web 2.0 • Review of The Information Base• Electronic Graphic Organizers – Gliffy

time to explore and discuss

• Online writing, revising and editing – Wikispaces

time to explore and discuss

• Thoughts on Theory

Web 2.0 or the Read/Write WebWeb 2.0 or the Read/Write Web

• Read Only Web to Read/Write Web• Enables users to:

– create content– communicate– collaborate

The Information BaseThe Information Base

Teaching Adolescent Writers

Teaching Writing in the Content Areas

Writing for Real

Donald Murray (2004) advocates that we spend less time teaching the writing and more time teaching the writers.

Writing experiences guide the year’s plans.

Writing before writing-daily writing-weekly writing-on-demand writing

Technology’s broad appeal-multi-media-source for information-collaborative

Marzano’s Classroom Instruction that Works

- Identifying similarities and differences-Summarizing and taking notes-Homework and practice-Setting objectives and providing feedback

“Adolescents are driven to communicate and wise teachers take advantage of that reality.”

10 Assertions About Writing-Students should publish frequently for audiences beyond the teacher

“The importance of relationships cannot be overstated.”

“Effective teachers incorporate a variety of learning experiences into the classroom. Repetitive activities numb and chill the soul.”

National Writing Project

Electronic Graphic OrganizersElectronic Graphic Organizers

• Represent knowledge, concepts or ideas • Created with pictures, graphics and text• Useful for:

– organizing thoughts/ideas/concepts– seeing relationships/creating connections– clarifying information– enhancing recall


• Allows users to:– create diagrams and drawings– store diagrams and drawings– publish on the Web– collaborate with others

• Example– outline for Book Review

Turn and TalkTurn and Talk

• Do you think that Gliffy would be a useful tool for your students?

• How could Gliffy be included in writing activities in your classroom?

A Thought on TheoryA Thought on Theory

• Students’ Development: Effects on the Language Arts—Sandra Falconer Pace– “Organizational patterns, that is,

identifiable arrangements of information both ‘inside’ and ‘outside the head’ are known to good learners.”

Online Writing, Online Writing, Revising and EditingRevising and Editing

• Collaboration– viewing– adding, revising, deleting

• History– changes– occurrences– users


• Allows users to:– create information in wikis– store text, images, links and media– publish on the Web– collaborate

• Example– SSWP wiki

Turn and TalkTurn and Talk

• Do you think that Wikispaces would be a useful tool for your students?

• How could wikis be included in writing activities in your classroom?

A Thought on TheoryA Thought on Theory

• Vygotsky and the Teaching of Writing – Barbara J. Everson– “Frank Smith(1988) promises us that language

learning is a natural phenomena and a social one, that students learn more when they work in a nurtured environment of communal sharing and collaboration with peers and mentors.”

– “Learning in collaboration with others—with what Vygotsky calls ‘more capable peers’ or with a mentor is a more natural way to determine learning potential.”

A Thought on TheoryA Thought on Theory

• Michael Polanyi– “Through dwelling in them, we accept

the tools we use and assimilate them as parts of own existence.”

• How has technology influenced your indwelling, or your students’ indwelling?

A Thought on TheoryA Thought on Theory

• Donald Schön– “practice is not just a user but a

generator of knowledge”

• How will Web 2.0 influence the way you teach writing or the way that you write?

Presenter’s AppreciationPresenter’s Appreciation

• Taking Risks• Collaborating• Reflecting • Refining Practice

Closing ThoughtsClosing Thoughts

If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of

tomorrow. John Dewey


The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet. William Gibson