Improve Predictability & Efficiency with Kanban Metrics using IBM Rational Insight



This presentation discusses IBM Rational Insight and how it was leveraged to provide reports with metrics supporting the adoption of the Kanban Method, by teams using IBM Rational Team Concert.

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Improving Predictability and Efficiency with Kanban Metrics using Rational Insight

Marc J. Nehme, Rational Reporting Engineer, Master Certified IT Specialist, @marc_nehme

Paulo Cezar Lacerda Neto, IT Specialist

Luiz Augusto Mota De Souza, IT Specialist

Session 1868

© 2013 IBM Corporation


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Challenges in Enterprise Reporting

Rational Insight

Kanban Method

Kanban Metrics


Q & A


Enterprise Reporting Challenges

Organizational process

Different departments, different processes, not unified

Various disparate data sources

Roll-up of data doesn't compare well

Lack of visibility into organization metrics

Manual process

High Level of effort / Time consuming = $

Inaccurate / unreliable data

Outdated metrics

Individual product reporting

Lack of functionality/customization

Training & Resources = $


Rational Insight

IBM Rational’s Performance Measurement Offering

An Enterprise Reporting solution that gets consistent metrics from across an organization to objectively measure status and progress

Measure program, project, and team-level progress against pre-defined business objectives through multiple views

Identify high-priority items and Become notified of high-severity items

Report & Dashboard elements viewable via

Web browser


Mobile phones

MS Office, PDF

Any tool that is JSR168 compliant


Key Benefits


Increased Reliability

Versatile Integration support

Cross-product reporting


Trending & historical data (DW model)

Real-time data (Live model)

Web-based tool

Custom/Interactive dashboards (Business Insight)

OOTB Collateral

XML data mappings

ETL fact builds, dimension builds, jobs

Framework Manager projects

Data Warehouse structure

Reports and Dashboards


Insight Architecture

Based on Cognos 10 BI platform, industry proven technology

Leverages web architecture

Integration Options

REST service (adapter)

REST service (native)

Direct DB access

ODBC access

Generic XML

Very open architecture and wide-range compatibility

The Insight Flow













Your Dashboard

1 2







Data Sources


What is Kanban?

Kanban – means signal card in Japanese

Kanban System – a pull system that uses card sets to control the work-in-progress (WIP)

in a manufacturing process.


Kanban in Software Development

Taskboards can be used as the basis for visualization of a virtual kanban system.

Backlog Design Coding Testing Ready4 5 5


Kanban in Software Development

Taskboards can be used as the basis for visualization of a virtual kanban system.

Backlog Design Coding Testing Ready4 5 5


Kanban view in Rational Team Concert

Kanban Method

Kanban IS NOT:

An Agile Software Development Method

A Project Management Method

A Software Development Process

Kanban Method

An approach to incremental, EVOLUTIONARY process change for organizations.

Kanban Approach to Change

Principles of Kanban Method

Start with what you do NOW

Agree to pursue evolutionary change

Initially respect existing roles, responsibilities and job titles


Kanban Core Practices

Visualize Workflow

Limit Work-in-Progress

Measure and Manage flow

Make management policies explicit

Improve collaboratively (using models and the scientific method)


Kanban Analytics and Metrics

The Cumulative Flow Diagram: Monitoring the Flow


Kanban Analytics and Metrics

Cumulative Flow Diagram Analysis

Mean Delivery Rate

Avg Lead Time



Kanban Analytics and Metrics

Throughput Trend

Throughput represents the number of items that were delivered in a given time period, such as one month.




Lead Time in Kanban

Backlog Design Coding Testing Ready4 5 5

Lead Time


Kanban Analytics and Metrics

Lead Time Average

Shows the average of the Lead Time over time.



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Kanban – A Case Analysis using metrics with Rational Insight

A company’s software development area began facing some delays in software delivery.

The team will utilize their Kanban metrics dashboard to identify what is going wrong

Analyze WIP and Lead Time and Throughput

Identify a bottleneck of the increasing number of tasks in one of the stages of the process



Our Demonstration Environment


Report Server(WAS v8)

Jazz Team Server

Team Concert


Cognos Statistics


DB2 ServerContent Store

Data Warehouse

ETL Catalog


Achievements through Kanban

Improved predictability through lead time distribution and lead time average


Identified a process improvement opportunity (improve efficiency)

Identified bottleneck in the process flow (coding phase)



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