Inria - leaflet of research centre Paris - Rocquencourt



The Inria Paris - Rocquencourt research centre conducts its scientific activities with the aim of allying fundamental research, technological development and industrial transfers through continuous interaction with the social and economic actors.

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Our society is turning ever more frequentlyto digital technology.To enable digital technology to further simplify our tasksand enrich our lives, our researchers are exploring new avenues in science.



world of


1967Birth of Inria

The digital world: what is it?Communication: Internet, Smart TV, Smartphones, networks, etc. / Audio-visual: sound-image-video files, 3D, virtual reality / Transports: intelligent vehicles, embedded software, security / Work: data exchange, telecommuting / Industry: optimisation, virtual tests, decision support systems, computing / Commerce: RFID, e-commerce, banking security / Sciences: modeling and numerical experimentation / Medicine: enhanced imagery, computer-assisted surgery, robotics / Civil: electronic voting, protection of personal data.

About us?

Inria is a public research institute fully dedicated to digital sciences. Sinceits creation in 1967, under the joint supervision of the French Ministries ofResearch and of Industry, Inria has conducted its business in two areas:developing highly advanced research and creating value through sharingthe results of its projects with the economic world and society in general.

• 4,290 people

• Budget of 252 million Euros in 2010

• 730 end-of-studies interns each year

• 800 research agreements underway

• 70 associate teams with overseas laboratories

• 105 start-up created

How isInria research organised in France, Europe and abroad?

The 171 project-teams are distributed in eight research centres located throughout France. Inria is therefore in close proximity with its academic partners (more than 45 universities, French “grandes écoles” and other research bodies) and is invested in local innovation initiatives.

The institute maintains special relations with its European partners: it is a founding member of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, and it coordinates the French section of the EIT ICT Labs network dedicated to developing the Internet of the future. Two Inria project teams span international boundaries (Netherlands, Italy).

Inria is a partner of several academic institutions in the United States, Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. It has a joint laboratory with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, as well as with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It actively supports African IT research.

Inria has 71 associate teams with research centers in 28 countries.

7 years averagelifespan ofa project-team

Contact us

Conception: Inria’s Communication department / Creation: Wanted / Printed: Graph 2000 on paper from sustainable forests PEFC / Translation: Technicis Photos credits© Inria: team ASCLEPIOS, team MOISE, S. Tetu, J. Wallace, C. Dupont - Kaksonen - C. Holguin.

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Dominique Poulicet (Assistant) - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 52 39

Catherine Pacherie-Simeral (Head of Administration) - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 50 30

Bruno Salvy (Head of Science) - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 55 20

Communication department

Aurélie - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 54 98

Sylvie Burini (Assistant) - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 53 03

Industrial relations department

Amine - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 55 08

Sylvie Burini (Assistant) - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 53 03

Human resources department

Christine - Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 52 97

Inria Paris – Rocquencourt research centre Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt - BP 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay CedexGPS coordinates: N 48.83726° - E 2.10336°Phone: +33 (0)1 39 63 55 11 - Fax: +33 (0)1 39 63 53 30
