I Am A Switcher



My presentation at Barcamp Gent 2008 - second edition.

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I am a switcherI am a switcherFrom Windows to MacOS


Tom Adriaenssen

@inferis on twitter


Freelance developer/architect

Some historySome history

ZX SpectrumAged 12, “Sommen”

Atari STInstalled DOS card“Indy3!”

386, Windows 3.1Pentium

My first own PC

Several laptops (medion, thinkpads, dell)

My Dell Latitude D800My Dell Latitude D800

My first MacMy first Mac

Macbook Pro 17”First generation

My first MacMy first MacFirst thing I did?

My first MacMy first MacFirst thing I did: install windows on it.

Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Why? Because I could.

Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Plan: use both OSX and Windows.

Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Result: I only used Windows.

Windows, on a mac?Windows, on a mac?Or: A Windows box, with an Apple skin…

Switched?Switched?Nope, I just got another type of machine.

The real switchThe real switch30 june 2008

The real switchThe real switch30 june 2008: more than 2 years after purchase.

The real switchThe real switchCause: Vista SP1 beta was about to timebomb

The real switchThe real switchBought Leopard, removed Windows altogether.

The real switchThe real switchBrought Windows back in a VM. Parallels rules.

The real switchThe real switchBought “a lot” of Mac software…

The real switchThe real switchTextmate, Transmit, but also an NTFS driver.

The real switchThe real switchPHP development on a Mac is SchweetTM.

The real switchThe real switchA developer’s essential on a Mac: QWERTY.

Mac+Mac+What I like about a Mac?

Mac+Mac+It has internet.

Mac+Mac+It has internet. And email.

Mac+Mac+It has internet. And email. And Facebook.

Mac+Mac+And you can use it to watch porn.


(comes with the internet)

And you can use it to watch porn.

Mac+Mac+And you can use it to watch porn. Or make porn.

Mac+Mac+Isn’t that what iMovie is for? And iDVD?

Mac+Mac+On a more serious note…

Mac+Mac+She’s got the look.

Mac+Mac+She’s got the look. (Macporn, anyone?)

Mac+Mac+Her software looks good, too.

Mac+Mac+Love the usability aspects.

Mac+Mac+Love the usability aspects (it just works).

Mac+Mac+For example: drag’n’drop app install.

Mac+Mac+It’s stable.

Mac+Mac+It’s stable (kernel panics FTW).

Mac+Mac+“Hey, this is a UNIX system. I know this!”

Mac+Mac+I love the font aliasing.

Mac-Mac-What I don’t like about a Mac?

Mac-Mac-It’s too fucking expensive.

Mac-Mac-The Finder sucks.

Mac-Mac-The Finder sucks (most of the time).

Mac-Mac-Spaces is nice, but a mess.

Mac-Mac-Hidden dialogs are teh suXX0rs.

Mac-Mac-I sometimes miss real maximized apps.

Mac-Mac-Haven’t found a good place for the Dock.


Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Explorer sucks. It also hangs, sometimes.

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Annoying Windows Updates wanting reboots.

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.IE6.

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.IE6, IE7.

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.IE6, IE7. Perhaps IE8. But it looks cool.

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Did I mention IE6?

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.The “need” for virusscanners and anti-malware.

Windows? Meh.Windows? Meh.Per app keyboard settings? Really?

A Mac is greatA Mac is greatBut the hardware sucks.

Hardware woesHardware woesMight be bad luck, but…

Hardware woesHardware woesThe DVD drive is FUBAR.

Hardware woesHardware woesWifi performance has be sub-par from the start.

Hardware woesHardware woes

I’ve had one battery replaced, and now need another one.

Hardware woesHardware woes

Hardware woesHardware woes

Why do you think I’m presenting this from a Windows Tablet, eh?

Hardware woesHardware woesNo more 1st gen Apple hardware for me.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can run what I want.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can run cool Mac apps in OSX.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can do .Net development in a Windows VM.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceI can play PC games in a bootcamp setup.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choice

I can combine Windows and Mac apps. Coherence FTW.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choice

I can combine Windows and Mac apps. VM and Bootcamp integration FTW.

It’s about choiceIt’s about choiceIt’s also why I don’t want an iPhone.

Ideally?Ideally?I’d like to run OSX on “commodity hardware”.

Ideally?Ideally?About of the box, without hacks.


I don’t care much about the external aesthetics, to be fair.

Ideally?Ideally?But the software is great.

The future?The future?I’m getting myself a new Macbook Pro.

The future?The future?Hoping there’s going to be a new 17” model.

The future?The future?I need my screen real estate.

The future?The future?Might break my 1st gen hardware rule. We’ll see.

Thanks.Thanks.Time left for questions? Probably not.

And oh: ban IE6. Please.And oh: ban IE6. Please.This presentation was presented at #barcampgent2.