Information Security: "Myths & Realities"



Including detailed information and statistical data of different information security aspects. Security treats affects daily computing. etc.

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Muhammed Usama Bin Shihab

Internet Ethics

Ethical rules for computer users

Do not use computers to harm other users.Do not use computers to steal others information.Do not access files without the permission of the owner.Do not copy copyrighted software without the author’s permission.Always respect copyright laws and policies.Respect the privacy of others, just as you expect the same from others.Do not use other user's computer resources without their permission.Use Internet ethically.


Copyright refers to a form of intellectual property that gives the author of an original work exclusive right for a certain time period

in relative to that work, including its publication, distribution etc. Copyright is

described under the umbrella term intellectual property along with rights and

trade name.

And what’s in copyrights?

Literature like poems, stories, articles etc.

Photographs, Graphical Illustrations etc.

Idea, Design etc.

Music, Movies etc.

And what’s in copyrights?

Literature like poems, stories, articles etc.

Photographs, Graphical Illustrations etc.

Idea, Design etc.

Music, Movies etc.


How to download safely???

Be SecuredYou must powered byA good antivirus or siteAdvisor programs.

Use Common SenseIf you want a music,Then no need for download an .exe file

Verify & ConfirmCheck user reviews &Comments and confirm the content is genuine

The “GAMER” facts

Social Networking

Social Networking

Safe Social Networking Tips

You Guessed It: Use Strong Passwords.

Review Your Apps, Add-Ons and Other


Be More Cautious with Mobile.

Sites Update Privacy Settings -- So

Should You.

Beware "Password Check" Sites.

Limit Hardware and Account Access.

Social Networking“The Good, Bad and Ugly”

Online Banking & E-Commerce

1. Amazon.com2. Ebay.com3.

Vulnerable Software“Believe it or not”


Be smart with your SMART PHONE

THINK Twice Before DOBe Safe, Be Secured

An Advice

Source courtesy

Google Wikipedia TechCrunch InfoSecAwareness, Government of India Kaspersky Labs TrendMicro – TrendLabs FBI Website CDAC


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