ICCM AU: A Future of Everything (Keynote 1)


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Everything that it seems, and nothing of the same

A Future of Everything

Antoine RJ Wright(@mobileminmag)ICCM Australia 2015

❖ A watch and a tablet❖ We know the rise of mobile. ❖ A child and her uncle❖ We notice overpopulation and under-utilization. ❖ A step back into the future❖ What steps won't we take. ❖ A printer and a printer❖ The definition of everything changes. ❖ How great and how small❖ We know our parts in His story.

About Antoine

A Watch and A Tablet

We know the rise of mobile

Mobile transitions to something else: cybernetics, smart cities, MOOCs, etc

TED Talk: Designing for A World Without Screens (12Min)http://www.ted.com/talks/tom_uglow_an_internet_without_screens_might_look_like_this

A Child and Her Uncle

We notice overpopulation and under-utilization

Considering the changes to her world: social media, GMOs, universal income, etc.

A Step Back to the Future

There is an uncomfortable tension with change

What steps won't we take: beyond the Industrial and Knowledge revolutions,

gentrification, etc.

A Printer and A Printer

Everything invented after teenage years is impossible to hold onto

The definition of everything familiar changes: gender, technologist, citizen, etc.

How Great, and How Small

–Vera Nazarian

“It's easier for a rich man to ride that camel through the eye of a needle directly into the Kingdom of Heaven, than for some of us to

give up our cell phone.”

If the Moon Were the Size of 1 Pixelhttp://www.joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html

*that's not the Moon over there; its Pluto

A Poem to Close

❖ A watch and a tablet❖ We know the rise of mobile. ❖ A child and her uncle❖ We notice overpopulation and under-utilization. ❖ A step back into the future❖ What steps won't we take. ❖ A printer and a printer❖ The definition of everything changes. ❖ How great and how small❖ We know our parts in His story.

End... 🚶🏿

Connect and Contact

❖ Antoine RJ Wright❖ Twitter/Pinterest:

@mobileminmag❖ LinkedIn❖ Skype/Twitter/SlideShare:
