HubSpot tech stack at MassTLC software development summit




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HubSpot’s marketing platform is composed of hundreds of Java RESTful web services.

Each service is built using nothing but Jersey and Guice with out-of-the-box support for monitoring, metrics and error

reporting with ZooKeeper-based configuration management.

A service may hit many different endpoints per request including HBase, MySQL, Memcached & other RESTful APIs

using our own clients for HTTP, JDBC and more.

Our data storage is managed by HBase, Hadoop and some MySQL using write-ahead log services combined with

protocol-buffers wherever possible.

Tuesday, December 18, 12

HubSpot’s suite of marketing applications are built using Python+Django on the server-side with an increasing amount of backbone.js single-page web applications

entirely served out of our CDN.

Our front-end development is backed by a Bootstrap-based style guide ported over to SASS. Developers use our own command-line tool for managing, building and deploying

JavaScript, CoffeeScript, SASS and HTML templates.

Our web services and applications are continually built & independently deployed ~100/day using GitHub, Jenkins and

Fabric-based deployment to over 1500 AWS instances managed by puppet.

Tuesday, December 18, 12
