Iced presentation july 2010


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ICEDCommunication Series

July 13, 2010

Michele Price@prosperitygal

Power of First Impressions

A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. Henrik Ibsen

Social Protocol

Do you know the proper way to introduce someone in person?

Did you know there are different protocols from one culture to the next?

How do you introduce people via email?

60 Second Commercials

Take a moment and smile

Have a Giver’s mindset first

Give respect to learn the other person’s name

The Power of an Introduction

What is an ElevatorCommercial

An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea, product, service, project or other solution to a problem and it

is designed to get a conversation started.

How effective is your current elevator commercial?

Antatomy ofEffective 60 Commercial

Concise - 45-60 seconds

Clear - Use everyday language

Powerful - Strong words get attention

Visual - Pictures are worth a thousand words

Story Telling - How you solved problem

Goal - What is your desired outcome?

Hook - Grab their attention to want to know MORE


What you need to know


First impressions are quick and frankly the attention span of average person is short, so it is like a one-two punch and be quiet. They

hear it, get it and say AAAHHH gotcha!.

Step one

What makes you Unique

What makes you Original

What makes you Different

Write out 15 different ways of what you do?

What’s Your Story

Write out your story

This is when you can use all those examples and problems you solved for your


Pick 3 times you made a difference and someone thanked you.

What’s Your Objective

Receive Referrals

Get a new Prospect

Gain a Customer

Action Statements

Write out 15 Action Statements and/or Questions associated with your goal.

ex: How many of you know that 86% consumers search goggle when looking to

make a buying decision?

ex: Helping our clients uncover how their buying target market searches.

It is about asking better questions

What do you do?

Why should I care?

What is your One Word

Volvo = Safety


IBM= Reliability

What’s Your One Word-Value?

Selling =emotions

Why am I talking about Selling?

Since we make emotional decisions 3000 times faster than rational decisions, it is important that what you are

“selling” is emotionally anchored

A powerful Message

In 50 years, when they look back at this moment, they will talk about the war against terror, they will talk about the Internet, and they will talk about what we did or didn't do in Africa, about this continent bursting into flames.

It is the most extraordinary thing to watch people dying three in a bed, two on top and one underneath, as I have seen in Malawi. It's an astonishing thing and it is an avoidable catastrophe. BONO

Powerful Introductions

When you clearly communicate who you are, and what you do, people are in a much better position to assist you in your networking efforts. They are more likely to remember you when the opportunity for them to help you shows up.

Who you are

What you do

Put them in better position to help you

They will remember you when opportunity comes

Your Message Clarity

Grant G. Gard says, "If it's fuzzy in the pulpit, it's cloudy in the pew!"

Learning to speak clearly teaches us to say good-bye to confusion. Crystal clear communication allows us to make the connections that enable ideas to flourish and positive actions to occur.

Elements of 60 second commercial

Ask Compelling Question

Your Name

Name of your Business

Specifically what you do

Results You Have Gotten Clients/Customers

What kind of business leads are you looking for

Your Hook

With one well worded question, you have them eating out of your hand !

What’s Your Question?

Now Let’s Practice

Did You Seriously Think We Would Not Practice?

My Challenge to YOU

Practice Your 60 second Commercial

We will get together in the next 30 days

Video you and get you ranked in Google

Leaping Your Competition

Get Out Your Phones

Text me 50500 (just like you were dialing that number)

Then type micheleprice (all one word)



Follow Me! Giggle

@prosperitygal Via Twitter

Michele PriceSocial Media Mindset Speaker
